MathsTrigonometry Functions of Sum and Difference of Angles

Trigonometry Functions of Sum and Difference of Angles

Sum And Difference of Angles in Trigonometry Functions

Sum of angles in a trigonometry function is the sum of the angles in the function’s equation. For example, in the equation y = sin x, the sum of angles is 180 degrees. The difference of angles is the difference between the two angles in the function’s equation. For example, in the equation y = sin (x + π/2), the difference of angles is π/2.

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    Trigonometry Functions

    There are six trigonometry functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant.

    The sine function is used to calculate the length of a side of a right triangle, given the length of the other two sides. The cosine function is used to calculate the height of a triangle, given the length of the base and the length of the perpendicular side. The tangent function is used to calculate the slope of a line, given two points on the line. The cotangent function is used to calculate the inverse of the tangent function. The secant function is used to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides. The cosecant function is used to calculate the inverse of the sine function.

    The relation between sum and difference of angles in trigonometry functions

    The sum of two angles in a trigonometry function is the sum of their individual angles. The difference of two angles in a trigonometry function is the difference of their individual angles.

    Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Differences of Angles

    sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

    cos (A + B) = cos A cos B – sin A sin B

    tan (A + B) = tan A + tan B

    sin (A – B) = sin A cos B – cos A sin B

    cos (A – B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B

    tan (A – B) = tan A – tan B

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