MCQsClass 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs with Answers

Class 8 Coal and Petroleum MCQs with Answers

Coal and petroleum are two important natural resources that we use every day. These are called “fossil fuels” because they are made from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

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    Coal is a black or brown rock that is burned to produce energy. It is used to generate electricity and power many industries. Petroleum, also known as “oil,” is a thick, sticky liquid that is extracted from the ground. It is used to make fuels like gasoline and diesel, as well as many other products.

    In this chapter, we will learn more about the formation, uses, and impact of coal and petroleum through a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). These MCQs will help you understand the key concepts related to coal and petroleum, which are part of the Class 8 Science syllabus.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science provide detailed explanations for these MCQs, ensuring that you have a strong understanding of the topic.

    Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQs

    Coal and petroleum are two important natural resources that we use every day. These are called “fossil fuels” because they are made from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. In this chapter, we will learn more about the formation, uses, and impact of coal and petroleum through a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

    Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQs with Answers and Explanation

    Ques: Which of the following is a fossil fuel?

    a) Solar energy

    b) Wind energy

    c) Coal

    d) Geothermal energy

    Ans: c) Coal

    Explanation: Coal is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals.

    Ques: What is the primary component of natural gas?

    a) Butane

    b) Propane

    c) Methane

    d) Ethane

    Ans: c) Methane

    Explanation: Natural gas mainly consists of methane, which is a simple hydrocarbon.

    Ques: Which process is used to obtain petroleum?

    a) Filtration

    b) Distillation

    c) Sedimentation

    d) Evaporation

    Ans: b) Distillation

    Explanation: Petroleum is refined using fractional distillation to separate its components.

    Ques: Which of the following is a by-product of petroleum refining?

    a) Kerosene

    b) Sand

    c) Water

    d) Salt

    Ans: a) Kerosene

    Explanation: Kerosene is one of the many by-products obtained from refining crude oil.

    Ques: Which of these is not a renewable source of energy?

    a) Solar energy

    b) Wind energy

    c) Coal

    d) Hydropower

    Ans: c) Coal

    Explanation: Coal is a non-renewable source of energy as it takes millions of years to form.

    Ques: What is coal primarily composed of?

    a) Calcium

    b) Carbon

    c) Sodium

    d) Hydrogen

    Ans: b) Carbon

    Explanation: Coal is mainly composed of carbon, along with other elements like hydrogen, sulfur, and nitrogen.

    Ques: Which of the following products is obtained from coal tar?

    a) Petrol

    b) Diesel

    c) Plastics

    d) Wax

    Ans: c) Plastics

    Explanation: Coal tar is used in the manufacture of synthetic dyes, drugs, explosives, perfumes, plastics, etc.

    Ques: Which type of coal has the highest carbon content?

    a) Lignite

    b) Bituminous

    c) Anthracite

    d) Peat

    Ans: c) Anthracite

    Explanation: Anthracite has the highest carbon content and is the hardest form of coal.

    Ques: Which of the following is a use of petroleum?

    a) Making bricks

    b) Generating wind energy

    c) Fuel for vehicles

    d) Purifying water

    Ans: c) Fuel for vehicles

    Explanation: Petroleum products such as petrol and diesel are used as fuel for vehicles.

    Ques: What is the main use of natural gas?

    a) Making glass

    b) Cooking and heating

    c) Building roads

    d) Producing cement

    Ans: b) Cooking and heating

    Explanation: Natural gas is commonly used as a domestic and industrial fuel for cooking and heating.

    Ques: What is LPG mainly composed of?

    a) Methane

    b) Propane and butane

    c) Ethane

    d) Hydrogen

    Ans: b) Propane and butane

    Explanation: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is mainly composed of propane and butane gases.

    Ques: Which type of coal is known as ‘brown coal’?

    a) Lignite

    b) Bituminous

    c) Anthracite

    d) Peat

    Ans: a) Lignite

    Explanation: Lignite is often referred to as ‘brown coal’ due to its color and lower carbon content.

    Ques: Which is the first stage in the formation of coal?

    a) Lignite

    b) Bituminous

    c) Peat

    d) Anthracite

    Ans: c) Peat

    Explanation: Peat is the first stage in the formation of coal and contains a lot of water and decayed plant material.

    Ques: Which of the following is not obtained from crude oil?

    a) Petrol

    b) Kerosene

    c) Diesel

    d) Natural gas

    Ans: d) Natural gas

    Explanation: Natural gas is obtained from gas wells or oil wells, not directly from crude oil.

    Ques: What does the term ‘petroleum’ literally mean?

    a) Rock gas

    b) Rock oil

    c) Ground oil

    d) Black gold

    Ans: b) Rock oil

    Explanation: The term ‘petroleum’ is derived from Latin words ‘petra’ (rock) and ‘oleum’ (oil).

    Ques: Which of the following is a non-renewable energy source?

    a) Solar energy

    b) Wind energy

    c) Natural gas

    d) Hydropower

    Ans: c) Natural gas

    Explanation: Natural gas is a non-renewable resource because it cannot be replenished on a human timescale.

    Ques: What is formed by the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years under high pressure and temperature?

    a) Coal

    b) Limestone

    c) Basalt

    d) Sandstone

    Ans: a) Coal

    Explanation: Coal is formed from the decomposition of organic matter such as plants over millions of years under high pressure and temperature.

    Ques: Which of the following is a liquid fossil fuel?

    a) Coal

    b) Natural gas

    c) Petroleum

    d) Uranium

    Ans: c) Petroleum

    Explanation: Petroleum is a liquid fossil fuel that is refined to produce various fuels and chemicals.

    Ques: What is the primary use of coal in power plants?

    a) To generate electricity

    b) To refine petroleum

    c) To produce natural gas

    d) To make fertilizers

    Ans: a) To generate electricity

    Explanation: Coal is primarily used in power plants to generate electricity through combustion.

    Ques: Which country is the largest producer of coal?

    a) United States

    b) India

    c) Australia

    d) China

    Ans: d) China

    Explanation: China is the largest producer of coal, contributing to a significant portion of the world’s total production.

    MCQs Coal and Petroleum Class 8 FAQs

    What is the purpose of the MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8?

    The MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8 are designed to help students understand the key concepts related to these important fossil fuels. The MCQs cover topics such as the formation, properties, uses, and environmental impact of coal and petroleum.

    What topics are covered in the MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8?

    The MCQs cover a range of topics, including the geological processes that lead to the formation of coal and petroleum, the different types and characteristics of these fossil fuels, their extraction and refining, and their various applications in industries, transportation, and energy generation.

    How can the MCQs help students prepare for their Class 8 exams?

    The MCQs on coal and petroleum can be a valuable tool for students to assess their understanding of the topic and identify areas where they need to focus more on their preparation. Regularly practicing these MCQs can help students become more familiar with the types of questions they may encounter in their exams and improve their problem-solving skills.

    Where can students find the MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8?

    The MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8 can be found in various online resources, such as educational websites, study portals, and NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) solutions. Students can also refer to their Class 8 Science textbooks and workbooks for additional practice questions.

    How can students effectively use the MCQs to enhance their learning?

    To effectively use the MCQs on coal and petroleum for Class 8, students should first thoroughly study the relevant chapters in their textbooks and reference materials. Then, they can attempt the MCQs, paying attention to the explanations provided for the correct answers. This will help them identify their strengths and weaknesses and focus their study efforts accordingly.

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