UncategorizedCalcium Sulphate – Structure, Hydrous, Anhydrous Forms and Uses

Calcium Sulphate – Structure, Hydrous, Anhydrous Forms and Uses

Calcium Sulphate

Calcium Sulphate – Structure: Calcium sulphate is a mineral that is found in nature. It is used in a number of ways, including as a soil amendment, in the production of plaster of Paris and as an ingredient in some adhesives.

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    Calcium Sulphate - Structure, Hydrous, Anhydrous Forms and Uses

    What is Calcium Sulphate?

    Calcium sulphate is a mineral that is found in nature. It is the main component of gypsum, which is used in the manufacture of plaster of Paris and other building materials. It is also used in agriculture as a soil amendment to improve the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients.

    Structure of Calcium Sulphate

    • Calcium sulphate is a mineral that is made up of calcium, sulphur and oxygen. It is found in nature as a mineral called gypsum. Calcium sulphate is usually white or colorless, but can also be pale pink or yellow. It is brittle and has a taste of salt.
    • Calcium sulphate is a very important mineral because it is a major component of plaster of Paris and wallboard. It is also used in agriculture as a fertilizer and soil amendment.

    Hydrous and Anhydrous Forms of Calcium Sulphate

    • Anhydrous calcium sulphate is a white powder with a bitter taste. It is insoluble in water and is used as a desiccant.
    • Hydrous calcium sulphate is a white powder that is soluble in water. It is used as a fertiliser and as a building material.

    Plaster of Paris and Gypsum

    Gypsum is a mineral that is mined from the earth. It is then crushed into a powder. When mixed with water, it forms a paste that can be molded. It hardens as it dries and can be painted or decorated.

    Plaster of Paris is a powder that is made from gypsum. When mixed with water, it also forms a paste that can be molded. It hardens as it dries, but it is not as strong as gypsum.

    Uses of Calcium Sulphate

    • Calcium sulphate used in a variety of industries.
    • It used as a building material, as a soil amendment, and as a flocculant.
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