UncategorizedDifference Between Molecule and Compound – Types and Examples

Difference Between Molecule and Compound – Types and Examples

What is a Molecule?

A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together. Therefore the atoms are held together by chemical bonds.

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    Difference Between Molecule and Compound - Types and Examples

    Homonuclear vs Heteronuclear

    Homonuclear molecules are atoms or molecules that contain atoms of the same element. For example, the molecule oxygen (O2) is homonuclear because it contains two oxygen atoms. However heteronuclear molecules are atoms or molecules that contain atoms of different elements. For example, the molecule water (H2O) is heteronuclear because it contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

    Compound Definition

    A compound is a molecule composed of two or more atoms of different elements. For example, water is a compound made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

    Chemical Formula:


    The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Glucose is a simple sugar that is found in many foods. Therefore it is the main source of energy for the body’s cells.

    Types of Compounds

    There are two types of compounds: organic and inorganic.

    Therefore inorganic compounds are those that do not contain carbon. They typically found in the mineral kingdom and usually composed of elements such as oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen.

    Organic compounds are those that contain carbon. Therefore they typically found in the plant and animal kingdoms and composed of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

    Example of Compounds:

    • Water
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Nitrogen
    • Oxygen
    • Sulfur dioxide
    • Hydrogen chloride
    • Chlorine
    • Bromine
    • also Iodine

    Example of Elements:

    • Gold
    • Silver
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Lead
    • Zinc
    • also Tin

    Examples of Some Commonly used Compounds along with Molecular Formula:

    • Water (H 2 O)
    • Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 )
    • Oxygen (O 2 )
    • Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 )
    • and Sulfur Trioxide (SO 3 )
    • Carbon Monoxide (CO)

    Compound versus Molecule

    A compound a molecule composed of two or more atoms of different elements. Therefore a molecule is the smallest particle of a compound that has the chemical properties of the compound.

    Difference Between Molecule and Compound


    A molecule an atom or a group of atoms and also it held together by chemical bonds.


    However a compound a substance consisting of two or more elements that chemically combined.

    Overview of Compound and Molecule provided by Infinity Learn

    A compound a substance composed of atoms of two or more elements. Therefore a molecule is the smallest particle of a compound that has the chemical properties of the compound.

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