PhysicsThe frequency (v) of an oscillating liquid drop may depend upon radius (r) of the drop, density ρ of liquid and the surface tension (s) of the liquid as : v=raρbsc. The values of a, b and c respectively are

The frequency (v) of an oscillating liquid drop may depend upon radius (r) of the drop, density ρ of liquid and the surface tension (s) of the liquid as : v=raρbsc. The values of a, b and c respectively are

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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     Let v=kraρbsc(i) M0L0T1=LaML3bMT2c M0L0T1=Mb+cLa3bT2a b+c=0(ii) a3b=0(iii) 2c=1,c=12  From (ii), b=c=12  from (iii), a=3b=32 

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