GK QuestionsGK Questions on World ORS Day

GK Questions on World ORS Day

World ORS Day, celebrated on July 29th, is dedicated to promoting awareness about the lifesaving benefits of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) in combating dehydration caused by diarrhea and other illnesses. ORS has revolutionized healthcare, particularly in developing countries, by providing a simple, cost-effective method to treat dehydration. This set of 30 General Knowledge questions about World ORS Day aims to enhance your understanding of the significance, history, and application of ORS, highlighting its crucial role in global health initiatives.

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    GK Questions and Answer on World ORS Day

    Q. What does ORS stand for?

    Answer: Oral Rehydration Solution

    Q. When is World ORS Day celebrated?

    Answer: July 29th

    Q. What is the primary purpose of ORS?

    Answer: To treat dehydration caused by diarrhea.

    Q. Who invented ORS?

    Answer: Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis

    Q. What are the main ingredients in ORS?

    Answer: Water, sugar, and salts (sodium and potassium).

    Q. In which decade was ORS first used extensively?

    Answer: 1970s

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    Q. What organization endorses ORS for treating dehydration?

    Answer: World Health Organization (WHO)

    Q. How does ORS help in treating dehydration?

    Answer: It replenishes lost fluids and electrolytes.

    Q. Which age group benefits the most from ORS?

    Answer: Children, especially those under five.

    Q. What is the ratio of water to ORS powder typically recommended?

    Answer: 1 liter of water to one ORS sachet.

    Q. Can ORS be used for dehydration caused by conditions other than diarrhea?

    Answer: Yes, it can be used for dehydration from any cause.

    Q. What is the main advantage of ORS over intravenous therapy?

    Answer: It is simple, cost-effective, and can be administered at home.

    Q. Which continent has benefited the most from ORS programs?

    Answer: Africa

    Q. What is the key sign that a child needs ORS?

    Answer: Persistent diarrhea and signs of dehydration like dry mouth and lethargy.

    Q. What major disease outbreak in the 1970s highlighted the effectiveness of ORS?

    Answer: Cholera

    Q. What is a common homemade substitute for ORS if commercial packets are unavailable?

    Answer: A solution of water, sugar, and salt.

    Q. Which international health initiative promotes the use of ORS?

    Answer: The Global Diarrhea Control Program

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    Q. Why is ORS considered one of the most important medical discoveries of the 20th century?

    Answer: It has significantly reduced mortality from dehydration.

    Q. How often should ORS be administered during dehydration?

    Answer: After every loose stool.

    Q. What is the recommended storage condition for ORS packets?

    Answer: In a cool, dry place.

    Q. Which UN agency is heavily involved in promoting ORS?

    Answer: UNICEF

    Q. Is ORS suitable for adults as well as children?

    Answer: Yes, it is suitable for all ages.

    Q. What is the approximate cost of a single ORS sachet in many developing countries?

    Answer: A few cents.

    Q. What is the recommended action if a person cannot keep ORS down due to vomiting?

    Answer: Continue small sips frequently and seek medical help if necessary.

    Q. How long does it typically take for ORS to show improvements in dehydration symptoms?

    Answer: Within a few hours.

    Q. What is one of the main signs that ORS treatment is working?

    Answer: Decreased frequency of diarrhea and improved hydration status.

    Q. Which Indian state first implemented a large-scale ORS program?

    Answer: West Bengal

    Q. What is the main public health message on World ORS Day?

    Answer: Promoting awareness of ORS for preventing dehydration.

    Q. How does ORS compare to plain water in treating dehydration?

    Answer: ORS is more effective because it replaces lost electrolytes.

    Q. What is a critical factor in the success of ORS treatment programs?

    Answer: Community education and awareness.

    FAQs on World ORS Day

    Why is ORS Day celebrated?

    ORS Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the lifesaving benefits of Oral Rehydration Solution in treating dehydration caused by diarrhea and other illnesses.

    What is the full form of ORS?

    ORS stands for Oral Rehydration Solution.

    How many ORS per day?

    The number of ORS packets needed per day varies based on the severity of dehydration and medical advice, typically 1-2 liters for mild to moderate dehydration.

    Who discovered the ORS?

    Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis is credited with pioneering the use of ORS during a cholera outbreak in the 1970s.

    What are the benefits of drinking ORS daily?

    Drinking ORS daily can prevent dehydration, replenish lost electrolytes, and maintain fluid balance, especially during illness or high physical activity.

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