Olympiad examPre Regional Mathematical Olympiad

Pre Regional Mathematical Olympiad

The Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad is the first level of Mathematics Olympiad. There are six stages in total. The PRMO is organized by the Mathematics Teachers’ Association (MTA), while the rest are managed by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE).

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    To move to the next stage, called the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO), students need to pass the PRMO. Here’s a simple explanation of the various stages of the Math Olympiad.

    Different Stages of Mathematical Olympiad

    The Mathematical Olympiad Program is a test for Indian students managed by the HBCSE on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics. Outstanding students can qualify for the International Mathematical Olympiad, the final stage.

    Here’s a breakdown of the stages:

    • Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO):
    • First stage of the program.
    • Details about eligibility, application, exam mode, cutoffs, etc., can be found here.
    • Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO):
    • Second stage, usually held in fewer centers in the region.
    • 3-hour exam with six questions in English/Hindi or other regional languages.
    • Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO):
    • About 900 top performers from RMO are selected.
    • International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC):
    • Approximately 35 top performers from INMO are invited.
    • Assessed through various tests; only the best 6 go to the final stage.
    • Pre-Departure Camp:
    • The selected team undergoes intensive training for 8-10 days at HBCSE before departing for IMO.
    • The top 6 students from IMOTC represent India in the IMO.

    Eligibility for PRMO

    Here are the eligibility criteria for PRMO:

    1. Candidates must be Indian citizens.
    2. They should be born on or after 1 August 2001 to participate.
    3. According to the Madras High Court, students with OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) cards can take part in all stages except representing India in the final International Mathematical Olympiad.
    4. Students in Class 8 to Class 12 can apply for the Mathematics Olympiad.
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    Seats in PRMO

    There are 25 regions in total. For students in Class VIII to Class XI, each region has 300 seats, and for Class XII, there are 60 seats per region. Additionally, 5% and 1% of seats respectively are reserved for JNV and KV students. The exam paper is the same for all classes.

    To calculate the total seats for Class VIII to Class XII across 25 regions: 360 (300 seats for Class VIII to XI + 60 seats for Class XII) multiplied by 25 equals 9000 seats.

    Approximately 14,000 students, including JNV and KV students, are selected in PRMO.

    PRMO Exam Pattern

    Before students begin preparing for the exam, they should understand the exam pattern. There are 30 questions in total, and students need to mark their answers on an OMR sheet. It’s important to carefully read the instructions on both the question paper and the OMR sheet. Each question has either a single-digit or a two-digit answer. The questions are available in English/Hindi.

    How to apply for PRMO?

    To apply for PRMO:

    – Apply online or through registered centers.

    – Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, and other registered schools can apply through their schools.

    – Individuals or groups can register at listed registration centers.

    PRMO Stepwise Registration Process

    Follow these steps:

    1. Visit the PRMO website: www.mtai.org.in
    2. Download the PRMO 2020 application form.
    3. Fill in required details.
    4. Submit the filled form at the registration center.
    5. Pay the registration fee at the center.
    6. Registration centers will submit student details at the portal.
    7. Registration center details are available on the website.

    Details to be filled on the Application Form

    Details to be filled:

    – Personal: Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address, Phone Number, Email ID.

    – Educational: Class, School Name, Address.

    After filling the form, check all details before submission. Students will receive an acknowledgment slip.

    PRMO Application Fee

    Application Fee

    • Rs. 125 for Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rs. 100 for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, and Rs. 230 for other schools.
    • Reduced fee for KV and JNV students registering through their schools.

    Syllabus of PRMO

    • PRMO questions are based on Class VIII to Class XII syllabus.
    • Topics include Geometry, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Integers, Number theory, Graph theory, Trigonometry, Permutations and Combinations.
    • Difficulty level increases from PRMO to IMO.
    • Below is the syllabus for PRMO.
    PRMO CLASS 8 Syllabus
    Algebraic Expressions
    Elementary Graph Theory
    Linear Equations in One Variable
    Permutations and Combinations
    Rational Numbers
    Square Roots and Cube Root


    PRMO Class 9 Syllabus
    Area of parallelograms and triangles
    Coordinate Geometry
    Linear Equations in two Variables
    Number System
    Surface Area and Volume


    PRMO Class 10 Syllabus
    Arithmetic Progression
    Coordinate Geometry
    Linear Equations in Two Variables
    Quadratic Equations
    Real Numbers
    Surface Area and Volume


    PRMO Class 11 Syllabus
    Coordinate Geometry
    Factorization of Polynomials
    Mathematical Reasoning
    Number Theory
    Probability Theory
    Quadratic Equations and Expressions
    Sequence and Series

    PRMO Result

    The PRMO result will be announced online. Following are the steps to check the result:

    1. Visit the official website and click on the PRMO result link.
    2. Enter your Roll number and date of birth.
    3. The results will appear, and you can download or print them.
    4. If there are any issues with the result, contact the provided email address on the website.

    The merit list will show the names of candidates selected for the Regional Mathematics Olympiad (RMO).

    Pre Regional Mathematical Olympiad: FAQs

    How long does it take for PRMO results to be announced?

    PRMO results are announced usually within a month after the exam.

    When will PRMO will be conducted?

    The exam date will be updated on the official website.

    Who conducts PRMO?

    PRMO is conducted by the Mathematics Teachers’ Association (India) (MTA).

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