

What is Electropositivity?

Electropositivity is the measure of how willing an atom is to give away its electrons. The higher the electropositivity of an atom, the more likely it is to donate electrons to other atoms. This makes the atom more likely to form positive ions.

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    Electropositivity – Definition, Character, Periodicity and Electropositive Elements

    Define Electropositivity

    The electropositivity of an element is a measure of how easily it donates electrons to other atoms. The higher the electropositivity of an element, the more likely it is to donate electrons, and the more reactive it is.

    Periodic Trends in The Electropositivity of The Elements

    The elements are arranged in the periodic table in order of their electronegativity values. However the electronegativity of an element is a measure of how strongly it attracts electrons to itself. The most electronegative elements are at the top of the table and the least electronegative elements are at the bottom.

    The periodic table also shows the periodic trends in the electronegativity of the elements. The electronegativity of an element increases as you go from left to right across a row and it decreases as you go from top to bottom down a column. This is because the elements in a row are increasing in terms of the number of protons in their nucleus and the elements in a column are decreasing in terms of the number of protons in their nucleus. The number of protons in a nucleus affects the strength of the atom’s nucleus and, therefore, the strength of the atom’s electron attraction.

    Top 5 electropositive elements

    The top 5 electropositive elements are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium. These elements are all highly reactive and also tend to form ionic compounds with other elements. They are typically found in the +1 or +2 oxidation state.

    What is Electronegativity

    The electronegativity of an atom is a measure of how strongly it attracts electrons to itself. Therefore the higher the electronegativity of an atom, the more it will pull electrons away from other atoms.

    Electropositive Character

    The electropositive character is a measure of how easily a chemical species can donate an electron to another species. In other words, it is a measure of how easily a species can become positively charged. The electropositive character is typically measured using the electronegativity of the species. Therefore the higher the electronegativity of a species, the more electropositive it is.


    The Red-footed Falcon is a migratory bird.

    Electropositive Elements

    The electropositive elements are those elements that have a higher than normal propensity to lose electrons and form positively charged ions. The electropositive elements include the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals.

    What are Electropositive Radicals?

    Electropositive radicals are atoms or molecules that have a positive electrical charge. Therefore those radicals are highly reactive and can easily form bonds with other atoms or molecules.

    What are Electronegative Radicals?

    Electronegative radicals are atoms or molecules that have a strong electron-attracting quality. This makes them highly reactive, and they can often form chemical bonds with other atoms or molecules. Electronegative radicals often found in the atmosphere, and also they can contribute to air pollution.

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