EnglishEssayEssay on Teacher in English for Children and Students

Essay on Teacher in English for Children and Students

The simple definition of a teacher as the dictionary describes is – “A person who teaches, especially in school”. But, there is much more which the dictionary can’t describe. A teacher in real life plays several roles as a guardian, caretaker, instructor, learning facilitator, mentor etc. That is a long list of responsibilities that a teacher is expected to comply. The psychological and academic development of a child depends almost entirely on his/her teacher.

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    Parents usually fulfill the materialistic requirements of a child, but a teacher moulds his/her thoughts and inquisitiveness in a constructive manner so that s/he transforms into a productive adult. A good teacher not only teaches subjective knowledge but also strengthen the moral foundation of his/her students. Conduct of students is nothing but a mix of what they see in their houses and what their teacher has taught them from time to time.

    Long and Short Essay on Teacher in English

    Below we are providing short and long essay on Teacher.

    These Teacher Essay are written in simple English to let you easily remember them and present whenever required.

    After going through the essays you will know the significant role of a teacher in the society and how s/he has the potential to transform the life of children by invoking their passion in several fields and motivating them.

    You can use these essays during essay writing or for giving speech on the occasion of Teachers Day.

    Essay on Teacher 100 words

    A teacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing best education to her/his students. Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. A good teacher has many qualities and fully able to make his/her students successful in life. A teacher is very intelligent and know well that how to draw attention of students towards study. She uses creativity while teaching students so that students may concentrate. Teacher is a good conductor of knowledge having lots of patience and confidence who take responsibility of the future of students. Teacher knows the ability of each and every student and tries for them accordingly.

    Essay on Teacher 150 words

    Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life. They are the God gifted people in everyone’s life who lead us towards success without any selfishness. Really, we can call them as builders of the dazzling future of our nation through education.

    Teacher plays very essential role in the field of education who teaches students very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and always encourage to do better in the life. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually.

    Essay on Teacher 200 words

    A teacher is a good person who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and impressionable children. They get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts.

    A good teacher is someone who spent their whole life in giving quality education to their students. They push all the students to do their best. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students.

    Teachers, sometimes award their students for their great works however sometimes punish them to let them understand that they did something wrong which is bad for their life. They make their students able to differentiate between right or wrong so that they can chose for right one in their life by fighting with wrong. Teachers understand that all students do not have same capacity to learn in the same way so they try to let them understand in their own way.

    Essay on Teacher 250 words

    The teacher’s profession is considered as the best and ideal profession in this world as they provide selfless duty to shape someone’s life. Their committed work cannot be compared to anything. Teachers are those who always take care of their all students. They check their food habits, cleanliness level, behaviour to others, and concentration towards study.

    They check our nails weekly to maintain cleanliness and hygiene and prevent us from diseases. They organize health camp quarterly for us in the school campus where student’s weight, height, IQ level, blood pressure, heart rate, lungs capacity, blood check up, urine check up, chickenpox immunization, immunization for MMR, measles, DPT booster dose, polio drop, etc takes place to closely monitor and maintain the health records of us.

    Teachers are never bad, it is only their way of teaching which is different from each other and makes them different in the mind of students. They only want to see their students happy and successful. A good teacher never loses patience and teaches every student accordingly.

    Our teachers motivate us to wear clean clothes, eat healthy foods, avoid junk foods, care for parents, behave well with others, come to school at right time in proper uniform, never tell lie to anyone in life, react positively, take care of school property, take care of your books, copies, and other study material, always pray to God for better concentration on study, always discuss to your subject teacher about any confusion, do not argue with strangers and many more.

    Essay on Teacher 300 words

    Education is considered as the most powerful weapon of life to get victory and success. This great responsibility and job is given to the teachers to nourish and shape up the lives of young ones and future of their country. The teacher plays great role towards education and shape up both present and future of a student. Teachers serve a great job in making the good society by educating and guiding number of students in their whole life.

    Teachers are especially send by the God to lead people on right path in the life as well as make them able to take right decisions in bad situations. They lead young ones from their childhood and make them fit mentally, socially and intellectually. Teachers are like common people who are from between us but they chose to do unusual job of teaching to their students.

    My best teacher is my art and science teacher who always have a big smile on her face and make us happy too. She has added lots of creativity in her teaching strategy which we like so much. We like very much her ways of teaching and bring good percentage in her subjects. She teaches us about the reality of life, her own experience of life and other ways to get out of the bad situations in very simple ways. She is our best teacher who understands and reacts us all equally. She never differentiates among us and motivates all to do our best.

    We always praise her goodness to our dear parents at home. She knows that we are only interested in her subjects so, one day she told us that we should concentrate on every subject so that no one can defeat us in any field. We need to be strong from every aspect that’s why we should study our all subject equally.

    Essay on Teacher 500 words

    A teacher is the precious gift from God to us. A teacher is like a God as God is the builder of whole universe however a teacher is considered to be the builder of a good nation. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society who take responsibility to raise the mind status and living standard of the common people through their magic of teaching. Parents have lots of expectations from the teachers of their kids. The role of teachers varies from classroom to playground and from student to student. A teacher is very important in the life of everyone who is supposed to be performing different tasks in our life.

    Before coming to the classroom, a good teacher ensures his/her goals of education on daily basis. Every teacher has different qualities of teaching their students. They vary in their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in teaching specific subjects. They try their best and do all efforts in helping us to achieve our goals in life. School life is considered as the best time of everyone’s life as this is the time when everyone learns basic things about life and different subjects.

    All of us set our goals in the school time which decides the development of our nation. Each and every student gets open their mind in the school time and enhances their skills and knowledge by participating in the co-curricular activities such as sports, games, quizzes, group discussion, debates, essay writing, speech recitation, excursion, tours, field trips and many more.

    Good teachers are also the best friends of their students who help them in deciding true path in their life. There are many teachers in any school or college but only one of them becomes favourite of any student. Teachers set our goals of education through their collective roles of unique teaching and learning process. Our teachers motivate us to always work in harmony. Our teachers understand the problems of us and deal with us in both ways personally and professionally. They teach us to have positive attitude towards life.

    A good teacher is one who only gives his/her students but nothing accepts whole life instead he/she become happy with the success of students. A best teacher is the one who provides a best model of future generation to his/her nation. Proper education is the only way to remove social issues, corruption, etc from the nation which ultimately lead to the real growth and development of a nation.

    Essay on Teacher 600 words

    A teacher is a person who signifies your presence on earth as a well-mannered and educated person. One who plays a silent role in your development, making you successful. As per Hindu manuscripts, a teacher is called as ‘Guru’, and a guru has been ranked supreme, even more, valuable than God, because s/he is the person who teaches the significance of God to us. So, we pray guru first.

    Who is a Teacher?

    A teacher can be any one, depending on the circumstances. When a child is born, s/he remains in the custody of his/her mother and during this period of time, s/he learns to speak, walk and do many other activities. If a person who teaches is called teacher, so it is his/her mother who taught him/her the basic things of life. His/Her mother can be called as his/her first teacher in fact; all of us have this in common.

    Importance of a Teacher

    While in school, teachers introduce you to some subjects and they develop your skills and interest in a particular one. It can be science, literature or other subjects like drawing, music etc. It is not that every child has super abilities; it is a teacher who points out your skills and helps you to develop them. A good teacher can turn a boring subject quite interesting. A teacher is always very important for us because he gives bookish as well as practical knowledge and sometimes practical knowledge is very important. Books can’t teach us everything and the point where books fail, the only person who can help us is our teacher. This shows the importance of teachers is in our life.

    Who can be a Teacher?

    For a new born baby, his/her mother is the best teacher whereas, for a student it can be his dance teacher or his/her maths teacher. Anyone who gives you knowledge and enhances your intelligence can be your teacher. An ant can also be your teacher because it teaches us to work hard continuously without losing hope. All this concludes that a teacher does not have a particular face or religion, who so ever in this world teaches you any kind of lesson, can be your teacher.

    Generally, while thinking about teachers, we imagine about our school teachers, and all of us have our favourite one, who always encouraged and helped us to attain our goals. It was my English teacher who used to teach us in such a wonderful way, that I started loving literature and decided to make my carrier in this stream. He always encouraged my writing skills and helped me out to make them perfect. Today I am really thankful that he was my teacher.


    Life is all about learning till the last breath and the person who has knowledge can be a good teacher. It needs lots of courage and knowledge to teach and be in this profession. When a teacher is in a class, he has to handle more than thirty students at once and all from different background and interest.

    Just imagine when you alone could irritate your mother so much, then what about other thirty students like you; what would be the level of pressure on a teacher. Hats off to all the teachers and the students who chose teaching as a carrier to shape up the future of the young ones. At least they have chosen something daring and it will be not be wrong to say that a teacher builds the future of a nation.

    Essay on Teachers FAQs

    What is a teacher short essay?

    A teacher essay is a brief writing that talks about teachers.

    What is a teacher in simple words in English?

    A teacher is someone who helps us learn and understand things.

    What is the best line for teachers?

    Teachers inspire, guide, and shape our futures.

    What are the 7 roles of a teacher?

    Teachers instruct, mentor, assess, manage, adapt, support, and inspire.

    How do you write about a teacher?

    Write about a teacher by describing their impact on learning and students.

    What is a few lines about a teacher?

    Teachers are like beacons, lighting the path to knowledge for students.

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