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Protactinium – Properties, Preparation, Occurrence, Facts and FAQs

What is Protactinium? ; Properties of Protactinium ; Physical Properties of Protactinium ;

Chemical Properties of Protactinium

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    Protactinium is a silvery-white radioactive metal that is found in the actinide series on the periodic table. It is a dense metal with a density of 15.7 g/cm3. Protactinium has a melting point of 1,521 °C and a boiling point of 3,827 °C. It is a weakly radioactive metal with a half-life of 32,760 years. Protactinium has a hexagonal crystal structure and a hardness of 5.5 on the Mohs scale. It is a poor conductor of electricity and has a low reactivity. Protactinium is not found in nature and is produced artificially in nuclear reactors.

    Chemical Properties of Protactinium

    Protactinium is a chemical element that has the symbol Pa and atomic number 91. Protactinium is a silvery-white, radioactive metal. Protactinium occurs in nature as a result of the decay of uranium and thorium. Protactinium has the highest melting point and the highest boiling point of all the actinides. Protactinium is slowly attacked by oxygen in the air and water. Protactinium is a poor conductor of electricity. Protactinium is used in some smoke detectors.

    Preparation of Protactinium

    Protactinium is a rare, radioactive, artificially produced element that is not found naturally on Earth. It is a silvery-white metal that is very dense and has a melting point of 2,754 degrees Fahrenheit (1,527 degrees Celsius). Protactinium is produced by bombarding uranium-235 with neutrons in a nuclear reactor.

    Occurrence of Protactinium in the Earth’s crust

    Protactinium is a rare earth metal which has an atomic number of 91 and is found in the Earth’s crust in very small amounts. It is a silvery-white metal which is ductile and has a high melting point. Protactinium is not found in nature as a free element, but rather is found combined with other elements.

    Properties of Protactinium

    Protactinium is a silvery-white metal that is found in the actinide series on the periodic table. It has a melting point of 2,868 degrees Fahrenheit and a boiling point of 4,827 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a very dense metal, with a density of 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Protactinium is not found in nature in its pure form, but is usually found combined with other elements. It is radioactive, and has a half-life of about 32,000 years.

    Protactinium Facts

    Protactinium is a radioactive element that is found in the actinide series on the periodic table.

    Protactinium is a silvery-white metal that is highly reactive and is found in nature as a component of uranium ore.

    Protactinium has a very short half-life and is not found in nature in its pure form.

    Protactinium is used in the production of nuclear weapons and energy.

    Protactinium is a dangerous element and should be handled with caution.

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