PhysicsA copper calorimeter of mass 1.5 kg has 200 g of water at 250C. How much water (approx.) at 500C is required to be poured in the calorimeter, so that the equilibrium temperature attained is 400C? (Sp. heat capacity of copper = 390 J/kg- 0C)

A copper calorimeter of mass 1.5 kg has 200 g of water at 250C. How much water (approx.) at 500C is required to be poured in the calorimeter, so that the equilibrium temperature attained is 400C? (Sp. heat capacity of copper = 390 J/kg- 0C)

  1. A

    508.3 gram

  2. B

    450 gram

  3. C

    370 gram

  4. D

    610 gram

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    Let ‘m’  be the required mass of water.

    Then heat lost by hot water

    Qlost = (m)(1calg- 0C)(50-40)0C------(i)

    Heat gained by the calorimeter

        Q1 = [(1500 g)(3904.2 ×103calg- 0C))](40-25)0C

    Heat gained by the water present in it

    Q2 = [(200 g)(1calg- 0C)](40-25)0C

    Total heat gained by the calorimeter and the water present in it

         Q gain = Q1+Q2-------(ii)

    From principle of calorimetry

    heat lost by hot body = heat gained by cold body

    So, equating Eqs. (i) and (ii) and solving for m, we get

    m = 508.93 gram

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