Subject specialists have created NCERT solutions for Physics Class 11 Chapter 15 which includes thorough solutions for reference. These solutions are updated according to the latest term – II CBSE syllabus for 2012-22 and are provided in easy language for understanding. Tips and tricks are also provided.
These solutions are provided so a student can clear his doubts and get help with deep understanding of the concept. Also you can refer them to make the chapter notes and revisions notes. You can also download PDF from link
These solutions contains answers to extra questions prepared by experts at Infinite learn alongside exemplary problems, worksheets, short and long answer questions, MCQs, Tips and tricks to prepare for CBSE exams with NCERT Solutions.
This chapter comprises comprehensive questions and solutions on a really important topic of Physics like questions on Wave dynamics, etc. Questions from this chapter repeatedly appear in second term exams and can guide you thru every topic and type of waves like tension on strings, the speed of sound in air, transverse wave and dependence of the speed of sound within the air on factors like pressure, humidity and temperature. This chapter also has questions on concepts just like the wavelength of ultrasonic sound, transverse harmonic wave and their frequency, etc.
Class 11 Physics NCERT Solutions for Chapter 15 Waves
In the NCERT Solutions for class 11 Physics, we’ve taken a wire as a reference for signifying a wave motion and that we have talked about the transverse displacement of a wire which is clamped on each side and in which, we’ll be talking about finding the amplitude of a point at a particular distance within the wire. We even have questions regarding calculating the speed of sound in a wire with pistons at the top and the other end is in resonance with a implement. These topics are vital during competitive exams. Also, waves is one among the important topics in Physics and is repeatedly asked in every kind of exam. You’ll inspect NCERT Solutions for class 11 Physics for chapter-wise solutions.
We can gain tons of knowledge about waves by solving questions on the speed of sound in a steel medium. There are questions coming to mind on how guitar strings produce sounds and what kind of frequency does each string emits. We’ve an evidence on how a sound wave’s pressure antinode is a displacement node and the other way around. We’ll be seeing how a dolphin being blind can manoeuvre through obstacles in a river and hunts preys. If a person is standing at a particular distance from an observer and he blows a horn, we will get to understand the horn’s frequency depending on the person is running towards or far away from the observer. An identical example are often found of a truck blowing the horn at a person in a petrol pump, finding its frequency, speed and wavelength.
Wave’s characteristics comprise its frequency, amplitude, wavelength, phase, and resonance, displacement of waves like longitudinal and transverse motion within the various medium like materials with high and rarity, air, steel wires in guitars, sea waves, etc.
Subtopics of Class 11 Physics Chapter 15 Waves
- Introduction
- Transverse and longitudinal waves
- Displacement relation in a progressive wave
- The speed of a traveling wave
- The principle of superposition of waves
- Reflection of waves
- Beats
- Doppler effect
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Infinity Learn’s mission is to create world-class learning content for students. We are focused on raising the students learning abilities. These Solutions have been structured very carefully to give several benefits to the students that utilize these study materials. That is why these are crafted by subject matter experts to focus on the concept and its explanation.
For any type of support related to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 given here, students can approach our support team who will help clear all their doubts. Students can also check out Infinity Learn for a more efficient learning experience.
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions of this Chapter
- Why should I refer to these NCERT Solutions?
- How to score full marks in Chapter 15 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics?
- How to differentiate the transverse and longitudinal waves in these NCERT Solutions?
Why should I refer to these NCERT Solutions?
The NCERT Solutions of this Chapter by infinity learn are made with the main aim of helping students to focus on the important concepts. Each and every detail is explained with utmost care to enhance the conceptual knowledge among students. The solutions consist of various shortcut techniques which can be used to remember the concepts effectively. Students use the solutions while answering the textbook questions and understand the method of answering them without any difficulty.
How to score full marks in Chapter 15 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics?
The NCERT Solutions of this Chapter is prepared by our highly experienced faculty after doing vast research on each concept. During solving textbook questions, students can use these solutions to get an overall idea about the topics covered in this chapter. The solutions are provided in both online and offline mode as per the needs of students. The PDF format of solutions is available at Infinite learn which can be downloaded and used by the students to get their doubts cleared instantly.
How to differentiate the transverse and longitudinal waves in these NCERT Solutions?
The waves and their properties are the major concepts that are included in Chapter 15. From this, students can differentiate longitudinal and transverse as how the question is present in the NCERT textbook. Students can also download the NCERT Solutions from Infinite learn in order to clearly understand the concepts, which are important according to the second term CBSE Syllabus for Class 11.