Olympiad examNational Essay Olympiad (NESO)

National Essay Olympiad (NESO)

National Essay Olympiad (NESO): Writing essays is an art form. It means knowing a lot about the topic, being good with English, putting sentences together well, and having a good set of words to write a solid essay. The National Essay Olympiad (NESO) is for students who are good at all these things. It’s open to students from Class 1 to Class 10. Unlike regular subjects such as Math, Science, General Knowledge, English, and Computers, NESO focuses on testing language skills.

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    It’s not just about answering questions; it’s also about telling stories, which makes it more interesting. To do well in NESO, students should be familiar with the topics on which they write essays. The National Essay Olympiad (NESO) takes place at the national level. It’s an excellent way for students to show how good they are at writing essays. It’s about more than just being good with words. Read this article for complete details about the National Essay Olympiad (NESO).

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    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) Overview

    This table provides a quick overview of the critical details of the National Essay Olympiad (NESO), including the conducting body, exam name, mode of reference, mode of examination, type of examination, and exam duration.

    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) Overview
    Conducting Body Indian Talent Olympiad
    Exam Name National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
    Mode of Reference Online
    Mode of Examination OMR or Computer-based Test
    Type of Examination Objective Type
    Exam Duration 65 minutes

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    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) Registration

    To register for the National Essay Olympiad (NESO) by the Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO), schools must go through their coordinators. Schools need to first register as an exam centre with ITO. After that, coordinators can provide the names of interested students and specify the olympiad they want to participate in. The registration process is completed by sending a list of students’ names and a Demand Draft (DD) for the examination fees to the ITO office. This ensures a smooth and organized registration for NESO, making it easy for schools and students to participate in this engaging competition.

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    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) Syllabus

    The National Essay Olympiad (NESO) syllabus covers various topics related to general awareness, academic subjects, social causes, and creative themes. This syllabus, designed by the Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO), is based on the academic curriculum followed by major boards like ICSE/CBSE.

    This makes it easier for students to understand and prepare for the Olympiad, as it includes familiar educational content. The NESO syllabus allows students to explore and express their knowledge on different subjects, promoting overall development. The detailed National Essay Olympiad (NESO) syllabus from classes 1 to 10 is given below in the table.

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    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) Syllabus
    Chapter Number Class (1-4) Chapter Title Chapter Number Class (5-7) Chapter Title Chapter Number Class (8-10) Chapter Title
    1 Our Clothes 1 Jawaharlal Nehru 1 Mahatma Gandhi
    2 Our Body 2 Mahatma Gandhi 2 Subhash Chandra Bose
    3 Plants 3 Mother Teresa 3 Missile Man of India
    4 The Fruits 4 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 4 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
    5 The Sun-Water is Life 5 Dr. Varghese Kurian – The Milkman of India 5 Narendra Modi
    6 Various Flowers 6 A Rainy Day 6 Republic Day
    7 Wild and Pet Animals 7 A Market 7 Festivals of India
    8 The Rain 8 A Morning Walk 8 My Favourite Festival – Dussehra
    9 Birds 9 The Newspaper 9 My Favorite Book
    10 The Sky 10 Computer 10 Autobiography of a Book
    11 My Teacher 11 Television 11 The Importance of Education
    12 Vegetables We Eat 12 Mobile Phone 12 A Cricket Match
    13 Homes of Animals 13 The Policeman 13 Urban Life vs Rural Life
    14 My Mother 14 Our National Flower Lotus 14 A Dust Storm
    15 My Father 15 The Ganga 15 Blessings of Science
    16 My Grandparents 16 Discipline 16 My Aim in Life
    17 Myself 17 My Best Friend 17 My Hobby/Things I like
    18 My Family 18 A Visit to a Zoo 18 My Pastime
    19 My Town 19 Taj Mahal/Historical Place 19 The Happiest Day of My Life
    20 My Classroom/My Home 20 A Visit to a Hill Station 20 If I were the Prime Minister!
    21 My Garden 21 The Day I Will Never Forget/My Picnic 21 The ‘Lotus Temple’
    22 My Hobby 22 My First Day at School 22 My Visit to Agra and Taj Mahal
    23 Diwali 23 My School Library 23 A Visit to an Exhibition
    24 The Peacock 24 Happiest Moment in My Life 24 The Person I Admire
    25 My Pet Animal 25 My Aim in Life 25 Mother Teresa
    26 My Best Friend 26 My Favourite Book 26 An Hour at the Railway Platform
    27 My Country 27 My Favourite Subject 27 Complete Blackout a Day
    28 Our National Flag 28 An Ideal Student 28 Before
    29 The Cow 29 Cricket – My Favourite/Game 29 The Generation Gap/My Idea of a Happy Life
    30 Why Should We Drink Milk? 30 Hockey – National Game of India 30 Global Warming
    31 The Mango 31 Independence Day 31 Role of Computers and the Internet in Everyday Life
    32 The Tiger 32 Republic Day 32 Plastic – A Boon or a Bane?
    33 Holi 33 Life in a Big City
    34 Christmas 34 Craze of Western Culture
    35 Milk- The Complete Meal 35 Unity in Diversity
    36 The Camel 36 Pollution: A Threat to Life
    37 A Street Hawker 37 Terrorism
    38 An Indian Wedding 38 Liberty is not Anarchy
    39 A Soldier
    40 Health is Wealth
    41 The Traffic Hazards in My City
    42 Autobiography of a Bicycle

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    How to Prepare for National Essay Olympiad (NESO)?

    By following these steps, candidates can enhance their preparation, gain confidence, and perform effectively in the examination.

    • Understand Exam Pattern: Get familiar with the exam structure, including question types, marking system, and special instructions. This knowledge provides a clear understanding of what to expect during the actual exam.
    • Thorough Comprehension: Dive deep into the course material, ensuring a solid understanding of each concept and theme. Create comprehensive notes focusing on critical topics likely to appear in the exam.
    • Create a Timetable: Develop a detailed study schedule covering the entire curriculum. Group similar modules together and highlight critical themes for focused attention.
    • Mock Exams and Practice Tests: Regularly engage in mock and practice tests and solve previous years’ question papers. This hands-on approach helps you familiarise yourself with the exam format, question types, and time constraints.
    • Time Management: Keep track of the time spent on each section during practice exams. Learn to allocate time wisely to ensure completion of all sections within the specified timeframe.

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    National Educational Olympiads Benefits

    Participating in the National Educational Olympiads (NESO) offers numerous advantages for students, recognizing and nurturing their unique competencies. These competitions serve as a valuable tool to disclose students’ hidden skills and capabilities, promoting a comprehensive understanding of their potential. The benefits of National Educational Olympiads are as follows.

    • Identification of Unique Competencies: NESO facilitates the recognition of individual talents and competencies among students. Challenging assessments disclose hidden skills that may not be apparent in traditional academic settings.
    • Enhancement of Learning Skills: Olympiads provide a platform for students to develop and enhance their learning skills. The rigid nature of Olympiad exams goes beyond conventional assessments, enabling a deeper understanding of subjects.
    • Subject Mastery and Understanding: NESO aids students in comprehending and mastering subjects studied in class. Subject-matter experts design the exams and ensure a nuanced approach that aligns with students’ learning capacities.

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    National Essay Olympiad (NESO) FAQs

    What is the National Essay Olympiad?

    The National Essay Olympiad is a skill-based scholarship exam to enhance students' communication and English language skills.

    Which is the toughest Olympiad in India?

    The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is India's most challenging Olympiad exam.

    Is the Olympiad exam excellent or bad?

    They encourage regular practice and revision habits and help students stay connected with their academic syllabus.

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