Table of Contents
Speech on Diwali for Teachers: As we all know that Diwali is an important Hindu festival, and it is celebrated with great pomp and show across the country and by almost every religious community leaving behind their cultural and religious barriers. However, serious environmental issues have come to the fore, which bear direct relation to this festival, such as the bursting of firecrackers. The crackers are mainly bought for the children, and if any favorable change can be brought in them, it could only be by their teachers whom students religiously follow and, of course respect.
Long and Short Speech on Diwali for Teachers in English
Diwali 2025 can be a pertinent topic for all the teachers because they can take a crucial responsibility on this festival to enlighten the children with the knowledge of harmful impacts of crackers on our environment and the health of living beings, as well as make them aware enough to stop to these activities on Diwali which is not environment friendly.
So, we have given the below range of speeches on Diwali for teachers using which they can quickly spread their words of safety on Diwali among students. Also Speech on Diwali for students can serve as an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into the festival’s multifaceted aspects and cultural significance. These speeches not only allow students to explore and share their knowledge but also enable the audience to gain a more profound understanding of this grand celebration
Both short speeches on Diwali for Teacher as well as long speeches on Diwali for Teacher are covered here, meticulously mentioning a very important aspects related to the festival. So do read them and enjoy!
Diwali Speech for Teacher 1
Good Morning Respected Principal, Vice Principal, My Fellow Teachers, and My Dear Students!
I, as the Senior Teacher of this School, take immense pleasure in thanking everyone present here who allowed me to deliver a speech on curbing air pollution, which increases to large amounts during Diwali. We all celebrate the festival of Diwali with great zeal and show and make significant preparations.
It is considered the festival of high significance for Indian people during which we clean our homes, decorate, go shopping, buy new things, including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc. and perform several rituals. There are many ancient stories, legends, and myths behind celebrating this festival.
Women of every household create rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near the doors and walkways of the home. There are few variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals. Together with the Diwali celebration, there is an unintended increase in environmental pollution worldwide because of the bursting of various types of firecrackers during this festival. We, as citizens of this country, and especially students like you, who are considered to be the youth of our country, should understand that one should celebrate festivals with happiness but not at the cost of harming the environment and health of others.
Even though firecrackers are sporadically burnt, they cause a lot of noise pollution, including air pollution, thereby making it difficult for us to breathe. Despite our government placing a ban on the bursting of firecrackers, we are not ceasing to act immaturely and merely finding ways and occasions to burst crackers. Diwali is one such festival that, despite restrictions, people do get involved in illegal practices which are utterly dangerous for us as well as animals. We pay no heed to what amount of damage it creates to our environment.
Due to noise pollution created during Diwali, animals get fearful and act in a weird manner which can even harm others. In the case of air pollution, its hazardous impact includes:
- Temporary or permanent deafness.
- Vision impairment is caused by toxic gases present in the atmosphere.
- Bronchitis problems in the case of asthmatic patients.
This is not the end; the smog which is caused due to the bursting of firecrackers creates a white blind sheet in the environment which eventually reduces the visibility and is a source of causing serious accidents on the road. The people who are most affected by the bursting of firecrackers are small children as well as old people.
We all should collectively support our government to enforce the ban on every individual who indulges in illegitimate practices of creating and bursting crackers. You as students can also initiate and raise awareness among your fellows to stop bursting crackers during Diwali and sensitizing people about its consequences. It therefore becomes the responsibility of each one of us to organize many more such awareness programs which ultimately will urge people to stop bursting firecrackers.
Thank You!
Diwali Speech for Teacher 2
Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and My Loving Students – Warm Greetings to Everyone!
Today I, Ahana Gupta, the class teacher of VIII -D, would like to deliver a speech on one of the relevant topics in contemporary scenario. The festival of Diwali is just round the corner which makes it equally important to speak on a problematic issue associated with it. As responsible citizens of this country it becomes our duty to bring up this issue to the fore and spread awareness amongst the people.
Have you students ever given a thought why our government is obstinate on imposing ban on crackers? The fact of the matter lies in the toxic pollutants that are produced from firecrackers which are proven to be extremely destructive for our environment for a simple reason that they contain traces of copper, sulphur and cadmium etc and release nitrous oxide gas, along with chemicals which act as a reducing agent, coloring agent, stabilizer, oxidizer as well as binder.
The colors contain antimony sulphide to create glitter effect, lithium for red, aluminum for white etc. It is rightly said that “not everything that glitter is gold” which mainly implies that the crackers which portray aglitter effect and are soothing to the eye in terms of their designs are more dangerous than any other gaseous substances. The crackers cause more harm to small children in comparison to adults because their capability to absorb and flush out environmental agents is not the same. There are certain agents present in these crackers such as:
- Aluminum sulphide which is deliberated to be utilized as a coloring agent is used to create crackers which are also easy on pockets and is readily available in any dyeing shop. This kind of agent when bursts leads to Alzheimer’ disease which can be harmful to the extent of causing death.
- Potassium and Ammonium which are considered to be oxidizing agents lead to lung cancer.
- Then there is barium nitrate which is venomous and results in respiratory irritation, gastrointestinal problems, radioactive effects as well as muscular weakness.
- It also results in thyroid complications.
- Copper and lithium compounds and elements which are placed inside the crackers causes hormonal imbalance and proves extremely poisonous for animals and plants.
The government of India has placed strict prohibitions on those workshops which sell crackers and also on people who illegally burst crackers. We all should collectively come together to support our government to enforce such laws with more stringent regulations. I hope I have been able to sensitize you all on this issue which is increasing on an alarming pace and could also provide you with an insight about the harmful and dangerous impact of bursting of firecrackers. However, this is not enough because more and more awareness can only be spread with the help of billboards and by organizing workshops as well as seminars which even you can initiate as proud students of our country.
Thank You!
Diwali Speech for Teacher 3
Dear Students – How are you all doing?
I, Namrata Shrivastav – the class teacher of X (B), would like to welcome you all in our school conference room. There is not a special occasion behind seeking your presence here, but a very important topic of discussion. As you know students, our most favorite festival, i.e. Diwali, is around the corner and so everyone seems so excited. The excitement is quite natural and we all whether children or adults look forward to this wonderful festival with a lot of curiosity and anticipation.
Not only are we able to find an escape from our daily, mundane routine, but also get to meet our friends and relatives whom we may not have met since a long time. Party is organized and sweets are distributed around. The most special moment of all is the Ganesh and Lakshmi Puja, which we all perform in order to seek goddesses blessing, prosperity and wealth. The whole atmosphere becomes so invigorating and charged up that we all feel joyous and ecstatic.
I know students you know it all, but did you also know that this festival falls in the Kartikamasam as per the Hindu calendar, i.e. during the October or November month. This festival is celebrated in the honor of Lord Rama who returned from a long exile of 14 years after killing the demon called Ravana. It is clearly one of the most popular festivals in our country and in several parts of the country it is even celebrated for five successive days. The festival is symbolic of the reunion of families and celebration of life. Interestingly, this festival even marks the commencement of a new year in some places in India. The rage of this festival is such that its popularity has even spread abroad.
More often than not a week prior to Diwali, Hindus in particular begin lighting up their homes and shops, start cleaning their homes in order to welcome Goddess Lakshmi. Not only an intensive cleaning is done everywhere, i.e. at homes, shops and offices but also places are whitewashed and decked up with flowers, toys and pictures. On the day of this festive season, people also wear new clothes and greet each other with sweets and gifts.
After performing the puja during the evening, people usually leave the lights on at night time in the belief that Goddess Lakshmi will arrive at their place and bless it. So there shouldn’t be any darkness around and she should be welcomed in the clean, illuminated homes.
This is why we love this festival so much, but students we should also pay heed to the fact how much pollution is caused on this day as people burst so much of crackers. This is extremely harmful to our environment and it’s high time that such activities which are degrading to our environment should be stopped. As responsible citizens, it becomes our responsibility to also keep the safety of our environment in mind while celebrating this festival. This is all I have to say, thank you so much!
Diwali Speech for Teacher 4
Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers, and My Lovely Students – Warm Greetings of the day to one and all!
I, Mrs. Sarabjit Kaur – the teacher of Social Science and class teacher of X (D), welcome you all to the prayer hall. I know that the excitement is in the air because of the coming holidays owing to the Diwali Season. Moreover, you all are looking forward to the Diwali party with a lot of anticipation.
I am also personally very fond of this festival as on this day, in fact, a couple of days prior to this festival the places around us are covered with lights and everything looks clean and polished. Then, the custom of meeting your relatives, and friends and exchanging greetings as well as gifts is very appealing.
On this day, the preparation kick starts right in the morning as we decorate our houses with flowers, fancy lamps, diyas and candles. Wherever we go, we can smell the fragrance of fresh flowers. All this cleaning, painting of walls as well as decoration is done with the chief aim to welcome Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped in the evening. It is believed that the goddess only arrives in a home which is purged off all the impurities whether it is dirt, dust or the impurity in our minds. We are expected to cleanse both our mind and soul to be able to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi in our homes. In the evening, the sacred puja is performed and we all pray for prosperity, good fortune and wealth.
Yet another spectacular facet of Diwali is the making of rangoli, which lends more grace to the entire decoration. New clothes are worn, sweets are distributed, delicious food is cooked and firecrackers are burnt. During the fireworks, the sky looks extremely splendid and well lit up. It’s quite a sight to behold. However children, considering the rising pollution and environment imbalance we should keep a check on the burning of firecrackers and protect our environment from further degradation.
Basically children, Diwali is a celebration of five days, which include:
- Dhanteras: This marks the opening of the Diwali festivities. On this day, our mothers and grandmothers buy utensils, products of gold and silver and there is a belief that the purchase of these things brings prosperity in our families.
- Narak Chaturdashi: This day is known as choti Diwali and this day is celebrated by bathing with oil and using kumkum on our foreheads as well as worshipping Goddess Kaali, Lord Krishna because he killed the demon called Narkasur.
- Diwali: As it is called, the third marks the main festival itself, i.e. the day when we pray to Lord Ganesha as well as Goddess Lakshmi.
- Govardhan Puja: On this day, we all pray to Lord Krishna. There is a ritual of preparing Govardhan using cow dung in our homes and worshipping it.
- Bhai Dooj: As the name itself suggest, this day is meant for brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters put the tilak of kumkum or kesar on the forehead of their brothers, who in turn give their sisters some special gift.
So students, let’s welcome this Diwali also with a lot of enthusiasm and make it environment friendly by saying ‘NO’ to crackers.
Thank You!
Long Speech on Diwali for Teacher 5
Good Morning my dear Students, Respected Colleagues, Principal Sir, guests and other staff members. I am ___________, the class teacher of _______.
As we all know that the festival of Diwali is just around the corner, so I am here to give a speech on Diwali to share the joy with you all.
The Diwali festival is my personal favourite and I just love it when the festival arrives. I know that you too share more or less the same emotions.
The most fascinating thing about the festival is its celebration as the festival of lights. Every house is brightly lit with colourful lights and oil lamps; even the dark sky glows with all kinds of sparkling crackers. All the brightness and the celebration is enough to take you to an unprecedented level of joy, as never experienced before.
We all know that it commemorates the day when Lord Rama along with Lakshman and Sita, returned to Ayodhya after spending fourteen years in exile. The joy of his return got supplemented by his slaying of Ravana and saving Sita from captivity. More or less, the subjects of Ayodhya must have welcomed their beloved prince, thousands of years ago, in the same way like we celebrate Diwali today – by illuminating streets and houses with lights.
But, apart from the celebrations and the joy there is also a dark side to it. Not from the festival point of view but from the way it is celebrated today. Don’t get me wrong for I don’t want to spoil the festive mood but it also serves no good to turn your back on truth.
Those who are well informed must have guessed that I am talking about the pollution. Yes! In order to celebrate and to make most of the moment, we almost forget the discomfort we cause to others and also to the environment.
The festival of lights has been gradually transforming into the festival of sounds. Beautiful lights have been diminished by loud bangs of crackers. Not to mention the discomfort such loud and regular bangs causes to the animals, children, elderly and patients. What constitutes fun for us; is highly stressful to pets, street dogs, cattle and birds.
The animals can’t relate to the origin and purpose of sounds, like we do, and run in panic. Believe me a loud sound like that is unimaginably painful and tough to tolerate. Incidents have been recorded when birds get confused due to the fireworks and leave their rooster into night only to get lost or hit a pole or concrete structure. Small children, mainly toddlers are also scared of loud sounds, not to mention that the irritation it could cause to elderly and patients.
To me, it doesn’t make any sense to celebrate and to be joyous, at the cost of inflicting pain on someone. We could still very well celebrate the festival without causing any discomfort to any one, if only we take a resolve. Let us pledge, to celebrate this festival without being any concern to anyone.
Now I will talk about the environmental damage that we inadvertently cause in our zeal to celebrate the festival. Diwali is a festival which calls for huge shopping in advance. We shop for clothes, lights, various kind of decorative items, crackers, sweets, gifts and what not. But, have you ever thought that everything that we buy is handed over to us in thin plastic bags. Imagine, millions of plastic bags of different shapes and sizes reach into the millions of houses, this festive season. Where do you think that all this plastic is going to end finally? Sadly, there is no end to it and sooner or later it is most likely to reach into the environment and pollute it.
Clearly, the situation is demanding but there is a feasible solution, if we resolve to stick by it. Use your own bag made of jute, paper or some other biodegradable, eco-friendly material. This way you won’t be causing any damage to your surroundings.
Also, the crackers that are used in Diwali are made from highly toxic chemical compounds and cause dense smog, which could even stay for a couple of days. Chemicals like Sulphur, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury are used to make crackers and cause serious respiratory and physical damages to humans. Not to mention the litter that is left on the streets in form of torn and burned bits of papers from used crackers, black spot on roads cause by the burning of toxic compounds etc.
Folks, Diwali is a festival of lights, to celebrate the victory of good over evil, the return of Rama to his kingdom; let us not spoil the mood by adopting a negligent attitude towards other living creatures and our environment.
I take this opportunity to wish you all, wealth, prosperity and happiness this festive season and also believe that you all will think about what I have stated and resolve to celebrate a safe, noise free and eco friendly Diwali.
Once again a very happy Diwali to you all!!
Speech on Diwali for Teachers FAQ’s
How do you start a Diwali speech?
To begin a Diwali speech, you can start with a warm greeting, mention the significance of the festival, and perhaps share a relevant quote or anecdote related to Diwali.
How do you say 10 lines in Diwali?
To speak 10 lines about Diwali, you can cover its meaning, cultural importance, rituals, lighting of diyas, exchange of sweets and gifts, fireworks, decorations, prayers, and the message of victory of light over darkness.
What is the motivation message for Diwali?
The motivational message for Diwali is to embrace the festival as a time for self-improvement, inner light, and hope. It encourages us to conquer our inner demons and work towards a brighter future.
Why is Diwali important in school?
Diwali is important in school as it teaches students about cultural diversity, traditions, and the values of unity and spreading joy. It also fosters a sense of belonging and understanding among different communities.
Write a 2-minute speech on Diwali?
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a celebration that holds great significance in the hearts of millions. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil. The festival is marked by the lighting of diyas and candles, which signifies the dispelling of ignorance and the awakening of knowledge. Diwali also involves the exchange of sweets and gifts, bringing people closer together. As we celebrate Diwali, let us remember the importance of spreading love, happiness, and prosperity to those around us. It's a time to reflect on our inner selves, to remove negativity, and to welcome positivity into our lives. The vibrant decorations and dazzling fireworks add to the festive spirit, making it a joyous occasion for everyone. In conclusion, Diwali teaches us the values of unity, hope, and the triumph of good over evil. It is a time to come together, regardless of our differences, and celebrate the light that resides within each of us.
How can we celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali speech in English?
Celebrating an eco-friendly Diwali is crucial in today's world. To do so, we can minimize firecrackers, use eco-friendly diyas and candles, avoid excessive plastic decorations, and focus on spending quality time with loved ones while being mindful of our environment.
What is the green message for Diwali?
The green message for Diwali is to celebrate the festival in an environmentally responsible way. It encourages us to reduce pollution, save energy, and minimize waste by opting for eco-friendly Diwali celebrations.