CivicsThe rise of Coalition politics has imposed certain constraints on the power of the Prime Minister. Select the valid points. i)  The Prime Minister of a coalition government cannot take decision as he likes.ii)  He has to heed the views and positions of the Coalition partners and other parties.iii)  In coalition government, power wielded by a Prime Minister depends on the personality of the  person holding that position.iv)  Prime Minister has to accommodate different groups and functions.

The rise of Coalition politics has imposed certain constraints on the power of the Prime Minister. Select the valid points. 

i)  The Prime Minister of a coalition government cannot take decision as he likes.

ii)  He has to heed the views and positions of the Coalition partners and other parties.

iii)  In coalition government, power wielded by a Prime Minister depends on the personality of the  person holding that position.

iv)  Prime Minister has to accommodate different groups and functions.

  1. A

    (i) and (ii)

  2. B

    Only (iii)

  3. C

    Only (iv) 

  4. D

    (i), (ii), and (iv) are correct

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