Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 11 BiologyNCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Subject specialists have created NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants, which includes thorough solutions for reference. All of the questions from the textbook’s exercises are answered here. Students can use these answers to help them prepare for their exams. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 provide useful solutions for improving conceptual knowledge.

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    The solutions are carefully solved using student-friendly terms while still adhering to the norms that must be followed when solving NCERT Solutions for Class 11. Practicing these answers can be incredibly advantageous not only in terms of exams but also in terms of helping Class 11 pupils perform well in upcoming competitive exams.

    The approaches for answering have been given special consideration to stay on target while not deviating from the intended answer. Because time is so important in exams, excellent time management when answering questions is essential for getting the best results.

    Anatomy of Flowering Plants NCERT PDF Download for Class 11

    Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms, are the most diverse and dominant group of plants on Earth. They play a crucial role in sustaining life, providing food, oxygen, and various other resources. Understanding the anatomy of flowering plants is essential for students studying biology, particularly in Class 11.

    This NCERT PDF on the anatomy of flowering plants is a comprehensive resource that covers the structure and function of various plant organs, tissues, and cells. This PDF is designed to help students develop a strong foundation in plant anatomy and prepare them for higher studies and research in the field of botany.

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      Biology_class 11_Chapter 6

      Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions with Answers for Class 11

      Ques. What is the main function of the epidermis in plants?

      Answer: The main function of the epidermis is to protect the plant from mechanical injury, water loss, and infection.

      Ques. Explain the structure and function of stomata.

      Answer: Stomata are pores present on the surface of leaves and stems. They are surrounded by guard cells and allow for the exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) during photosynthesis and respiration. The opening and closing of stomata is regulated by changes in the turgidity of guard cells.

      Ques. What is the role of the cuticle in plants?

      Answer: The cuticle is a waxy layer present on the outer surface of the epidermis. It helps in reducing water loss from the plant body and prevents the entry of harmful microorganisms.

      Ques. Describe the structure and function of xylem tissue.

      Answer: Xylem is a vascular tissue responsible for the transport of water and minerals from the roots to the aerial parts of the plant. It consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibers.

      Ques. What is the difference between a root hair and a root cap?

      Answer: Root hairs are thin, tubular extensions of epidermal cells that increase the surface area for absorption of water and minerals. Root caps protect the delicate cells of the root apical meristem and help in the penetration of roots into the soil.

      Ques. Explain the structure and function of the cambium.

      Answer: Cambium is a lateral meristem responsible for the secondary growth of plants. It consists of a layer of actively dividing cells that give rise to secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem.

      Ques. What is the role of the pericycle in roots?

      Answer: Pericycle is a layer of cells present just beneath the endodermis in roots. It is involved in the formation of lateral roots and acts as a protective layer for the vascular bundles.

      Ques. Describe the structure and function of sieve tubes.

      Answer: Sieve tubes are the conducting elements of the phloem tissue. They are responsible for the translocation of organic nutrients, particularly sucrose, from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

      Ques. What is the difference between a simple and a compound leaf?

      Answer: A simple leaf has a single, undivided blade, while a compound leaf is divided into smaller leaflets attached to a common petiole.

      Ques. Explain the structure and function of the bundle sheath in leaves.

      Answer: Bundle sheath is a layer of cells surrounding the vascular bundles in leaves. It helps in the transport of water and nutrients and also plays a role in the C4 pathway of photosynthesis.

      Ques. What is the role of the apical meristem in plant growth?

      Answer: Apical meristem is a region of actively dividing cells present at the tips of roots and shoots. It is responsible for the primary growth of plants, leading to the elongation of roots and shoots.

      Ques. Describe the structure and function of the endodermis in roots.

      Answer: Endodermis is a single layer of cells present in the root cortex. It acts as a selective barrier, controlling the movement of water and minerals into the vascular cylinder.

      Ques. What is the difference between a monocot and a dicot stem?

      Answer: Monocot stems have scattered vascular bundles, while dicot stems have vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Monocot stems also lack a secondary cambium and do not undergo secondary growth.

      Ques. Explain the structure and function of the pith in stems.

      Answer: Pith is the central ground tissue present in the stems of many plants. It helps in the storage of food and water and also provides mechanical support to the stem.

      Ques. What is the role of the hypodermis in leaves?

      Answer: Hypodermis is a layer of cells present beneath the upper epidermis of leaves. It provides additional mechanical support and helps in the storage of water and nutrients.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

      The solutions given in NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants, come under unit – 2 in the NCERT textbook for Biology Class 11. According to previous patterns, the marks allotted for this chapter equal to around 12 marks, implying that questions from this unit 2 – Structural Organization in Plants and Animals will make up about 17% of the question paper.

      As a result, students must thoroughly review all of the chapters in this subject. One of the greatest approaches to achieve this goal is to practice problems from NCERT solutions, as solutions are supplied in accordance with the response techniques required of a class 11 student.

      Different topology of questions asked in the term – I examinations are listed below:

      • Knowledge-based
      • Application-based
      • Comprehension-based
      • High order thinking skills based questions
      • Evaluation type

      The subtopics covered in Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants are listed below:

      Number Subtopic
      6.1 The tissues
      6.2 The tissue system
      6.3 Anatomy Of Dicotyledonous And Monocotyledonous Plants
      6.4 Secondary growth

      NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

      Anatomy of Flowering plants enriches students with a thorough knowledge of different kinds of tissues a plant possesses. Plant tissues can broadly be classified into meristematic and permanent tissues. Tissues carry out some of the most crucial functionalities such as rendering mechanical support, transportation of water and minerals, assimilation of food and its storage, photosynthesis etc.

      Through this chapter, students get enlightened about the anatomical features of each part in detail, right from the seeds, different parts of a monocot and dicot seed, its differentiation, different zones etc. Hence, concepts are required to be learnt and understood as it would be helpful in class 12 where the complete analysis would be carried out.

      Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

      • The exact answer is a layout by solutions.
      • In support of term – I exam preparations, it is an extremely helpful tool.
      • It is readily available.
      • Downloading of solutions is free.
      • The answers are simple and to the point.
      • To learn rapidly and remember effectively use pointers.

      Anatomy of Flowering Plants Class 11 FAQs

      Explain why the study of plant anatomy is useful to us from the Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology?

      The use of the study of plant anatomy is as follows – Plant structural adaptations to varied environmental environments are observed. It is now simple to distinguish between dicots, monocots, and gymnosperms. It is possible to examine physiological conditions, which aids in crop improvement. Wood's strength can be predicted and utilized to its greatest extent.

      List the three basic tissue systems in the flowering plants from the Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology?

      The three basic tissue systems in the flowering plants of Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology are as follows – Tissue that is made up of simple tissues such as collenchyma, parenchyma and sclerenchyma is known as the Ground tissue system. Tissue which includes both epidermal appendages and epidermis. The epidermal appendages includes stem hair, root hair, glandular hair and stinging hair whereas the epidermis consists of guard cells and epidermal cells are known as the Epidermal tissue system. Tissue which consists of complex tissues such as phloem, xylem and vascular cambium is known as the Vascular tissue system.

      What will I learn from the Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology?

      NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology, Chapter 6, provides students with a good understanding of the many types of tissues that a plant has. Permanent and meristematic tissues are two types of plant tissues. The most important functions include mineral and water movement, mechanical support, photosynthesis, food absorption and storage, and so on. Students will have a complete understanding of the anatomical aspects of each part, from seeds to distinct zones, by studying this chapter extensively.

      What are the different types of meristems and where are they located in a plant's body?

      Meristems are classified into three types based on their location: Apical meristem, Intercalary meristem, and Lateral meristem. Apical meristem is found at the root and shoot apices, contributing to plant lengthening.

      What is the significance of studying plant anatomy?

      Understanding plant anatomy helps in recognizing structural adaptations to various environments, distinguishing between monocots, dicots, and gymnosperms, aiding in plant physiology, predicting wood strength, and commercial exploitation of plant fibers like jute and flax.

      What are the key tissue systems in flowering plants and their components?

      The three basic tissue systems in flowering plants are the Epidermal tissue system (Epidermis, trichomes, stomata), Ground tissue system (Parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, mesophyll), and Vascular tissue system (Xylem, phloem, cambium)

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