EnglishNational Aquatic Animal of India- Gangetic River Dolphin

National Aquatic Animal of India- Gangetic River Dolphin

India, being a country that boasts of its vast water resources, has declared the Ganges River Dolphin as its National Aquatic Animal. The Ganges River Dolphin or also called ‘Susu,’ is the National Aquatic Animal of India. It is one of the National Symbols of India. The Ganges River Dolphin is the only surviving freshwater dolphin species in the world. These dolphins thrive in a few large rivers in India, including the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Karnaphuli.
India has named the Ganga Dolphin as India’s National Aquatic Animal. – The Ganga River Dolphin is a rare dolphin species found only in Indian countries and neighbouring countries. Ganges River Dolphins are found where they inhabit river systems connected to the Ganges.

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    The declaration of the national aquatic animal of India took place on May 18th, 2009, when the Indian government officially announced that the Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) would be recognized as the national aquatic animal of India. The announcement was made by the then-environment minister of India. The government’s decision also highlighted the need to protect India’s rivers and their ecosystems, which are under threat from pollution, habitat destruction, and other human activities. The announcement was celebrated by conservation groups and wildlife enthusiasts across the country, who hoped that it would contribute to greater awareness and action towards protecting the river dolphin and its habitat.

    The national water animal of India has a distinctive appearance with a long snout and a stocky body. Its coloration is greyish-brown.
    Ganges River Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and locate prey in their aquatic environments. They emit sound waves, and by interpreting the echoes, they can “see” their surroundings. Unlike oceanic dolphins, the Ganges River Dolphin is a freshwater species and is found in rivers and freshwater systems.

    Significance of the National Aquatic Animal Of India

    The Ganges River Dolphin holds substantial ecological significance. They help regulate the populations of fish and other aquatic species. Freshwater ecosystems thrive on the flow of water, nutrients and organic matter. The Ganges River Dolphin is at the top of the food chain in such systems. It helps to control the population of fish and other prey species, thereby maintaining the balance of the river ecosystem. The Ganges River Dolphin is also a very important indicator species for assessing the health of a river. Since it is at the top of the food chain, it is very sensitive to changes in its environment. Any decline in its population indicates that the water quality and river ecosystem are under stress.

    Why is the Ganges River dolphin considered as National Aquatic Animal of India?

    The national aquatic animal of India, the river dolphin, holds significant cultural, ecological and economic importance in the country. Here are some reasons why the river dolphin considered as National Aquatic Animal of India.

    Unique Habitat: Found exclusively in the Ganges River and its tributaries, making them native and exclusive to India.
    Cultural significance: The river dolphin has been an integral part of India’s cultural and religious beliefs for centuries. It is believed to be the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess, and its sighting is considered auspicious. The Gangetic river dolphin is worshipped in some parts of the country.
    Ecological importance: The river dolphin is a top predator in the aquatic ecosystem, maintaining a balance in the food chain. It also serves as an indicator species, reflecting the health of the water bodies in which it lives. Therefore, ensuring the survival and conservation of the river dolphin contributes to maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
    Tourism potential: River dolphin spotting tours have become popular among tourists in India, attracting both domestic and international visitors. It provides an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of India’s rivers and to learn about the importance of the river dolphin and its habitat.
    Economic benefits: The river dolphin population plays a crucial role in supporting the livelihoods of fishing communities along India’s rivers.

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    Measures to prevent the National Aquatic Animal of India

    • Despite being declared as the National Aquatic Animal, the Ganges River Dolphin population in India is at an alarming stage due to numerous human activities such as industrial pollution, dam constructions, overfishing, and boat traffic. It is considered as one of the most endangered species in India.
    • Many conservation measures are being taken up by the Indian government and several NGOs to save this species. These measures include reducing pollution levels, protecting its habitat, creating awareness among people and providing alternative livelihoods to the local population. Various conservation initiatives aim to protect Ganges River Dolphins and their habitats. These efforts include measures to reduce pollution, mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, and promote sustainable fishing practices. Some other efforts to conserve the river dolphin in India include habitat restoration, reducing water pollution, fishery management measures, and public awareness campaigns.
    • The Ganges River Dolphin is listed as an endangered species. Conservation efforts are underway to protect its habitats and ensure the sustainability of its populations.
    • The Ganges River Dolphin, as the National Aquatic Animal of India, embodies the cultural, ecological and biological significance of freshwater ecosystems. It is imperative that we recognize its importance to India as a country and work towards its conservation to ensure the survival of this species for future generations. The public can help in conserving the national aquatic animal of India by supporting conservation initiatives, reducing water pollution, avoiding the use of harmful fishing gear, reporting dolphin sightings and spreading awareness about the importance of the species.
    • Regular monitoring and research are essential to understand the population size, distribution, and behaviour of the Ganges river dolphin. This information will help to formulate plans and guidelines to maintain and conserve the species.

    Interesting Facts about – Ganges River Dolphin

    ■ The river dolphin is one of the oldest mammals in the world, with fossil records dating back 25 million years.
    ■ Unlike most dolphins, river dolphins live in freshwater rivers and lakes.
    ■ The Ganges river dolphin is highly dependent on its freshwater habitat for survival. Therefore, the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of freshwater habitats in the Ganges river basin is essential. industries must be monitored and regulated to ensure that pollutants are not dumped into the river.
    ■ The river dolphin is also known as the ‘susu’ in India, which means ‘water pig’, due to the sound it makes when it comes to the surface to breathe.
    ■ The river dolphin is an apex predator, feeding on fish, shrimp, and crustaceans living in the river.
    ■ Ganges River Dolphin is primarily found in freshwater rivers and lakes and prefers shallow, fast-flowing water and avoids deep, slow-moving water.
    ■ The national water animal of India is a social animal that travels in small groups.
    ■ Dams and other water development projects have disrupted the animal’s habitat and migratory patterns, while agricultural and industrial pollution have made the river water toxic. Fishing nets and accidental entanglement in fishing gear also pose a threat to the species.

    National Aquatic Animal Of India – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What is the National Aquatic Animal of India?

    The national fish or aquatic animal of India is the Ganges River Dolphin which is also called 'Susu'.

    When was the Ganges River Dolphin declared the National Aquatic Animal?

    The Ganges River Dolphin was declared the National Aquatic Animal of India in 2009.

    Why was the Ganges River Dolphin chosen as the National Aquatic Animal?

    The Ganges River Dolphin was chosen to symbolise the rich aquatic biodiversity of India and to raise awareness about the conservation of freshwater ecosystems, especially the Ganges River system.

    Where is the Ganges River Dolphin found in India?

    The Ganges River Dolphin is primarily found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnaphuli-Sangu river systems in India and neighbouring countries.

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