ChemistryStatement I:  Higher order ionisation constant (Ka2,Ka3 are smaller than the lower order ionisation constant (Ka1) of a polyprotic acid.Statement II:  It is more difficult to remove a positively charged proton from a negative ion due to electrostatic forces.

Statement I:  Higher order ionisation constant (Ka2,Ka3 are smaller than the lower order ionisation constant (Ka1) of a polyprotic acid.
Statement II:  It is more difficult to remove a positively charged proton from a negative ion due to electrostatic forces.

  1. A

    Both statements I and II are correct.

  2. B

    Statement I is incorrect and statement II is correct.

  3. C

    Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect.

  4. D

    Both statements I and II are incorrect.

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    Higher order ionization constants Ka2,Ka3 are smaller than the lower order ionization constans(Ka1) of a polyprotic acid. The reason for this is that it is more difficult to remove a positively charged proton from a negative ion due to electrostatic forces. 

    This can be seen in the case of removing a proton from the uncharged H2CO3 as compared from a negatively charged HCO3-.
    Similarly, it is more difficult to remove a proton from a doubly charged HPO42- anion as compared to H2PO4-.

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