PhysicsThe cricket ball of mass 70 g moving with velocity of 0.5 m/s is stopped by a player in 0.5 second. What will be the force applied by the player to stop the ball?

The cricket ball of mass 70 g moving with velocity of 0.5 m/s is stopped by a player in 0.5 second. What will be the force applied by the player to stop the ball?

  1. A
    0.07 N
  2. B
    0.7 N
  3. C
    1 N
  4. D
    2 N 

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    The cricket ball of mass 70 g moving with velocity of 0.5 m/s is stopped by a player in 0.5 second. The force acting on the cricket ball is 0.07 N.
    Given data in the problem,
    Velocity of the cricket ball, = 0.5 m/s
    Time, = 0.5 s
    Mass of the cricket ball, = 70 g
    And 70 g can be written as  0.07 kg
    Assuming = 0
    By using the first equation of motion
    = u + at Where,
    = final velocity = initial velocity = acceleration = time 0=0.5+× 0.5 a=-0.50.5 =-1 ms-2 (Negative sign shows that the acceleration is in negative or say retardation)
    so, the force exerted in the cricket ball is given by
    Force=mass × acceleration  F=0.07 × (1) F=0.07 The force acting on the cricket ball is 0.07 N.
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