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Difference Between Electrophile and Nucleophile – Important Features

Introduction to Electrophile and Nucleophiles

Difference Between Electrophile and Nucleophile – Important Features:

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    • An electrophile is a molecule that is attracted to electrons. It is often a positively charged atom or molecule that is seeking to fill its outer electron shell.
    • A nucleophile is a molecule that is attracted to protons. It is often a negatively charged atom or molecule that is seeking to fill its inner electron shell.

    Difference Between Electrophile and Nucleophile – Important Features

    Definition of Electrophiles and Nucleophiles

    An electrophile is a molecule or atom that has a positive charge and is attracted to electrons. A nucleophile is a molecule or atom that has a negative charge and is attracted to protons. A nucleophile is a molecule that donates an electron to a positively charged atom or ion, called an electrophile. An electrophile is a molecule that accepts a pair of electrons from a nucleophile.

    Overview of Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

    • Nucleophiles are atoms or molecules that have a lone pair of electrons and are attracted to positively charged ions or molecules, called electrophiles. Electrophiles are atoms or molecules that have a positive charge and are attracted to atoms or molecules with a lone pair of electrons.
    • Nucleophiles and electrophiles interact with each other to form new compounds. The nucleophile donates its lone pair of electrons to the electrophile, which creates a new covalent bond. This process is called nucleophilic substitution.

    Features of Nucleophiles

    • Nucleophiles are atoms or groups of atoms that have a strong affinity for electrons. They are attracted to positively charged atoms or groups of atoms, called nuclei. This attraction is what gives nucleophiles their name.
    • Nucleophiles are important in organic chemistry because they can react with other molecules to form new bonds. They can also be used to break existing bonds, a process called nucleophilic substitution.

    Overview of Electrophiles

    An electrophile is a molecule that donates an electron to another molecule. The molecule that accepts the electron is called a nucleophile. Electrophiles are often organic molecules, but they can also be inorganic molecules.

    There are two types of electrophiles:

    • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
    • Electrophilic Addition

    1. Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

    In electrophilic aromatic substitution, an electrophile attacks an aromatic ring. The electrophile donates an electron to the aromatic ring, and the aromatic ring becomes positively charged. The electron that is donated to the aromatic ring is called a pi electron.

    There are two types of electrophilic aromatic substitution:

    1. ortho-substitution
    2. para-substitution

    1. Ortho-Substitution

    In ortho-substitution, the electrophile attacks the carbon atom that is directly attached to the aromatic ring. The electrophile donates an electron to the carbon atom, and the carbon atom becomes positively charged.

    2. Para-Substitution

    In para-substitution, the electrophile attacks the carbon atom that is two atoms away from the aromatic ring. The electrophile donates an electron to the carbon atom, and the carbon atom becomes positively charged.

    2. Electrophilic Addition

    • An electrophile is a molecule that is attracted to electrons. When an electrophile reacts with an alkene, it forms a new carbon-carbon bond by adding to the carbon atom that has the most unshared electrons. This process is called electrophilic addition.
    • There are two types of electrophilic addition reactions: addition of a Brønsted acid and addition of a Lewis acid. In the case of a Brønsted acid, the electrophile is a proton, and the reaction involves the transfer of a proton from the acid to the alkene. In the case of a Lewis acid, the electrophile is a molecule that contains a Lewis acid atom, and the reaction involves the transfer of a Lewis acid atom from the Lewis acid molecule to the alkene.
    • The most common electrophilic addition reactions involve the addition of a Brønsted acid to an alkene. In these reactions, the proton from the acid attacks the alkene, and the two atoms that make up the carbon-carbon bond are transferred to the acid. The result is the formation of a new carbon-carbon bond, and the original alkene molecule is converted into a new molecule called an alkyl halide.

    The following diagram shows the mechanism for the addition of a Brønsted acid to an alkene.

    • In the first step, the proton from the acid attacks the alkene, and the two atoms that make up the carbon-carbon bond are transferred to the acid.
    • In the second step, the newly formed carbon-carbon bond is attacked by a water molecule, and the hydrogen atom is transferred to the oxygen atom.
    • In the final step, the oxygen atom is transferred to the nitrogen atom, and the nitrogen atom is transferred to the hydrogen atom.

    Difference Between Electrophiles and Nucleophiles

    The difference between electrophiles and nucleophiles can be summed up as follows:

    • An electrophile is a molecule that is attracted to electrons, while a nucleophile is a molecule that is attracted to protons.
    • An electrophile is more likely to attack an atom that has more electrons, while a nucleophile is more likely to attack an atom that has more protons.

    Nucleophilic & Electrophilic Substitution Reaction

    • Nucleophilic substitution reactions are the most common type of organic reaction. In a nucleophilic substitution reaction, a nucleophile displaces a leaving group from a molecule. The most common types of nucleophiles are alcohols, amines, and thiols.
    • The most common type of substitution reaction is the nucleophilic substitution reaction. In a nucleophilic substitution reaction, a nucleophile displaces a leaving group from a molecule. The most common types of nucleophiles are alcohols, amines, and thiols.
    • The most important step in a nucleophilic substitution reaction is the formation of the nucleophile-leaving group bond. This step is usually catalyzed by a base. The most common bases used in nucleophilic substitution reactions are sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.
    • The mechanism of a nucleophilic substitution reaction can be divided into two steps: the formation of the nucleophile-leaving group bond and the elimination of the leaving group.
    • The formation of the nucleophile-leaving group bond is the most important step in a nucleophilic substitution reaction. This step is usually catalyzed by a base. The most common bases used in nucleophilic substitution reactions are sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.
    • The mechanism of a nucleophilic substitution reaction can be divided into two steps: the formation of the nucleophile-leaving group bond and the elimination of
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