PhysicsThe angular frequency of a particle in a progressive wave in an elastic medium is 100πrads-1 and it is moving with a velocity of 200ms-1. The phase difference between two particles separated by a distance of 20m is

The angular frequency of a particle in a progressive wave in an elastic medium is 100πrads-1 and it is moving with a velocity of 200ms-1. The phase difference between two particles separated by a distance of 20m is

  1. A

    31.4 rad

  2. B

    π rad

  3. C

    3π/4 rad

  4. D

    36 rad

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    w = 100π rad/s ; V = 200m/s ;  x = 20m
    Phase diff ϕ=2πλx
    w = 2πn = 100 πn = 50Hz
    v=λ=vn=20050=4m ϕ=2π4(20)=10π=10 x 3.14 = 31.4 rad

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