EnglisharticleChristmas Rhymes

Christmas Rhymes

Rhymes on Christmas

We have provided fresh and unique Christmas rhymes for kids studying in classes nursery, LKG or UKG. Using such rhymes on the Christmas festival you can make your kids ready for the Christmas celebration whether at home or school. Kids are very fond of the Christmas celebration as they get gifts from Santa in the night. All the Christmas rhymes are unique and written using very simple words according to the kids capacity and interest of learning.

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    Christmas Rhymes

    Tips for Moms:

    You can make Christmas rhymes more interesting and entertaining according to your kids interest. Teach your kids to learn Christmas rhymes by using proper sound, smile, new dress, wearing Santa dress, Christmas cap, body movement, action, facial expression, using Christmas tree, Christmas cards, Christmas gifts, etc., to draw attention of your kids.

    Celebrate Christmas

    We celebrate Christmas,

    To remember Jesus Christ,

    Everyone gets nice prize,

    When we sleeps but santa arise.

    We celebrate Christmas,

    With lots of fun,

    Everyone gets a gift,

    That really gives our heart a lift.


    Jesus Christ was born

    Jesus Christ was born,

    On the Christmas day,

    He was the dear son,

    Of the mother Mary.


    Santa comes on Christmas

    Santa comes on Christmas,

    In the moon light,

    To make us happy and delight,

    He comes from a flight,

    But never get late a slight.


    Christmas is a big festival

    Christmas is a big festival,

    And make us very emotional,

    We all kids really enjoy,

    When Santa comes with toys.


    Christmas brings lots of joy

    Christmas brings lots of joy,

    As it gives us many toys,

    To all the girls and boys,

    And we make many ploys.


    Merry Christmas

    Christmas Christmas merry Christmas

    We say to all happy Christmas,

    We decorate a Christmas tree,

    By counting one two three.


    We celebrate Christmas every year

    We celebrate Christmas every year once,

    With our family, near and dear ones,

    We give presents to each other,

    And go home to one another.


    We celebrate Christmas wonderfully

    We celebrate Christmas wonderfully,

    With our friends, relatives and family,

    Santa makes us very surprise,

    By having lots of prize.


    Christmas makes us cheerful

    Christmas makes us cheerful,

    And never makes kids fearful,

    Everyone lit candles,

    And enjoy in bundles.


    Everyone lights the Christmas tree

    Everyone lights the Christmas tree,

    And celebrate with full of glee,

    Santa shows us Christmas magic,

    Without making children tragic.


    Christmas tree looks sparkling bright

    Christmas tree looks sparkling bright,

    Filled with stars, balloons and lights,

    It is a symbol of affection,

    And sign of perfection.


    We decorate Christmas tree

    We decorate Christmas tree,

    With lights, gifts, candles and bells,

    Everyone looks nice and well,

    And make a late night dwell.


    We decorate Christmas tree,

    With lots of shiny things,

    To get Jesus Christ blessings,

    And celebrate in full swing.


    When Christmas arrives

    When Christmas arrives,

    We make us smile,

    As it is a worthwhile,

    And no one wants to get late a while.


    Christmas is a holiday

    Christmas is a holiday,

    Which we enjoy full day,

    By decorating X-mas tree,

    We make late night rise,

    When Santa arrive.


    Christmas is a festival

    Christmas is a festival we really adore,

    And want to celebrate forevermore,

    We become agree,

    Whatever given by Christmas tree.


    Christmas is a festival full of pleasure,

    It really gives us lots of treasure,

    Friends and family say us,

    Merry Christmas.

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    Christmas Rhymes for Kids and Children – FAQ’s

    What is the most popular children's Christmas song?

    Jingle Bells is widely regarded as one of the most popular children's Christmas songs.

    What is Christmas music called?

    Christmas music is often referred to as holiday music or festive tunes

    Write a Best short Christmas Rhymes

    Snowflakes falling, cozy and bright, Santa's sleigh soaring through the night. Gifts wrapped tight with ribbons so neat, Merry Christmas to all, a joyous feat.

    What rhymes with Christmas?

    Here are some words that rhyme with Christmas Bliss miss List gist Tryst kissed Christmas dismiss

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