BiologyFind the incorrect statements about tiger project.i) India has 60% of the world’s tigers.ii) Government of India launched tiger project in 1972.iii) There are 37 tiger reserves in our country.iv) The tiger project is not just to save tigers but to save deers and flora also along with them.v) The tiger population decreased around 45% due to poaching.

Find the incorrect statements about tiger project.

i) India has 60% of the world’s tigers.

ii) Government of India launched tiger project in 1972.

iii) There are 37 tiger reserves in our country.

iv) The tiger project is not just to save tigers but to save deers and flora also along with them.

v) The tiger population decreased around 45% due to poaching.

  1. A

    i, ii, iii

  2. B

    iii, v

  3. C

    iii, iv, v

  4. D

    i, ii, iv

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    The Correct option is B i.e., iii, v
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