NEET ExamNEET MCQNEET Biology MCQMCQ on Cytoskeleton for NEET

MCQ on Cytoskeleton for NEET

The cytoskeleton, found in eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells, and archaeans, is like a network of tiny fibers. In eukaryotic cells, these fibers are made up of a complex mesh of proteins and motor proteins that assist in cell movement. The cytoskeleton plays several important roles. It gives the cell its shape and structure, helps arrange its tiny parts, and makes it possible for molecules to move around, helps with cell division, and aids in cell communication.

MCQ on Cytoskeleton for NEET

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    Cytoskeleton MCQ for NEET

    Ques 1. The intermediate filaments found in hairs and nails are a type 1 IF protein, composed of

    1. vimentin

    2. keratin

    3. tubulin

    4. lamin

    Answer: keratin

    Ques 2. A network of microfilaments and microtubules is classified as

    1. cytoskeleton

    2. vertebral skeleton

    3. active skeleton

    4. endoplasmic skeleton

    Answer: cytoskeleton

    Ques 3. This is the most heterogeneous type of cytoskeleton filament

    1. microtubules

    2. microfilaments

    3. intermediate filaments

    4. none of the above

    Answer: intermediate filaments

    Ques 4. This statement is true

    1. microtubules are composed of tubulin

    2. microfilaments are composed of actin

    3. intermediate filaments are resistant to cytochalasin-B and colchicine

    4. all the above

    Answer: all the above

    Ques 5. Microfilaments are composed of

    1. mosaic protein

    2. actin protein

    3. chitin protein

    4. tubulin protein

    Answer: actin protein

    Ques 6. This is a microfilament inhibitor

    1. aspirin

    2. colchicine

    3. cinchonine

    4. cytochalasin-B

    Answer: cytochalasin-B

    Ques 7. Cell lining of the lumen of the fallopian tube is involved in ciliary action to transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus. The cytoskeleton structure responsible for this movement is

    1. flagella

    2. microfilaments

    3. intermediate filaments

    4. microtubules

    Answer: microtubules

    Ques 8. This cell lacks cytoskeleton

    1. prokaryotic and eukaryotic animal cells

    2. eukaryotic plant cells

    3. prokaryotic bacterial cells

    4. None of the above

    Answer: None of the above

    Ques 9. Malformation of these cytoskeleton structures can be linked to an inability to contract a muscle

    1. microfilaments

    2. intermediate filaments

    3. centrioles

    4. microtubules

    Answer: microfilaments

    Ques 10. What are flagella and cilia of eukaryotic cells made of?

    1. lamin

    2. desmin

    3. tubulin

    4. keratin

    Answer: tubulin

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