Table of Contents
Before we start providing you slogans on election, we have given here a short overview about the election; you can go through this to have a general idea about the topic:
In a democratic setup, elections are the most significant national event, more so, as in the world’s largest and diversified democracy, India, where elections are celebrated as National Festival.
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There are four main types of elections in India – Lok Sabha Elections, Rajya Sabha Elections, Elections of the State Legislative Assemblies and Local Bodies Elections, like Municipalities, corporations, panchayats etc. The electoral roll and eligibility for taking part in these elections has been enshrined in the Constitution of India. In some of the elections, people directly vote to select their representatives, while in others; the members are elected indirectly by the people i.e. by other elected representatives.
The elections for Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) and State Legislative Assemblies are the most significant elections held in India. In both the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assembly elections, people vote directly every five years, to choose a government at the centre and state respectively.
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The power of people, in a democracy is applied through the process of election. It is only through elections that the supremacy of people over the government is fostered in a democracy. People franchise their vote to choose the government for a fixed term and have the right to change it in the next election.
Each election, ranging from Lok Sabha to local bodies, has its significance in fostering democracy and deciding the fate and future of India, as well as her citizens. The representatives, thus chosen through the electoral process, represent the views of the people of their respective constituencies. These elected representatives supervise the functioning of the government and take necessary financial and policy decisions, in the best interest of the people.
The Constitution of India has made no discrimination on whatsoever grounds between the voters; though, the minimum age to franchise one’s vote in any election in India, has been kept to 18 years. Poorest of poor to the most wealthy, both enjoy the same rights, when it comes to casting their votes. All stand in a queue for their chance, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, social or financial status. Such is the beauty of Election!
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Although, the law doesn’t mandates voting in the elections and it has been kept at the discretion of voters. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility as the responsible citizens to cast our votes, to form a government which functions in the best interest of the country and its people.

Election Slogans in English
Below we have provided some unique and catchy “Slogans on Election in English”. These Election slogans will help raise general awareness of the masses about elections and their significance in a democracy. These slogans on Elections will make an impact on the audience and raise their awareness about elections and right to franchise. You can write the slogan on a placard to raise public awareness about election and its role in preserving democracy. The slogans will prove useful while campaigning for election or right to franchise or during relevant events in your school, college, office or society.
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Slogans on Election in Hindi
जब हम ‘वोट’ का जिक्र सुनते हैं, तो हमें क्या समझना चाहिए? अधिकांश लोगों ने इस शब्द को सुना होगा। वोटिंग एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसमें लोग अपने नेताओं का चयन करते हैं। ये नेता लोगों की आवाज़ के रूप में काम करते हैं, और सरकार को लोगों के भलाई के लिए कानून और नीतियों में मदद करते हैं। यह लेख वोट डालने को प्रोत्साहित करने वाले विभिन्न मुद्दों पर चर्चा करेगा।
Unique and Catchy Slogans on Election
- It’s time to cheer, keep your consciousness clear and give vote without any fear.
- Young or Old, Black or White, Cast your Vote, It’s your right.
- Vote today for a better tomorrow.
- Vote for the right by the right of voting.
- Give vote oh my dear, without any fear.
- A vigilant voter writes the future of the nation.
- Voting gives you a chance, to make your nation advance.
- Voting gives you a right, to make your future bright.
- Give a smile and cheer it loud, I will vote and feel proud.
- Five, six, seven, eight; cast your vote, don’t be late.
Also Check: Article on Election Commission of India
Slogan on Election Awareness
- “Vote for a better tomorrow!”
- “Your vote, your voice!”
- “Every vote counts, make yours count too!”
- “Be the change, vote for change!”
- “Make a difference, cast your vote!”
- “Empower yourself, vote wisely!”
- “Shape the future, vote today!”
- “Democracy starts with you, vote!”
- “Stand up, be heard, vote!”
- “Your vote is your power, use it!”
Also Check: Essay on Election Commission of India
Election Slogan Ideas
Creating election slogans is all about being catchy, memorable, and conveying your message succinctly. Here are some simple election slogan ideas:
- Remember the past and give your vote at any cost.
- Your Vote is your Voice, Don’t let it be suppressed.
- The voting percentage shows the awareness level of people.
- Bus, Train or by Boat, Go to booths and cast your vote.
- Bad politicians are elected when good citizens don’t cast their vote.
- Democratic Election is a fair way of Government Selection.
- Elections safeguard democracy and democracy gives freedom.
- One vote can change the course of the nation – don’t forget to cast yours.
- Runny nose or sore throat; no excuses, cast your vote.
- Take a decision today, to ensure a better tomorrow.
5 Slogans on Voting
- Poor or rich, young or old, every vote is precious than gold.
- Election is the most significant festival of a democracy.
- Take out an hour to cast your vote and show your power.
- Take the right decision to choose the right government.
- Either you oppose or support, always remember to cast your vote.
Slogan on Election in Hindi
- “विकास के लिए वोट, बदलाव के लिए वोट।” (Vikas ke liye vote, badlav ke liye vote.)
- “कल को बेहतर बनाएं, आज एक सही फैसला करें।” (Kal ko behtar banayein, aaj ek sahi faisla karein.)
- “आपकी आवाज़, आपका वोट, हमारा भविष्य।” (Aapki awaaz, aapka vote, hamara bhavishya.)
- “सही दिशा में एक कदम।” (Sahi disha mein ek kadam.)
- “हमारा संकल्प, आपका विकास।” (Hamara sankalp, aapka vikas.)
- “आपका वोट, आपकी ताकत।” (Aapka vote, aapki taakat.)
- “जन-जन की आवाज़, बदलाव का राज़।” (Jan-jan ki awaaz, badlav ka raaz.)
- “जिम्मेदारी से वोट दें, भविष्य संवारें।” (Zimmedari se vote de, bhavishya sanwaren.)
- “समृद्धि का संकल्प, आपके वोट का मोल।” (Samriddhi ka sankalp, aapke vote ka mol.)
- “नई सोच, नया संकल्प।” (Nayi soch, naya sankalp.)
Voting Slogans that Rhyme
Creating rhyming slogans can make them more memorable and engaging for voters. Here are some simple, rhyming voting slogans:
- “Vote with Heart, Let’s Make a New Start.”
- “Cast Your Ballot, Don’t Stall It.”
- “Make a Choice with Your Voice.”
- “Choose Right, Let Your Vote Take Flight.”
- “Be Keen, Vote for What You Mean.”
- “Your Vote Counts, Let’s Make It Mount.”
- “Ballots High, Let Your Voice Fly.”
- “Don’t Be Slow, Let Your Vote Show.”
- “Tick the Box, Outfox the Fox.”
- “Make Your Mark, Light the Spark.”
Slogan on Accessible Election
- If you don’t vote, you are either too dumb or don’t care at all.
- If you don’t vote for your nation, it goes in the favour of an undeserving person.
- Vote for change if the government seems out of range.
- Give your vote, to continue the nation’s growth.
- Weigh the politicians, compare them wisely, choosing the wrong one may prove pricey.
- Vote for who is right, to make the future bright.
- Vote for the best, forget the rest.
- Have a vision? If yes, then vote for the nation!
- Election is all about voting to form a government, or throwing the existing one out.
- One, two, three and four, be clear on whom you vote for.
Slogans on Right to Vote in India
- “Vote Karo, Bharat Nirman Karo!” (Vote, Build India!)
- “Empower Democracy – Exercise Your Right to Vote.”
- “Show Your Power – The Ballot is Stronger than You Think.”
- “Safeguard Freedom – Your Vote Is Your Right.”
- “Vote for Progress, Prosperity, and Peace.”
- “Make Your Mark for a Better Tomorrow.”
- “Raise Your Hand for Change – Vote!”
- “Don’t Be Silent – Your Vote Speaks.”
- “Voting Is Not Just a Right, It’s Our Duty.”
- “United by Vote, Divided by Choice – Be a Voter.”
- “Take a Step for a Better India – Vote Today.”
FAQs on Slogans on Election
What are the slogans on the importance of the right to vote?
Slogans on the importance of the right to vote emphasize the power and responsibility each individual holds in shaping the future, like Your Vote, Your Future.
How do I find the right slogan?
To find the right slogan, think about the core message you want to convey, keep it short and impactful, and ensure it resonates with your audience.
What are the two slogans signifying rights to vote?
Vote for Change, Your Voice Matters and Every Vote Counts, Don’t Remain Silent are two slogans that signify the rights to vote.
How to say yes when voting?
Saying yes when voting typically involves marking a ballot or pressing a button for the affirmative option, signifying support for a candidate or policy.
What is the slogan of the Election Commission?
The Election Commission's slogan encourages fair and responsible voting, but the specific slogan may vary with campaigns and over time.
Which slogan was given in 1947?
In 1947, many slogans were about independence and change as India gained freedom, a popular one being Quit India which was prominent in the freedom struggle.
What was the slogan of the 1971 election?
The slogan of the 1971 election in India was Garibi Hatao (Remove Poverty), which was used by Indira Gandhi to focus on poverty reduction and economic reforms.
What is the slogan of the Election Commission?
The Election Commission's slogan is meant to promote democratic practices. A known slogan is No Voter to be Left Behind, emphasizing inclusive voting.