EnglishEssayEssay on Music and its Importance in English for Children and Students

Essay on Music and its Importance in English for Children and Students

Music is one of the most beautiful creations of art. It has the power to heal our mind, body and soul by its soothing effect. Different people have different taste in music and it works as a therapy for them. Music aids in expressing ourselves. It can help in healing conditions like depression, Alzheimer and insomnia. It also helps us rejuvenate and connect with ourselves as well as those around us.

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    Long and Short Essay on Music and its Importance in English

    Here are essay on music and its importance of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

    After going through these music and its importance essay you will know the benefits of music as a medium of connecting to self and others; music as a therapy for many physiological and psychological ailments; healing and calming power of music and its several other benefits.

    You can go through all these essay to get the best one for you:

    Short Essay on Music and its Importance (200 words) – Essay 1

    Music has a divine power. It is a great source of entertainment. It binds people together. It brings back several fond memories from the past. It helps us connect with our inner self and also serves as an excellent medium of self expression. Music is loved by the mankind and is essential for its well being.

    Music has been one of the main sources of entertainment since the ancient times. During the earlier times, when there were no televisions, internet connection, video games or any other way to keep oneself entertained, music helped people combat boredom. It also helped them connect better with each other. People sung folklores and danced to their tunes.

    Musical instruments came into shape slowly and they took music to a different level. Today, music is a full-fledged industry which has become a source of income for many. Besides offering entertainment, music is also known for its therapeutic power. It calms the nervous system and heals many physical and mental ailments.

    Doctors around the world have started including music therapy as a part of various medical treatments as it helps in a speedy recovery. As a part of this therapy, the patients listen to music. They also compose music, play different musical instruments, and write lyrics, dance and chant. Music is indeed a great way to boost the quality of life.

    Essay on Music and its Importance (300 words) – Essay 2


    Music is a great medium to connect better with oneself. It is also a fun way to connect with our friends and family and make new connections. Two people with similar taste in music connect instantly. Those who are fond of playing the same instrument or have flair in writing same kind of poetry also gel along really well.

    Music Helps Establish a Connection with Self

    Connecting with one’s inner self is an essential factor in leading a positive and wholesome life. The best way to go deep down and connect with oneself is through meditation. While many people try to meditate only few are able to do it successfully. Most people find it hard to sit in silence and dive deep inside. Their thoughts usually wander making it impossible to concentrate. Many people find this activity boring and tend to give up after few attempts. Music can make this process easier.

    Music can calm the mind and help us focus better. There are many guided meditation audios and videos that can help you meditate with ease and develop a connection with your inner self.

    Music Helps Establish a Connection with Those Around

    Why do you think social gatherings have soft music being played in the background or a full blown DJ installed? Well, this is because music has the power to build a positive atmosphere and also connects people instantly. People often make new friends on the dance floor and also strengthen their bond with the existing ones.

    Many songs make us feel nostalgic. This feeling of nostalgia binds us with our friends and family. Listening to such songs in their company is a great way to connect with them even if we meet them after a long time. Music helps in making several new memories too.


    If you find it hard to meditate and establish a connection with your inner self or are trying hard to recreate that bond with your old friends then try music as a medium to further these aims.

    Essay on Music and its Importance (400 words) – Essay 3

    How Music Aids in Self Expression?

    One of the problems people face today is lack of self expression. Most hesitate communicating their inner most feelings due to the fear that no one will understand. In fact, in this fast paced world, people are so busy that no one even bothers to listen to what the other person has to say. Holding on to thoughts and bottling up feelings is the worst a person can do to himself. Self expression is necessary and one of the best ways to do so is by way of music.

    Why is Self Expression Important?

    We are all dealing with something or the other. While we may be capable of handling our issues on our own; however, sharing our feelings and coping mechanism with others can help in lowering our stress to a large extent. It serves as a vent.

    It also fetches support from those around us. Research shows that people who have someone to hear them out are happier compared to those who don’t. Those who keep their feelings to themselves often end up lonely and many even develop conditions such as anxiety and depression.

    Music Can Help with Self Expression

    Now, even if you have people around to hear you, you may not be able to share your thoughts and feelings with ease. Self expression is important but not easy. However, it can be made easy with the help of music. Music has proved to be of great help when it comes to self expression.

    The power of music is such that just by playing a musical instrument such as drums or flute or guitar, you can convey how you are feeling or what you going through. You can express even the most intense feelings with the help of music. Another way in which you can express your self is by writing lyrics. This is a great way to communicate your feelings. You can write the lyrics of an existing song or a mix of different songs or even spin new lyrics. The idea always is to express yourself.

    You don’t have to be a great musician or writer to do all this. Don’t worry about the outcome. Just follow the process and it will help in true expression of self. This is a way to liberate oneself and see things from a different perspective. Whether someone hears out your composition or not, you will feel liberated once you express it and vent it out by way of music.


    The importance of self expression needs to be understood by everyone. Expressing self can be difficult for many but it is essential. Music definitely serves as a good medium for self expression.

    Essay on Music and its Importance (500 words) – Essay 4

    The Healing Power of Music

    Music is not just a source of entertainment but has an amazing power to heal. Music therapy has been declared as a therapy that can work wonders on people suffering from different kinds of mental as well as physical ailments. Many institutes run special music therapy sessions to help people get rid of conditions such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular problem and insomnia. Music also forms a part of many other medical treatments.

    Types of Music Therapy

    Music therapy is broadly divided into two categories. These are as follows:

    1. Active Music Therapy

    In active music therapy, the participants (those receiving the therapy) create music using different musical instruments. They also write lyrics and sing songs. This includes working on new compositions or remixing the earlier ones. The idea is to shift the patient’s focus from his physical or mental condition to something positive. Creating music can be therapeutic. Since these are group activities, they help participants connect with each other and make new friends. This also helps in the healing process.

    1. Receptive Music Therapy

    During this type of music therapy session, the therapist plays musical instruments and sings songs. The participants sit quietly and listen to him. Many times soft healing music is played on a recorder and the participants enjoy it. This is often followed by a discussion between the participants and the therapist.

    Both types of music therapy offer a calming effect on the patients. They work on different levels and help in healing various medical conditions. Most music therapists offer a mix of both these therapies to heal their patients. Many music therapy sessions also include dancing, clapping and chanting loudly. Clapping and Chanting fill the atmosphere with positive energy and render a soothing effect.

    Impact of Music Therapy

    The effects of music therapy have been astonishing. Research shows that patients who received music therapy as a part of their overall medical treatment recovered faster compared to those who only received other medication. It has largely been accepted that music can heal both physical and emotional pain.

    More and more hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centres have thus started incorporating music therapy as a part of many treatments. They also recommend people to inculcate the practice in their routine life even after they recover. This is because it boosts health and offers better quality of life. A music therapist or coach can help in this direction.

    How Does Music Therapy Work?

    These days, most of the physical as well as mental ailments stem from stress. Stress mostly occurs when a person fears about the upcoming events in his life or is unable to cope up with the bad experiences of the past. In today’s times, very few people are able to enjoy the moment they are living in. They continually fret about the future or regret their past.

    Music helps in shifting the focus to the present moment. So, it helps in combating stress that arises from the fears that lie ahead and the guilt or resentment from the past events. The decrease in the stress level plays a vital part in the healing process. This is a great way to improve both mental and physical health.


    Music therapy works for people of all age groups. It is an effective way to relax, combat stress and fight various illnesses. It is recommended for everyone whether he/she is suffering from some ailment or not.

    Long Essay on Music and its Importance (600 words) – Essay 5

    Music calms our mind and relaxes our body. It is one of the best forms of art. Composing music can be as great an experience as listening to it. Singing can be even more exhilarating. Both verbal and non-verbal forms of music offer a soothing effect to our senses. The benefits of music are uncountable. Here are some of its benefits for which we should be truly thankful.

    Music Calms Our Mind

    Music helps in getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions. During our day we are faced with several situations that raise our stress levels. Small things such as getting stuck in a traffic jam, clash of opinion with friends/siblings/parents or even a piece of news read in the newspaper can cause stress. Music helps us unwind. It makes us forget these unnecessary things that can otherwise keep our mind occupied the whole day and hamper work.

    It is a good idea to turn on your favourite song or play a musical instrument of your choice whenever you are feeling low. This will distract you from the unnecessary thoughts in your mind and calm your senses. It can uplift the mood instantly.

    Music Improves the Power to Concentrate

    Studies reveal that music can boost your power to concentrate. As we sit to study or work, our thoughts often wander and we are unable to maintain focus. This way a work that can be accomplished in one hour may take two-three hours or even longer. Music has the power to keep us focused in the here and now. It does not let our mind wander and thus helps us concentrate on what we are doing rather than thinking about something completely different. It also increases our attention span.

    Music Creates Better Self Image

    Music has the power to connect us with our inner self. It takes us to the deep recesses of our mind and helps us understand who we really are and our purpose in life. It also helps us find out our hidden strengths. Thus, it serves as a great means to create a better self image. This further helps in boosting our confidence level.

    Music Helps Combat Fears

    Each one of us is dealing with some fear or the other. While some are worried about their future others keep stressing about their past events. People also suffer from different kinds of fears such as fear of walking on a busy road, fear of staying home alone, fear of travelling via aeroplane, fear/ nervousness of attending a social event.

    While some of these fears are momentary others are inherent and difficult to overcome. Music can help combat fear and make you feel better during situations that make you anxious. Just keep your earphones with you. Plug them in and play your favourite music to distract your mind and calm down during such situations.

    Music Renders Strength

    Music renders strength by helping people connect better with themselves as well as those around. It aids in better self expression. One can express verbally as well as non-verbally by way of music.

    Music also serves as a coping mechanism for things we cannot let go. Many such things keep our energy levels down and hinder our productivity. Music helps us cope up with such feelings and thus renders strength. It can bring about a positive change in our life and increase our sense of control. It supports healthy feelings and hence bars the possibility of various physical as well as mental health problems.


    The best thing about music is that it can be listened to anytime and anywhere. You can hear it while driving or travelling by a public transport or when you are exercising in the gym or trying to relax at home. Just turn on your favourite track and enthuse yourself with positivity. Music works on different levels to promote a healthy life.

    FAQs on Essay on Music

    Why music is important?

    Music is important because it can evoke emotions, relieve stress, and enhance creativity, making it an integral part of human culture.

    What is music 5 lines?

    Music is an art form that uses sound, rhythm, melody, and harmony to convey emotions, tell stories, and connect with people on a profound level.

    Is music useful in life?

    Yes, music is useful in life as it can improve mood, aid relaxation, and serve as a means of self-expression and communication.

    What are the 3 main types of music?

    The three main types of music are classical, pop, and folk, but there are countless other genres and styles to explore.

    Why music is so powerful?

    Music is powerful because it has the ability to trigger strong emotional responses, influence behavior, and serve as a universal language that transcends boundaries.

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