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Threshing – Detailed Explanation, Examples and FAQs

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Threshing – Detailed Explanation:

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    • The process of threshing is the removal of the edible part of cereal grains from the plant. The process is often done by hand, with people using flails to beat the grains free from the stalks.
    • Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and behavior of matter. It is a branch of science that is concerned with the elements and the compounds that they form. In this essay, we will be discussing the process of threshing.
    • Threshing is the process of removing the grain from the stalks of cereal plants. The grain is separated from the straw by beating the stalks with a flail. The grain is then collected and the straw is either burned or used as animal feed.
    • Threshing is an important step in the production of cereal crops. It separates the grain from the stalks so that it can be ground into flour. The straw can also be used as animal feed or burned to produce heat or energy.
    • Threshing is a process that has been used for centuries. It was first used to separate the grain from the stalks of cereal plants. The straw was then used as animal feed or burned to produce heat or energy.
    • Threshing is a process that is still used today. It is an important step in the production of cereal crops. The straw can be used as animal feed or burned to produce heat or energy.
    • Threshing is the process of removing the grain from the stalks and husks. It is typically done by using a threshing machine, which beats the grain to separate the kernels from the stalks and husks. The threshing machine is a large, cylindrical machine with a series of paddles inside that beat the grain as it moves through the machine.
    • The grain is usually threshed after it has been harvested. The stalks and husks are left on the ground, and the kernels are collected from the ground. There are a few ways to thresh grain, but the most common way is to use a threshing machine.

    Threshing - Detailed Explanation, Examples and FAQs


    • Threshing is the process of removing the edible part of cereal grain from the straw or husks. It is done by beating the grain stalks with a flail or by using a tractor-driven drum. The grain is then collected and stored in sacks or bins.
    • Threshing is an ancient process that was first used by humans to remove the edible part of cereal grain from the straw. It was done by beating the grain stalks with a flail, which is a type of club, or by using a tractor-driven drum. The grain was then collected and stored in sacks or bin
    • Today, threshing is still used to remove the edible part of cereal grain from the straw or husks. It is done by either beating the grain stalks with a flail or by using a tractor-driven drum. The grain is then collected and stored in sacks or bins.s.


    1.What is threshing?

    Threshing is the process of removing the edible parts of cereal grains from the plant stalk.

    2.What are the benefits of threshing?

    The benefits of threshing include the removal of the edible parts of cereal grains from the plant stalk, which can then be ground into flour or meal. This process also separates the grain from the chaff, or the inedible parts of the plant.

    3.What are the different methods of threshing?

    The different methods of threshing include beating the grain with a flail, threshing it with a machine, or rubbing it between two stones.

    4.What are the risks associated with threshing?

    The risks associated with threshing include the potential for injuries from using flails or machines, and the exposure to dust and chaff.

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