PhysicsPhysics QuestionsDual Nature Of Radiation And Matter Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter Questions for CBSE Class 12th

In a photoelectric experiment, the wavelength of the incident light is decreased from 6000 Å to 4000 Å . While the intensity of radiations remains the same,

The graph between 1 λ and stopping potential (V) of three metals having work functions ϕ 1 , ϕ 2 and ϕ 3 in an experiment of photo-electric effect is plotted as shown in the figure. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? [Here λ is the wavelength of the incident ray].

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    When photons of energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of metal A, the ejected photoelectrons have maximum kinetic energy T A and de Broglie wavelength λ A . The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons liberated from another metal B by photons of energy 4.70 eV is T B = T A – 1.50 eV. If the de Broglie wavelength of these photoelectrons is λ B = 2 λ A , then

    There is a square plate of side 1m, the threshold wavelength of plate is 6000Å. Light of uniform intensity 1 w a t t / m 2 is incident normally on plate. The wavelength of light increases linearly from 4000Å to 8000Å as we move from bottom to top. Assume that each capable photon ejects an electron, if the number of electrons ejected per second is 10 19 K , find K.

    An electron is an excited state of L i 2 + ion has angular momentum 3 h / 2 π .The de Broglie wavelength of the electron in this state is ρ π a 0 (where a 0 is the Bohr radius). The value of ρ is

    The electric field associated with a light wave is given by E = sin 1.57 × 10 7 m − 1 x − c t . If this light is used in an experiment on photoelectric effect .The stopping potential is n × 0.2    v o l t . Then n is, ( The emitter having work function 1.9 eV and consider h c = 12400   e V − A 0 )

    Electromagnetic radiation having time varying electric field E = E 0 1 + cos ω t cos ω 0 t falls on a metal surface of work function ϕ . If ω > ω 0 , the possible speed(s) of photoelectron is ( ℏ ω − ω 0 > ϕ > ℏ ω 0 where ℏ = h 2 π )

    When a beam of 10.6 eV photon of intensity 2    w / m 2 falls on a platinum surface of area 10 4   m 2 and work function 5.6    e V , 0.53% of incident photons eject photoelectrons. The number of photoelectrons emitted per second is 125   n × 10 17 . Calculate n

    A charge particle q 0 of mass m 0 is projected along the y-axis at t = 0 from origin with a velocity V 0 . If a uniform electric field E 0 also exists along the x-axis, then the time at which debroglie wavelength of the particle becomes half of the initial value is P m 0 v 0 q 0 E 0 . Find the value of P.

    A point source causes photoelectric effect from a small metal plate. Which of the following curves may represent the saturation photocurrent as a function of the distance between the source and the metal ?

    The graph between the stopping potential (V 0 ) and 1 λ is shown in the figure. ϕ 1 , ϕ 2 and ϕ 3 are work functions. Which of the following is/are correct?

    In a photoelectric experiment, the collector plate is at 2.0 V with respect to the emitter plate made of copper ( ϕ = 4.5e V). The emitter is illuminated by a source of monochromatic light of wavelength 200 nm. The maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons reaching the collector is —-eV

    The graph between 1 λ and stopping potential (V) of three metals having work functions ϕ 1 , ϕ 2 and ϕ 3 in an experiment of photo-electric effect is plotted as shown in the figure. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? [Here λ is the wavelength of the incident ray].

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