MCQsMotion and Time Class 7 MCQ

Motion and Time Class 7 MCQ

Understanding the concepts of motion and time is fundamental for Class 7 students as it lays the groundwork for more advanced topics in physics. Motion refers to the change in the position of an object with respect to its surroundings over a period, while time is the ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession. These concepts are crucial for comprehending the natural world and the principles governing the movement of objects.

The Motion and Time Class 7 MCQ section is designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of these fundamental concepts. By engaging with these questions, students can reinforce their learning, identify areas that need further clarification, and prepare effectively for their exams. This comprehensive set of questions covers various aspects of motion and time, ensuring a well-rounded grasp of the topics.

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    Motion and Time Class 7 MCQ with Answers

    Question 1. A car travels at a speed of 40 km/h. How long will it take to travel between two cities that are 480 km apart?

    (a) 10 hours

    (b) 11 hours

    (c) 14 hours

    (d) 12 hours


    (d) 12 hours

    It takes the car 12 hours to travel 480 km at 40 km/h.

    Question 2. Convert 72 km/h to meters per second:

    (a) 72 m/s

    (b) 20 m/s

    (c) 36 m/s

    (d) 12 m/s


    (b) 20 m/s

    72 km/h converts to 20 m/s.

    Question 3. What is the standard unit of time?

    (a) hour

    (b) minute

    (c) second

    (d) all of these


    (c) second

    The standard unit of time is the second.

    Question 4. What type of clocks are commonly used today?

    (a) quartz

    (b) minute

    (c) second

    (d) all of these


    (a) quartz

    Quartz clocks are commonly used today.

    Question 5. If the weight of the bob in a pendulum increases, what happens to the oscillation period?

    (a) increases

    (b) decreases

    (c) no change

    (d) can’t say


    (b) decreases

    Increasing the bob’s weight decreases the oscillation period of a pendulum.

    Also Check: Motion and Time Class 7 Notes Science Chapter 13

    Question 6. What is the standard unit of length?

    (a) metre (‘m’)

    (b) kilometre

    (c) m/s

    (d) km/h


    (a) metre (‘m’)

    The standard unit of length is the meter (‘m’).

    Question 7. What is the standard unit of mass?

    (a) ‘kg’

    (b) mg

    (c) g

    (d) none of these


    (a) ‘kg’

    The standard unit of mass is the kilogram (‘kg’).

    Question 8. What is the standard unit of temperature?

    (a) ‘Kg’

    (b) F

    (c) °C

    (d) K


    (d) K

    The Kelvin (K) is the standard unit of temperature.

    Question 9. Which equation represents distance correctly?

    (a) D = S x T

    (b) D = Ts

    (c) D = sT

    (d) D = 1T×S


    (a) D = S x T

    Distance is given by the equation D = S x T.

    Question 10. Which formula correctly calculates time?

    (a) t = d x s

    (b) t = sd

    (c) t = ds

    (d) t = 1s×d


    (c) t = ds

    Time is calculated using the formula t = ds.

    Question 11. What is the distance moved by an object in a unit time called?

    (a) time

    (b) distance

    (c) speed

    (d) can’t say


    (c) speed

    The distance an object moves in a unit of time is called speed.

    Question 12. What do we call the pictorial representation of two interdependent variables?

    (a) motion

    (b) graph

    (c) speed

    (d) time


    (b) graph

    A graph is a pictorial representation of two variables.

    Question 13. What kind of motion does an object have if it covers equal distances in equal time intervals?

    (a) non-uniform motion

    (b) uniform motion

    (c) oscillation

    (d) none of these


    (b) uniform motion

    An object that covers equal distances in equal time intervals is in uniform motion.

    Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 13 Motion And Time

    Question 14. What device measures the speed of vehicles?

    (a) odometer

    (b) graph

    (c) speedometer

    (d) none of these


    (c) speedometer

    A speedometer measures the speed of vehicles.

    Question 15. What is the to-and-fro motion of a particle about its mean position called?

    (a) intervals

    (b) vibration

    (c) pendulum

    (d) can’t say


    (b) vibration

    The to-and-fro motion of a particle is called vibration.

    Question 16. What is a common example of periodic or oscillatory motion?

    (a) interval

    (b) pendulum

    (c) simple pendulum

    (d) speedometer


    (c) simple pendulum

    A simple pendulum is a common example of periodic or oscillatory motion.

    Question 17. What is the time interval between one sunrise and the next sunrise called?

    (a) year

    (b) month

    (c) day

    (d) week


    (c) day

    The time interval between one sunrise and the next is called a day.

    Question 18. Which of the following is an example of circular motion?

    (a) motion of a child on a see-saw

    (b) motion of a car on a straight road

    (c) motion of an electric bell hammer

    (d) motion of a child on a merry-go-round


    (d) motion of a child on a merry-go-round

    A child on a merry-go-round exhibits circular motion.

    Question 19. A simple pendulum takes 32 seconds to complete 20 oscillations. What is the pendulum’s time period?

    (a) 640 s

    (b) 0.625 s

    (c) 1.60 s

    (d) none of these


    (b) 0.625 s

    The time period of the pendulum is 0.625 seconds.

    Question 20. How is the distance between two cities typically measured?

    (a) metres

    (b) kilometres

    (c) seconds

    (d) kilograms


    (b) kilometres

    The distance between two cities is measured in kilometers.

    Also Check: Motion and Time Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 13

    Question 21. What type of motion does a train on a straight bridge exhibit?

    (a) oscillatory motion

    (b) circular motion

    (c) uniform motion

    (d) straight line motion


    (d) straight line motion

    A train on a straight bridge exhibits straight line motion.

    Question 22. What device measures the distance traveled by a vehicle?

    (a) odometer

    (b) speedometer

    (c) both

    (d) none of these


    (a) odometer

    An odometer measures the distance traveled by a vehicle.

    Question 23. What is the time taken by the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun called?

    (a) day

    (b) week

    (c) month

    (d) year


    (d) year

    The Earth takes one year to make one revolution around the Sun.

    Question 24. What do we call the motion of a vibrating particle from one extreme position to another about its mean position?

    (a) speed

    (b) circulation

    (c) oscillation

    (d) none of these


    (c) oscillation

    The motion of a vibrating particle is called oscillation.

    Question 25. What is the time taken by a vibrating body to complete one vibration called?

    (a) speed

    (b) time period

    (c) distance

    (d) all of these


    (b) time period

    The time taken by a vibrating body to complete one vibration is called the time period.

    Question 26. What type of motion does a horse pulling a cart exhibit?

    (a) oscillatory motion

    (b) circular motion

    (c) linear motion

    (d) none of these


    (a) oscillatory motion

    A horse pulling a cart exhibits oscillatory motion.

    Question 27. If the speed of a body moving in a straight line changes, what type of motion does it have?

    (a) uniform

    (b) non-uniform

    (c) sometimes uniform and sometimes non-uniform

    (d) none of these


    (b) non-uniform

    A body with changing speed in a straight line has non-uniform motion.

    Question 28. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun?

    (a) 1 day

    (b) 1 year

    (c) 1 hour

    (d) none of these


    (b) 1 year

    The Earth takes one year to complete one revolution around the Sun.

    Question 29. What kind of motion does a simple pendulum exhibit?

    (a) periodic motion

    (b) circular motion

    (c) linear motion

    (d) none of these


    (a) periodic motion

    A simple pendulum exhibits periodic motion.

    Also Check: NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 13 Motion and Time

    Question 30. What does an odometer measure?

    (a) speed

    (b) distance

    (c) motion

    (d) none of these


    (b) distance

    An odometer measures distance.

    Question 31. What type of motion does the hammer of an electric bell exhibit?

    (a) circular motion

    (b) vibratory motion

    (c) linear motion

    (d) periodic motion


    (b) vibratory motion

    The hammer of an electric bell exhibits vibratory motion.

    Question 32. What is the unit of speed for a train?

    (a) meter per hour

    (b) meter per second

    (c) kilometer per hour

    (d) mile per second


    (c) kilometer per hour

    The unit of speed for a train is kilometer per hour.

    Question 33. What is the time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation called?

    (a) oscillation period

    (b) 1 second

    (c) time period

    (d) frequency


    (c) time period

    The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation is called the time period.

    Question 34. Which equation correctly represents speed?

    (a) Speed = Distance X Time

    (b) Speed = Distance / Time

    (c) Speed = Time / Distance

    (d) Speed = 1 / (Distance X Time)


    (b) Speed = Distance / Time

    Speed is calculated as Speed = Distance / Time.

    Question 35. A train travels at a speed of 60 km/h. How far will it travel in 4 hours?

    (a) 15 km

    (b) 240 km

    (c) 115 km

    (d) none of these


    (b) 240 km

    A train traveling at 60 km/h will cover 240 km in 4 hours.

    Question 36. Which of the following is an example of oscillatory motion?

    (a) motion of your hands while running

    (b) motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road

    (c) motion of a child on a merry-go-round

    (d) motion of a train on a straight line


    (a) motion of your hands while running

    The motion of your hands while running is oscillatory motion.

    Question 37. Which of the following statements is correct?

    (a) The basic unit of time is the second

    (b) Every object moves with a constant speed

    (c) The distance between two cities is measured in meters

    (d) The time period of a given pendulum is not constant


    (a) The basic unit of time is the second

    The basic unit of time is the second.

    Question 38. What does the graph between distance and time for a body at rest look like?

    (a) a straight line parallel to the distance axis

    (b) a straight line parallel to the time axis

    (c) a curved line

    (d) a straight line


    (b) a straight line parallel to the time axis

    For a body at rest, the graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis.

    Question 39. A car covers a distance of 220 km in 4 hours. What is its speed?

    (a) 50 km/h

    (b) 55 km/h

    (c) 224 km/h

    (d) 880 km/h


    (b) 55 km/h

    The speed of the car is 55 km/h.

    Question 40. What does the graph between distance and time for non-uniform motion look like?

    (a) a curved line

    (b) can’t say

    (c) a straight line

    (d) none of these


    (a) a curved line

    For non-uniform motion, the graph is a curved line.

    Question 41. A car covers 40 km in the first hour, 115 km in the next two hours, and 45 km in the last hour. What is its average speed?

    (a) 100 km/h

    (b) 66.6 km/h

    (c) 50 km/h

    (d) none of these


    (c) 50 km/h

    The average speed of the car is 50 km/h.

    Question 42. What is the S.I. unit of speed?

    (a) m/s

    (b) km/min

    (c) km/h

    (d) km/s


    (a) m/s

    The S.I. unit of speed is m/s.

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