EnglishEventsWorld Radio Day 2019 – Date, Information, History and Objectives

World Radio Day 2019 – Date, Information, History and Objectives

The first proposal for observing the World Radio Day was made to the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) by Spain, on a request from the Spanish Academy of Radio Arts and Science, on 20th September 2010.

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    On 3rd November 2011 the United Nations General Assembly made the proclamation of observing the World Radio Day annually on 13th February.

    The proclamation was made at the UNESCO’s 36th General Conference at Paris, from 25th October to 10th November.

    The date for the observance i.e. 13th February was chosen because it was at the same date in 1946; UN had established its own International broadcasting services – United Nations Radio.

    World Radio Day 2019

    The 8th World Radio Day 2019 was celebrated on 13th February 2019 (Wednesday) under UNESCO’s support.

    The day was observed this year to recognize the power of radio in promoting dialogue, tolerance and peace. Various events and programs were organized across the world on the occasion. The day also raised awareness about radio among people and strengthened the networking between broadcasters.

    ‘The Radio Festival’ was celebrated on the occasion of World Radio Day on 13th February in Mumbai. The festival also brought together all the three tiers of broadcasting i.e. public, private and community on a single platform. It also focused on the challenges and success of the media in reaching people.

    In Kolkata, the West Bengal Radio Club distributed radios free of cost to the under privileged section of the society. The organization works to promote the use of radios as a mode of communication among people in the world of internet and televisions. The initiative was supported by various radio channels of the state.

    Why is World Radio Day Celebrated?

    The idea behind the World Radio Day is to celebrate the Radio broadcasters and its listeners around the world as well as to acknowledge the usefulness of radio as a tool of communication and information exchange.

    Radio specifically caters to the remote and deprived communities – remote villages, illiterates, poor, differently able, elders, women and also youths who do not have access to other means of entertainment or communication.

    It is a tool for the poor to communicate with rest of the world and to stay informed. Radio has a good number of listeners throughout the world.

    World Radio Day also reaffirms UNESCO’s belief in radio being a strong communication tool and an efficient medium to reach out to masses around the world.

    Apart from these, radio also has a number of non broadcasting applications as in aviation two way communications and space. The radio contributes immensely to science and technology; still it hasn’t got its due recognition.

    What are the Objectives of the World Radio Day?

    The UNESCO’s Director General, in his proposal for the proclamation of World Radio Day to the UNESCO’s Executive Board, dated 26th August 2011 at Paris, assigned the following main objectives behind the observation of World Radio Day-

    1) To raise awareness of people about the usefulness of radio and to support it.

    2) To encourage decision makers to support and provide access to radio.

    3) To improve the network by exchanging ideas and resources by radio practitioners.

    4) To garner support for radio through raising different issues annually.

    How is world Radio Day Celebrated?

    The theme of the world Radio Day 2018 was “Radio and Sports”.  The celebrations were aimed at promoting and covering momentous sporting events around the world, including the traditional sports, national and international sporting events; using radio as the medium.

    It focused on promoting gender equality in sports, bridging the gaps between communities by using the alliance of sports and radio.

    The sub themes of the World Radio Day 2018 were –

    • Goodwill and inspiring humanity.
    • Building and uniting communities.
    • How radio impact our lives.
    • Participation and inclusion.

    Things to Do on World Radio Day

    There could be many activities to perform on world radio day, in order to promote radio and acknowledge its contribution in bringing the world closer. Some of the activities related to the World Radio Day are given below-

    1) Raise Awareness

    Raise the awareness of people about the role of radio as a tool of communication and entertainment. Let them acknowledge the cheap cost and cheaper use of radio.

    2) Own a radio

    The best way to promote radio is to own one and then to learn its operation and use it as a tool of communication and information gathering.

    3) Know the central Theme

    Every year the world Radio Day is celebrated with a theme. The activities of the day should also be arranged keeping the central theme in mind.

    4) Organize talks and Debates

    Organize talks and debates in your community, offices or institutions to discuss the ways to promote the use of radio and also the factors obstructing its use.

    5) Encourage

    Encourage everyone to celebrate the World Radio Day in his/her own capacity by taking part in activities of the day.

    Objectives of World Radio Day 2019

    The theme of the World Radio Day 2019 is “Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace”.  The main objective of the day will be to establish peace in the world through dialogues and debates, using radio as the medium.

    The day calls in the broadcasters around the world and encourages co operation among them. It also encourages the decision makers to increase the access to radio.

    All the countries are expected to organize regional or national events to promote the usefulness of radio and its significance in the modern world.

    Themes of The World Radio Day

    The annual themes of the World Radio Day are provided below –

    • Theme of 2019 – “Dialogue, tolerance and Peace”.
    • Theme of 2018 – “Radio and Sports”.
    • Theme of 2017 – “Radio is You”.
    • Theme of 2016 – “Radio in Times of Emergency and Disaster”.
    • Theme of 2015 – “Youth and Radio”.
    • Theme of 2014 –“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Radio”.
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