HomeNational Song of India Vande Mataram: History, Original Lyrics & Meaning

National Song of India Vande Mataram: History, Original Lyrics & Meaning

National Song of India: Vande Mataram holds a cherished place in the hearts of every Indian, symbolizing the nation’s indomitable spirit and unwavering love for the motherland. This iconic song, written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in his novel “Anandamath,” stirred the hearts of patriots during India’s freedom struggle and continues to inspire generations even today.

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    “Vande Mataram” translates to “I bow to thee, Mother” in English. The song is a heartfelt tribute to India, personifying the nation as a nurturing mother, the source of love, courage, and sacrifice. The national song of India, “Vande Mataram,” was originally penned by the celebrated Indian writer Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. Vande Mataram written by Bankim Chandra, appears prominently in his 1882 novel “Anandamath.” The song played a pivotal role in the Indian independence movement, inspiring countless freedom fighters. The phrase Vande Mataram written by Bankim Chandra, translates to “I praise thee, Mother,” referring to the motherland. Over the years, the impact of “Vande Mataram,” written by Bankim, has remained significant in Indian cultural and political discourse, symbolizing the passionate spirit of patriotism and reverence for the nation.

    History of National Song of India – Vande Mataram

    Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, also known as Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, was India’s famous novelist and a great poet. He had written the Vande Mataram song (on 7th November in 1875), from which the National Song of India was taken officially. The two words of the song, i.e., “Vande Mataram,” have become words of great importance for our nation. These two words are inspiring, motivating, and most powerful, which were recited by many freedom fighters of India when the Britishers were sentencing them.

    Motherland is the most important essence of Hindu culture. All the great warriors of the India (Lord Rama, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, etc.) had fought dedicatedly to save their motherland. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay graduated from Calcutta University and was a government official when composing the “Vande Mataram” song. He wrote this song using words from both languages, Sanskrit and Bengali, first published in his novel ‘Anandamatha’ (written in Bengali) in 1882. Soon he also asked to give a special tune for his song.

    “Vande Mataram” was a very famous slogan during the freedom movement, which used by the freedom fighters as a national cry for getting freedom from British rule. It gave lots of inspiration to the people during the Indian independence movement. It used to enhance nationalistic fervor and shouted as a slogan during the independence movement. This song was first sung by Rabindranath Tagore (writer of the Indian National Anthem) at the Congress meeting at Calcutta in 1896. Later it sung by Dakhina Charan Sen in 1901, after five years, during another Congress meeting at Calcutta.

    In 1905, it was sung by the great poet Sarala Devi Chaudurani at the Congress meeting at Benares. A journal was started with the same name by Lala Lajpat Rai, and also, a political movie was made with the same name by Hiralal Sen in 1905. Vande Mataram was written in the centre of the first version of the Indian Flag by Bhikaiji Cama in 1907.

    Lyrics of National Song of India

    The two stanzas of the original version Vande Mataram were adopted as the “National Song of India”:

    “Vande mataram sujalam suphalam malayajasitalam sasya syamalam mataram vande mataram”

    “subhra jyotsna pulakita yaminim phulla kusumita drumadalasobhinim suhasinim sumadhura bhasinim sukhadam varadam mataram Vande Mataram”

    Original Lyrics of Vande Mataram

    There are the complete and original lyrics of the Vande Mataram from which the National Song of India has taken:

    “Vande Mataram Sujalam suphalam, malayaja shitalam, Shasyashyamalam, Mataram”

    “Shubhra-jyotsna pulakita-yaminim, Phullakusumita drumadala shobhinim, Suhasinim, sumadhura bhashinim, Sukhadam, varadam, Mataram”

    “Saptakotikantha kalakala ninada karale Dvisaptakoti bhujair dhrita-khara karavale Abala kena ma eta bale Bahubala dharinim, namami tarinim, Ripudalavarinim Mataram”

    “Tumi vidya, tumi dharma, Tumi hridi, tumi marma, Tvam hi pranah sharire, Bahute tumi ma shakti,

    Hridaye tumi ma bhakti, Tomarayi pratima gari mandire mandire”

    “Tvam hi Durga dashapraharana dharini, Kamala Kamaladalaviharini, Vani vidyadayini, namami tvam, Namami Kamalam, amalam atulam, Sujalam, suphalam, Mataram”

    “Vande Mataram!

    Shyamalam, saralam, susmitam, bhushitam, Dharanim, bharanim, Mataram”

    Meaning of National Song of India in English

    The translation of ‘Vande Mataram’ in English with the meaning of each stanza is provided below:

    “Mother, I bow to thee!

    Rich with thy hurrying streams,

    Bright with orchard gleams,

    Cool with thy winds of delight,

    Dark fields waving Mother of might,

    Mother free.

    The glory of moonlight dreams,

    Over thy branches and lordly streams,

    Clad in thy blossoming trees,

    Mother, giver of ease

    Laughing low and sweet!

    Mother, I kiss thy feet,

    Speaker sweet and low!

    Mother, to thee, I bow.

    Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands?

    When the swords flesh out in the seventy million hands

    And seventy million voices roar

    Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?

    With many strengths who art mighty and stored,

    To thee, I call Mother and Lord!

    Though who savest, arise and save!

    To her, I cry who ever her foeman drove

    Back from plain and Sea

    And shook herself free.

    Thou art wisdom, thou art law,

    Thou art heart, our soul, our breath

    Though art loves the divine, the awe

    In our hearts, that conquers death.

    Thine the strength that nerves the arm,

    Thine the beauty, then the charm.

    Every image made divine.

    In our temples is but thine.

    Thou art Durga, Lady, and Queen,

    With her hands that strike and her swords of sheen,

    Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,

    And the Muse, a hundred-toned,

    Pure and perfect without peers,

    Mother lend thine ear,

    Rich with thy hurrying streams,

    Bright with thy orchard gleams,

    Dark of hue O candid-fair

    In thy soul, with bejeweled hair

    And thy glorious smile divine,

    Loveliest of all earthly lands,

    Showering wealth from well-stored hands!

    Mother, mother mine!

    sweet Mother , I bow to thee,

    Mother great and free!”

    Quick Facts on the National Song of India

    • Vande Mataram officially adopted as the National Song of India on 24th January 1950.
    • The song taken from the novel ‘Anandmath’ written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, which conveyed the Sanyasi’s revolt against the Britishers in Bengal.
    • Nares Chandra Sen-Gupta was the person who first translated the novel ‘Anandmath’ into the English language in 1906.
    • Sri Aurobindo Ghose translated Vande Mataram into prose on 20th November 1909.
    • ‘Vande Mataram’ written on the first version of the Indian Flag created by Madam Bhikhaji Cama in 1907.
    • Jadunath Bhattacharya first set the tune of Vande Mataram after Bankim Chandra Chatterjee wrote it.
    • Lala Lajpat Rai also named a journal Vande Mataram which started in Lahore.
    • Hiralal Sen made a political film in 1905, which ended with Vande Mataram’s song.
    • The British government banned ‘Anandmath’ and made the recital of Vande Mataram a criminal offense during its rule, which many activists and freedom fighters defied.
    • Vande Mataram has translated into more than 10 languages in India.

    Related Information:

    FAQs about the National Song of India

    What is the National Song of India?

    The National Song of India is Vande Mataram, a revered patriotic song written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in his novel Anandamath.

    What does Vande Mataram mean?

    Vande Mataram translates to I bow to thee, Mother in English. It symbolizes reverence and love for India as a nurturing motherland.

    Is Vande Mataram the national anthem of India?

    No, Vande Mataram is not the national anthem of India. The national anthem is Jana Gana Mana, written by Rabindranath Tagore.

    Why is Vande Mataram significant in India's history?

    Vande Mataram played a crucial role in India's freedom struggle, becoming a rallying cry for patriots and inspiring unity among Indians.

    Has Vande Mataram faced any controversies?

    Yes, Vande Mataram has been subject to some controversies due to certain religious sentiments attached to specific verses. However, its essence as a symbol of patriotism remains cherished.

    When is Vande Mataram sung in India?

    Vande Mataram is sung on various occasions, including Independence Day celebrations, Republic Day, cultural events, and national festivals, as a mark of patriotism and national pride.

    Who composed the music for Vande Mataram?

    The music for Vande Mataram was composed by Rabindranath Tagore, adding to its profound emotional impact.

    Can Vande Mataram be sung in different languages?

    Yes, Vande Mataram can be sung in different Indian languages, reflecting the country's linguistic diversity and cultural unity.

    Is singing Vande Mataram mandatory in India?

    There is no legal mandate to sing Vande Mataram but it remains a voluntary expression of patriotism and love for the country.

    How does Vande Mataram continue to inspire Indians today

    Vande Mataram continues to inspire Indians by evoking a deep sense of national pride, fostering unity, and reminding them of their duty towards the motherland.

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