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Barium Chloride – Structure, Preparation, Properties and Uses

What is Barium Chloride BaCl₂?

Barium chloride is a salt composed of barium and chlorine. It is a white solid that is soluble in water. It is used in the laboratory as a precipitating agent and also to prepare barium compounds .BaCl₂ is a soluble salt that is formed by the reaction of barium hydroxide and chlorine gas. It is a colorless solid that is used in the manufacture of other barium compounds, in the treatment of water and in the textile industry.

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    Barium Chloride - Structure, Preparation, Properties and Uses

    Structure of Barium Chloride BaCl₂

    Barium chloride is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula BaCl₂. It is a white solid that is soluble in water. BaCl₂ is produced industrially by the reaction of barium oxide with chlorine gas.

    The barium chloride molecule has a central barium atom surrounded by two chlorine atoms. The Ba-Cl bond is a ionic bond and the BaCl₂ molecule is held together by electrostatic forces.

    Preparation of Barium Chloride

    Barium chloride is prepared by treating barium oxide with hydrochloric acid.

    The equation for the reaction is:

    BaO (s) + 2HCl (aq) → BaCl2 (aq) + H2O (l)

    BaSO4 + 4C → BaS + 4CO

    BaSO4 is a compound made up of barium, sulfur, and oxygen. When it reacts with carbon, it forms barium sulfide (BaS) and carbon monoxide (CO).

    Properties of Barium Chloride BaCl₂

    • Barium chloride is a white, crystalline solid.
    • It is soluble in water and has a salty taste.
    • It is a strong electrolyte and is used as a cathode material in electroplating.
    • It is used in the manufacture of glass, ceramics, and enamels.
    • It is also used as a food additive to stabilize and thicken foods.

    Uses of Barium Chloride BaCl₂

    • The primary use of barium chloride is as a drilling fluid additive in the petroleum industry.
    • It is also used in the production of other barium compounds, as a catalyst, and as a flame retardant.
    • Barium chloride is a colorless crystalline solid.
    • It is soluble in water and has a slightly bitter taste.
    • It is used as a flux in the metallurgical industry and in the manufacture of glass. It is also used as a food additive to thicken and stabilize foods.

    Chemical and Physical Properties

    • The chemical and physical properties of nitrogen are:
    • At room temperature, nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.
    • It is non-flammable and does not support combustion.
    • Nitrogen is non-toxic and does not cause irritation.
    • It is a non-polar gas and is insoluble in water.
    • The boiling point of nitrogen is -320.9 degrees Fahrenheit and the melting point is -306.9 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • The density of nitrogen is 0.808 grams per liter at room temperature.


    The main use of nitrogen is in the production of ammonia, which is used to make fertilizers. Nitrogen is also used in the production of plastics, explosives, and other chemicals. It is also used in the food industry to keep food fresh.

    Preparation of Barium Chloride

    Barium chloride is a white solid that is soluble in water. It can be prepared by the reaction of barium oxide with hydrochloric acid.

    BaO(s) + 2HCl(aq) → BaCl2(aq) + H2O(l)

    Health Hazards Caused due to Barium Chloride

    When inhaled, barium chloride can cause respiratory problems, including difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing. It can also cause irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs. Ingesting barium chloride can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Contact with skin can cause a rash. Barium chloride can also cause eye irritation.

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