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Thank you Speech for Farewell: There always comes a time when most of us have to bid our colleagues goodbye… but it’s not always easy to compose oneself and deliver the right speech. Especially when a farewell party has been arranged to acknowledge your contribution to the organization, you find yourself short of words. You need to say something really meaningful beyond the customary “vote of thanks speech for everything”. Your co-workers or friends deserve a heartfelt speech appreciating their support and co-operation by you all along your association with them. This topic also sometimes appears in examinations, where students have to show their skills at drafting a befitting speech on this occasion. Here we are providing you four (04) thank you speeches for farewell. You can take your pick as per your requirement.
Farewell Thank you Speech
Thank you Speech for Farewell – 1
Respected managers, my dear friends and colleagues,
The moment has arrived when I am standing in front of you all to deliver my speech on my last day. While I was preparing myself for this day, I had been planning a lot of imaginary speeches about my experience, my learning, my relationship with my bosses and colleagues, the time spent in canteen, cafeteria, etc. But now, when the actual moment has arrived, I can’t think of anything else except two words, i.e. ‘Thank You!’
I cannot tell you how enriching my last 15 years have been here at ABC Co. I started my career as a fresher after completing my MBA and joined as an HR executive. My profile carried various shades and gave me opportunities to learn several aspects of the HR Department and just within 5 years, I got promoted as the HR Manager. My Leader Ms. X has been a great source of motivation and my biggest support in reaching this point. There are several other people who have helped in shaping my career in a successful way.
I would like to thank all of them and especially my manager Ms. X for reprimanding me like a teacher when I made stupid mistakes, for motivating me like a friend when I was disheartened and for everything she has done for me till date.
Apart from giving me an enriching experience and prosperous career, ABC Co. has given me some real assets in the form of my friends/colleagues who always gave me tough competition and an inspiration to succeed. On a lighter note, I always worked harder because of them.
I would also like to mention the name of the technology team who always provided with their support from the backend. I have troubled them on several occasions by asking for complicated and intricate data at odd hours and needless to mention, they always provided me with that. Thank You guys, you have greatly contributed to my success so far.
Thanks to the administration team as well for their great support throughout. I have come up with strange suggestions for employee engagement programs and you have valued and acknowledged my suggestions by arranging for the logistics and helping in materialising those.
I would especially like to thank the transport team for everything they have done for me and have been doing for all the other staffs in the organisation. There have been times when I had to stretch due to urgent deliverables and the transport team has relieved me by arranging cabs or taxis.
Last and not the least, I would sincerely like to thank the canteen and the cafeteria staff for serving me with home-made food, snacks and beverages.
My entire journey has not only been the most enriching but also fun-filled. I am certainly going to miss the days spent here and going to utilize what I’ve learnt here in my future endeavours.
Once again, thank you all!
Thank you Speech for Farewell – 2
Respected board of directors and dear colleagues,
I am sure that everyone one knows by now that today is my last in this company as I am shifting abroad, i.e. U.K. for higher studies. Though it may sound clichéd to you, but in reality it was a tough decision for me to leave my job behind and avail a great working opportunity in the pursuit of higher studies in a foreign land. I came to this decision after careful thinking and planning about all the advantages and disadvantages it entails. However, I really needed to take this step forward.
Besides, I want to tell you that I have successfully completed 6 years in the company, which gives me great joy and a sense of achievement too. In these years, I have developed a filial affection towards my co-employees. People working in the ABC Company, are my second family as it is here I have spent most of my time and experienced good as well as bad times with them. So, let me take this opportunity to thank you all for being my best co-employees and companions ever. I will remember each one of you for giving me your help and support whenever required.
Though we keen competitive has always been a guiding factor, but never did we use unfair means to climb the ladder of success. We all worked with a team spirit and paid due regard to each other. So on my last day, I just want to say to you guys that keep up with this team spirit and continue working the way you have always been to make this company and its employees grow higher and higher.
Secondly, I would want to thank my company for giving me a wealth of learning opportunities and making me a confident and strong-headed individual. Initially, I got unsettled with the additional responsibilities and challenges that came my way, but later on with the help of my seniors and team members, I emerged with flying colours. I cannot refrain myself from saying that I wouldn’t have realized my full potential had I not been given the role of an Assistant manager in sales. My confident level increased and of course I learnt to communicate well with the clients. My job has taught me patience and problem solving skills. Secondly, to gauge my client’s requirements and negotiate with them at different levels keeping their benefit and ours at the same time was something I could start doing effortlessly.
All these skills will certainly help me in my personal life as well where problem solving skills are very much needed. Now, when I am stepping down from my position, I want you to remember me for the good times that we have had together and forgive me if I hurt you in any which way. Moreover, my best wishes for the company will always be there and I sincerely wish that the company continues to get more interesting and exciting projects in the future where you can learn more and apply your knowledge and experiences too.
Thanks once again for all your support and friendship!!
Thank you Speech for Farewell – 3
Hello everyone,
A very very warm good evening to everybody present here. Hope you all are doing well!
While coming through the passage from my seat to entering this room, I got the entire three year’s journey of mine flashed back in just those three minutes. Tears, smile, goosebumps, everything came all together in those minutes. From my interview day to the joining day to the appraisal day, to the promotion day so on, everything, every special moment touched me and got locked within to stay in forever.
Thank you management, my colleagues, and everybody present here for sharing your experience that you had with me and saying such kind words for me and wishing me good luck for future.
I feel glad that each management personnel has always been there as a support for the decisions, initiatives and actions proposed or taken by me. Thank you my teammates, for being there; you have always put in your best to execute what I dreamt of. I am overwhelmed to witness this great journey of working in this exceptional company that enabled me to know my strengths and further gave me the opportunities to boost them; this company has helped me grow not only in monetary ways but as a good human being as well as a well-informed individual.
How can I forget to let go my special thanks for the one who every moment precisely focussed on grooming me in these three years. Yes ma’am, it’s you! My boss, my mentor, my first support, and my inspiration in life and work in one frame. Thank you for trusting me and empowering me to believe in my decisions. Each word of yours has made me take a step ahead.
I have read many surveys that say; when an employee leaves the organization it is 60-70% because of the boss. Blah! I disown that statement on the basis of the wonderful incredible experience that I had with you. Ma’am, you have helped me to be the person I am today. Your leadership and support have been the reason for my progress.
Anyways, you all won’t believe that despite speaking so much, I am still short of words to express what I feel for each one of you present here. My journey, experience and happiness in this company would have been incomplete without you people. It is sad to take this farewell from you, but anyways, life goes on!
It’s true that I have regrets leaving such a wonderful company, but I know that was all of you to see me grow and progress in life. Please forgive for any lapses I have done and please remember me for the good deeds I have done.
I wish the company all the best for its coming times. There are great heights to reach and many new renowned platforms on which our company has to reach. You will be missed!
Thank you, thank you so much for this experience and exposure of my life.
Good Bye! Stay connected.

Thank you Speech for Farewell – 4
Thank you dear, for handing me over this dais for the last time. Ah… last time, the word in itself is so sad.
Yes friends it is finally the time when you will bid me farewell. It has been a pleasure for me to work with you guys. Though we all have not worked that closely but, that instance of passing the smile while crossing each other’s desk has been the best. There is no scope that I will be able to replace the fun and joy we all had along with working.
I am short of words to express how I am feeling today, it is a new journey to start tomorrow but it’s is also a complete halt to this existing journey of mine. Trust me. It is a roller coaster 48 hours of my life…
No doubt that it indeed is a pleasure to get the farewell from all of you, but the feeling of leaving you all is yet to sink in. Though, today; while standing here I feel complete but still it is never easy to overcome the pain of saying ‘Goodbye’. Yet, I strongly acknowledge that I have got everything that has made my stint simply unforgettable.
Thank you boss for inspiring me each second. Your motivation and belief in me has made me prosper and attain whatever I wanted to. Your focus on getting me skilled has been never ending and as a result of that I am all set to explore the new field and develop myself for a new future growth. I owe this rich experience of four years to you. Your inspirational words have built a new person within me and have changed my life forever.
Yes, my team and the company’s management have played a very important and crucial role but without your guidance and supervision things seem impossible when I look back today. You made me the professional entity I am today. Thank you, I am obliged to be under your supervision. I hope to become at least 2% of a good leader as you are.
Dear Management, thank you for this deeply enriching journey. Even though from tomorrow, I will be an ex employee but still whenever needed I am there standing strong for this company. Believe my words, I will always be there to return the gesture I received during my tenure here. Thank you Director Sir, GM sir and CEO Sir for your guidance and support throughout.
Now, coming to my dearest team, you all are awesome! And I mean it; you all are a perfect blend of diverse personalities that make a great team. I am proud to say that ohhhh you were my team. Stay focussed and does well; many new milestones are yet to come your way. Stay prepared and does well.
Anyways, I feel delighted to let you all know that I have enjoyed every single moment spent with you guys in the office. I will miss working with you all and this company. Thank you for everything that you all have done for me.
Thank you for such an amazing speech on farewell. Thank you! I am obliged by seeing so much of love.
Thank You Speech on Farewell FAQ’s
How do you say thank you in a farewell speech?
Say 'thank you' in a farewell speech by simply expressing gratitude for the support and experiences.
What do I say in my farewell speech?
In your farewell speech, share heartfelt memories, express appreciation, and bid farewell with sincerity.
How do you give farewell thanks?
Give farewell thanks by acknowledging the contributions of colleagues and expressing your appreciation.
How do you thank a friend in a farewell speech?
Thank a friend in a farewell speech by recounting special moments and expressing gratitude for their friendship and support.