Study MaterialsQuestionsWhat different criteria are used to classify people?

What different criteria are used to classify people?

Question: What different criteria would you choose to classify people that you meet often?

Answer: When we meet different people in our day-to-day life, we classify them based on various characteristics, including gender, physical appearance, educational qualification, profession, geographical location, family members, relatives, friends, etc. 

For example, to classify a class of 40 students, let us begin by classifying the students based on their gender or sex. The classification based on sex will result in the formation of two major groups: boys and girls. These two groups can be further classified based on the students’ names. Since more than one student can have the same name, these names can be further divided based on surnames. There is still a possibility that more than one student has the same surname; hence, the final classification level will be based on each student’s roll number.

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