EnglishGeographyConsider the following statements about Bauxite. Which of the following statement is correct?

Consider the following statements about Bauxite. Which of the following statement is correct?

  1. A
    From bauxite, the clay-like substance alumina is extracted.
  2. B
    Jharkhand is the largest bauxite producer in India.
  3. C
    Bellary - Chitradurga belt is famous for bauxite reserves in India.
  4. D
    All of these 

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    The correct statement about Bauxite would be From Bauxite; the clay-like substance alumina is extracted.
    Bauxite is a non-ferrous metal. Non-ferrous minerals are defined as minerals that do not contain iron content. Bauxite ore is a clay-like material used in the manufacturing of aluminium. The deposition of rocks rich in aluminium silicate leads to the formation of Bauxite. First, alumina is extracted from Bauxite, then developed into aluminium. Bauxite can be found in the Amarkantak, the Maikal hills, and the plateau region of Madhya Pradesh. The most crucial bauxite reserve in Odisha is Panchapatmali, located in the Koraput district.
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