EnglishSpeechSpeech on Importance of Cleanliness

Speech on Importance of Cleanliness

Cleanliness is of much importance in everyone’s life. It is vital for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Every individual is taught the importance of cleanliness right from their childhood, especially at school. Teachers adopt various methods to teach students this important lesson by asking them to write a speech on the importance of cleanliness. We have presented below some samples that would help you to write the importance of cleanliness speech. It includes samples of short and long speeches on the importance of cleanliness. The language of the speech is very simple yet impactful; mainly focusing on the essence of speech on the importance of cleanliness. Students belonging to any standard, including school and college, can take ideas from the following speeches on the importance of cleanliness and prepare your speech.

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    Speech on Importance of Cleanliness

    Speech on Importance of Cleanliness – 1

    Good Morning to our Hon’ble Principle, Vice Principal, Fellow Colleagues and Our Lovely Students!!

    As we know that Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of our country, has kick started the campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or ‘Clean India’ campaign with great gusto all across India to encourage people maintain high standard of cleanliness and hygiene at all places, be it our homes, workplaces, public places, streets/roads, etc so it becomes our responsibility too to inculcate the same spirit in our students.

    Just like food, water, oxygen and other things are important for our existence, similarly cleanliness is also crucial for our healthy physical and mental makeup. Do we not keep hearing such news about people dying of diseases, such as Malaria, Jaundice, etc. that are borne out of filthy surroundings? Therefore, in order to prevent such cases the people of India should focus on maintaining cleanliness, which will help our country earn a respectable place in the eyes, souls, hearts and minds of the foreigners paying a visit to our country.

    And, if every Indian citizen contributes to even some extent towards this Swachh Bharat Abhiyan then we cannot imagine how effective it will prove to be towards fulfilling the aim of this campaign. In fact, you can also teach people living in your vicinity or whom you know about the importance of cleanliness in their day-to-day lives.

    However, dear students please also understand that you cannot force this on anyone. Cleanliness is a good habit and not everyone is born with it, so those who don’t practice cleanliness try and make them understand the benefits that cleanliness entails rather than forcing your viewpoint on others. Cleanliness can be of varied types, such as personal cleanliness, environment cleanliness, workplace cleanliness (such as our office, school, college, etc.). It doesn’t take much to maintain cleanliness in our day-to-day lives – just like we cook, eat, bathe, etc on a regular basis similarly maintaining cleanliness should also be made an integral part of our daily work lives. In fact, just by ensuring small-small things, such as throwing trash in the dustbin and not on the floor or road, not spitting or urinating on the road, etc. we can bring a substantial change in our surroundings.

    We should not compromise with it and should make our little ones practice it right from their childhood so that they grow up as responsible individuals who know how to live a healthy life. This habit should be inculcated by parents in their children because parents; especially mother is the first mentor of a child who grooms him/her and helps giving shape to his/her personality.

    When we know that Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so why are we still insensitive towards this issue? Unhygienic conditions can cause many serious health hazards including causing harm to the environment in the form of pollution. In filthy surroundings, germs spread all around, which we cannot see though our naked eyes and how fast these germs multiply we cannot possibly imagine. If pollution will increase in our environment – it will start breeding such diseases as asthma, cancer, chest congestion, lung infection thereby resulting in a person’s death.

    So it’s high time when we should raise the consciousness of masses towards maintain cleanliness so that we can protect our environment and save the lives of hundreds of people who die due to unhygienic surroundings.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Importance of Cleanliness – 2

    Good Morning to our Respectable Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Students!!

    As you all know that our school has joined hands with other schools in the area for Clean Delhi Campaign, it has been considered appropriate to kick start this campaign right from our own institution where we as students will also get the encouragement to maintain cleanliness around us. But before we talk any further on this topic, let’s first understand what cleanliness is all about?

    The term ‘cleanliness’ implies absence of dust, dirt, garbage, foul smell, stains, etc. You must have realized that most Indian places whether it’s a lane, street, railway station, government office, hospital or a bus stop look unclean and unpleasant to our eyes. In addition, the littered garbage, defaced walls and overflowing sewage result in the spread of diseases and clogging of water on the roads, which further aggravate the situation. The death toll rises as more and more people succumb to the diseases and die in the absence of proper treatment and care.

    So to avoid this crisis, the natives of our country should put efforts towards maintaining cleanliness not only in their homes and working places, but in their surroundings too. A hygienic and clean environment creates happy souls and a fulfilling life. There is a famous idiom that says charity begins at home, likewise cleanliness of a city; village or town should first begin from people’s homes.

    In fact, villages have become proactive in order to ensure cleanliness of their environment and hygiene of people inhabiting those villages. Other than public toilets, personal toilets too have been constructed in order to avoid defecation at open places. In fact, effective measures are being taken up for managing dirty water and solid waste. So when village folks are putting in concerted efforts, why we people living in well-developed cities should lag behind in this campaign? Please understand that cleanliness is as essential to human existence as oxygen, water and food. Also, it’s a foundation of discipline and hallmark of success because if a person can’t keep himself/herself and the immediate surrounding organized and clean, then how he/she would contribute towards the success of others. It’s not possible to maintain a healthy relationship with people in the absence of a clean environment. At least, a minimal level of cleanliness such as taking shower regularly, washing your hands after using toilet, protecting your feet from dust, throwing garbage in the dustbin, etc is expected from everyone.

    Cleanliness is monumentally important and must be practiced daily. If we will keep ourselves and our surroundings clean, it will help in nation building exercise too because it will then encourage more and more foreign tourists to visit our land and appreciate its beauty, nature and living surroundings. Of course, no one wants to visit a foul land. So adopt a lifestyle and nurture a surrounding where there is no threat to nature and the living beings and everyone can live in a harmonious co-existence.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Importance of Cleanliness – 3

    Good Morning my dear Sir, Ma’m and hello to all my friends.

    For today’s morning Assembly, I have chosen Cleanliness as my topic. This is a very essential part of one’s routine, surroundings and hygiene.

    Cleanliness is not only the physical, it is also the social and mental well being that helps in maintaining good personality and building a good impression on others. Cleanliness gives rise to good character by keeping body, mind and soul clean and peaceful.

    Isn’t it that we all feel stronger and wealthier when we keep ourselves and our surroundings clean. It makes our aura positive and happy. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

    Someone has rightly said that cleanliness is the way to godliness. This means that by maintaining cleanliness and having good thoughts brings people closer or near to the God. Personal cleanliness is considered as the symbol of purity of body and soul, which is crucial to get healthy and spiritual connection. Being clean is very essential for getting good health, positive well being and leading a moral life.

    Our teachers are very keen on promoting cleanliness all around. This is because they are aware that in order to lead a healthy, happy and a peaceful life, we all should practice clean habits in every aspect of life because unhygienic conditions symbolize evil whereas cleanliness symbolizes purity.

    It is not that difficult to keep ourselves clean or to keep our surroundings clean. We should do it for ourselves, for our inner peace and wealth. As human beings, it is our responsibility to promote safe and clean well being. Cleanliness helps us to create a positive public image, helps us in staying healthy and wealthy.

    Maintaining cleanliness safeguards us from diseases and unhealthy social, physical and mental inner self. It is very simple to include cleanliness in our regular routine and make it our habit. We should never compromise with cleanliness, it is as necessary as food and water for us.

    I am glad that my parents and teachers have always motivated me and have keenly put emphasis on maintaining environment clean. They have always demonstrated the importance of being tidy and clean. Every child should be conveyed the importance of cleanliness. Since childhood, it should be made an inherited value in them. Clean eating habits, clean clothing, not littering the stuff here and there, cleaning the toilet after their use are a few basic and very essential cleanliness tactics that one should understand and follow.

    Friends, I hope, I have been able to share with you my thoughts on the importance of cleanliness. Please stay healthy by making yourself and your surroundings clean. Also, share your bit and make others aware about the benefits of cleanliness.

    Thank you teachers and my friends. Thank You!

    Speech on Importance of Cleanliness – 4

    Good Morning everybody!

    I want to thank my class teacher for considering me as the person who should bring forward the importance of cleanliness.

    Friends; cleanliness is a very easy and crucial thing that we all should adhere to as individuals and also as the citizens of one country. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has specially launched a plan ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. He has launched this program by having faith in us that we will ensure our country’s cleanliness.

    As being the citizen of the country, we all are responsible for cleaning any dirty place we see. We should keep our roads, tourist places, historical places, schools, colleges, office buildings, etc very neat and clean.

    Cleanliness is not only required for the country. Charity begins at home, it is our home, school, college, society, community, office, organization, and everything even ourselves that should be kept clean. And it is not merely our choice, but our responsibility as being a human being. We need to clean ourselves, our home, surrounding areas, our society, community, city, garden, and environment on a daily basis.

    It is not merely our physical looks; it is our mental and conscious well being as well. Cleanliness helps us make our social strengths. A clean person always seems a decent attraction for somebody to contact. People will like to appreciate and join with the ones who have clean habits. Similarly, if our country appears to be clean then how good it will feel when we see so many outsiders or tourists praising our country. Cleanliness should be our daily practice and not once in a lifetime or occasional thing.

    Cleanliness of mind is also important along with physical cleanliness. As we keep our body clean, we must also keep our mind and heart clean. Lack of hygiene is the symbol of evil and cleanliness is the symbol of purity. Cleanliness is rightly said to be next to godliness. Spirituality cannot be preached until and unless the person is clean.

    Children should be mandatory given lessons is cleanliness from the very beginning. They should be taught body hygiene. They should wash their hands before eating and take only clean food and pure water. At school, the children should be made to sit on properly cleaned chairs and benches. The elders should act as role models for children. They should themselves observe all the necessary rules regarding cleanliness.

    I am sure that when we move from this desk we all be more dedicated towards the cleanliness drive than we were before. We as individuals are very strong to implement anything that we want to; cleanliness is merely one of our most important habits that are to be executed daily.

    Thanks! Keep sharing the message of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan; it is our role to be played. Thank you! Have a great clean day!

    Related Links:

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    FAQs on Speech on Importance of Cleanliness

    Why is cleanliness important?

    Cleanliness is essential for maintaining good health, preventing diseases, and creating a pleasant living environment.

    How does cleanliness impact health?

    Cleanliness helps reduce the spread of germs and bacteria, lowering the risk of illnesses and infections.

    What is the importance of cleanliness in schools?

    Clean schools promote a safe and conducive learning environment, preventing the spread of diseases among students.

    How does cleanliness affect the workplace?

    A clean workplace enhances productivity, employee well-being, and professionalism, creating a positive work atmosphere.

    Why is personal hygiene important?

    Personal hygiene is crucial for preventing diseases, maintaining social acceptance, and boosting self-confidence.

    What are the benefits of cleanliness in the community?

    Clean communities foster a sense of pride, attract tourism, and improve the overall quality of life for residents.

    How can cleanliness reduce environmental impact?

    Proper waste disposal and conservation practices help protect the environment and natural resources.

    What is the role of cleanliness in food safety?

    Cleanliness in food handling and preparation ensures safe, healthy meals and prevents foodborne illnesses.

    Why is cleanliness emphasized in hospitals?

    Hospital cleanliness is vital to prevent healthcare-associated infections and protect patients and staff.

    How can individuals promote cleanliness?

    Individuals can promote cleanliness by maintaining personal hygiene, practicing waste segregation, and participating in community clean-up efforts.

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