UncategorizedDarmstadtium – Properties, Preparation, Isotopes, Applications and Effects

Darmstadtium – Properties, Preparation, Isotopes, Applications and Effects

Darmstadtium Physical Properties ; Darmstadtium Chemical Properties ; Isotopes ; Darmstadtium Electron Configuration ;

Darmstadtium Uses

Darmstadtium Physical Properties

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    Darmstadtium has a metallic luster and is a silver-gray color. It is a solid at room temperature and has a density of around 22 g/cm3. Darmstadtium is a relatively new element, so there is not much information available on its physical properties.

    Darmstadtium Chemical Properties

    Darmstadtium is a very reactive element and has a boiling point of only around 1,800°C. It is a silver-gray metal that is very difficult to isolate. Darmstadtium is a member of the actinide series of elements and has similar chemical properties to other members of this series.


    There are only a few known isotopes of Darmstadtium, with atomic masses of 264, 265, and 266. All of these isotopes are radioactive.

    Darmstadtium Electron Configuration

    Darmstadtium has an electron configuration of [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2. This is similar to the electron configurations of other members of the actinide series.

    Darmstadtium Uses

    Darmstadtium is a very new element and has not yet been used in any applications. However, it is likely that it will have similar applications to other members of the actinide series.

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