Study MaterialsQuestionsWhy are living organisms classified class 11 biology?

Why are living organisms classified class 11 biology?

Question. Why are living organisms classified?

Answer: A large variety of living organisms such as plants, animals, and microbes are found on earth. All these living organisms differ in size, shape, color, habitat, mode of nutrition, methods of reproduction, and many other characteristics. There are millions of living organisms on the planet; studying each is impossible. As a result, scientists have developed mechanisms to classify all living organisms. 

The biological classification of living organisms is necessary because

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    • It helps in the identification of living organisms.
    • It is essential to understand the relationships among the different groups of organisms.
    • It helps us to understand the diversity of various organisms.
    • It also helps make studying a wide variety of organisms easy and organized.
    • It enables us to understand how complex organisms evolve from simpler organisms, as well as how organisms have evolved with time.
    • It helps us to learn about different varieties of plants and animals, their characteristics, similarities, and differences.
    • Classification of organisms forms the basis for the development of other biological sciences.
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