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Zone Refining – Principle, Process, Applications and Limitations

Introduction to Zone Refining

Zone refining is a process used to purify solids by heating them to a high temperature and then slowly cooling them in a controlled environment. This technique can be used to remove impurities from a material by creating a series of zones, or regions, with different levels of purity. The most pure material is found in the center of the zone, while the impurities are located on the outside.

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    Zone Refining - Principle, Process, Applications and Limitations

    What is Zone Refining?

    Zone refining a process used to purify a semiconductor material by removing impurities in a controlled manner. The process begins by heating the semiconductor material to a high temperature, typically above the melting point of the impurities. The impurities then become a liquid and flow to the edge of the semiconductor material. The semiconductor material then cooled, which causes the impurities to solidify and removed.

    Principle of Zone Refining

    The principle of zone refining based on the fact that a pure metal can obtained by passing a metal alloy through a series of narrow zones of different compositions, each zone refining the alloy to a higher degree of purity. In zone refining, a metal alloy passed through a series of narrow zones of different compositions. Each zone refining the alloy to a higher degree of purity. The alloy passed through the series of zones until the desired degree of purity reached.

    Zone Refining Process

    Zone refining a process used to purify semiconductor materials. In zone refining, a semiconductor crystal slowly pulled through a furnace while heated. The furnace divided into a number of zones, each of which has a different temperature. The semiconductor crystal slowly moved through the furnace so that it heated in each zone for a brief period of time.

    The impurities in the semiconductor crystal slowly driven out of the crystal as it heated. The impurities driven to the edge of the crystal, where they removed. The semiconductor crystal then moved to the next zone, where it heated again. This process repeated until the crystal is purified.

    Applications of Zone Refining Process:

    • Zone refining used to purify semiconductor materials and to produce very pure single crystals.
    • It also used to produce high purity aluminum and other metals.

    Limitations of Zone Refining process

    • The zone refining process has a number of limitations.
    • One is that it can only used to purify semiconductors that have a regular crystal structure.
    • In addition, the process is not very efficient, and it can only used to purify very small amounts of material.
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