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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 – Free PDF Download

Understanding Adolescence The journey into adolescence is a significant phase in one’s life, filled with various physical and emotional transformations. NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science, specifically Chapter 10, get into these critical years with ‘Reaching the Age of Adolescence.’ This chapter unfolds the mysteries of changes that occur during adolescence, including the surge of hormones and the onset of puberty.

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    Students who refer to NCERT textbooks, especially those using NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science, get a comprehensive view of different aspects of adolescence. The chapter explains the complex processes of sexual maturation in boys and girls, such as the menstrual cycle, in a simplified manner. It doesn’t stop there; the lessons extend to cover essential topics like secondary sexual characteristics, the vital functions of hormones in human bodies, the intriguing process of sex determination, and broader aspects of reproductive health.

    Infinity Learn stands out by providing free, easy-to-understand insights and detailed information for ‘Reaching the Age of Adolescence’ in Class 8. The platform’s resources, backed by highly qualified educators, are meticulously designed to enhance effective learning. These NCERT solutions break down complex scientific concepts into relatable content, making them easily accessible for Class 8 students. The detailed explanations found in these NCERT books, especially the NCERT solutions for Class 8, are invaluable for students, guiding them through the intricacies of adolescence in a straightforward, comprehensible manner.”

    You can also get NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you revise the entire syllabus and get better grades in your exams.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 – Free PDF Download

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      Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Questions and Answers

      Exercises (Page No. 90 – 91)

      1.What is the term used for secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?

      Ans. The term used for the secretions of endocrine glands is “hormones.” These hormones are vital chemical substances that play a significant role in the changes that occur in our bodies, particularly during adolescence. They help regulate various bodily functions and are essential for our growth, development, and health.

      2. Define adolescence.

      Ans. Adolescence is a crucial phase of growing up, occurring between childhood and adulthood. During this period, individuals experience significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes. It typically begins around the age of 11-12 and lasts until 18-19 years old. It’s a time when the human body undergoes development and maturation, preparing an individual to become capable of sexual reproduction.

      3. What is menstruation? Explain.

      Ans. Menstruation is a natural monthly process that typically begins during adolescence for girls. It involves the shedding of the uterus lining through the vagina. This cycle, usually lasting about 28-30 days, is an essential part of the female reproductive system.

      It prepares the body for pregnancy every month, and if the egg does not get fertilized, the lining of the uterus, along with blood, is shed away. This shedding is known as menstruation, or a girl’s monthly period. It is an indication of a girl stepping into the reproductive phase of her life.

      4. List changes in the body that take place at puberty.

      Ans. Puberty is a significant stage within adolescence, marked by a series of physical changes leading to sexual maturity. Some of the changes that occur in both boys and girls during puberty include:

      • Growth spurts, or rapid increases in height and weight.
      • Development of secondary sexual characteristics. For instance, boys develop a deeper voice and facial hair, while girls experience breast development and the widening of hips.
      • Pubic hair growth around the genital area.
      • Increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, sometimes causing acne.
      • In girls, the commencement of menstruation (periods), marking reproductive maturity.
      • In boys, the enlargement of testicles and penis, and the start of sperm production, signifying reproductive capability.

      These transformations are all part of the natural process of growing up, steered by hormonal changes in the body during adolescence.

      5. Prepare a table having two columns depicting names of endocrine glands and hormones secreted by them.


      S.No. Name of the Endocrine gland Hormones secreted
      i) Pituitary Growth Hormone
      ii) Thyroid Thyroxine
      iii) Adrenal glands Adrenaline
      iv) Pancreas Insulin
      v) Testes Testosterone
      vi) Ovaries Estrogen, Progesterone

      6. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their function.

      Ans. Sex hormones are specific hormones that play a primary role in determining sexual characteristics and regulating the reproductive cycle. They are named “sex hormones” because they are crucial in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, preparing the body for sexual reproduction, and influencing sexual behaviors.

      In females, the primary sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone, responsible for the development of breasts, menstruation, and pregnancy preparation. In males, testosterone is the key sex hormone, overseeing features like deepening of the voice, growth of facial and pubic hair, and sperm production.

      7. Choose the correct option.

      (a) Adolescents should be careful about what they eat, because

      (i) proper diet develops their brains.

      (ii) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body.

      (iii) adolescents feel hungry all the time.

      (iv) taste buds are well developed in teenagers.

      (b) Reproductive age in women starts when their

      (i) menstruation starts.

      (ii) breasts start developing.

      (iii) body weight increases.

      (iv) height increases.

      (c) The right meal for adolescents consists of

      (i) chips, noodles, coke.

      (ii) chapati, dal, vegetables.

      (iii) rice, noodles and burger.

      (iv) vegetable cutlets, chips and lemon drink.


      (a) Adolescents should be careful about what they eat, because

      Correct answer: (ii) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body.

      (b) Reproductive age in women starts when their

      Correct answer: (i) menstruation starts.

      (c) The right meal for adolescents consists of

      Correct answer: (ii) chapati, dal, vegetables.

      Also Check : NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

      8. Write notes on :

      a) Adam’s apple.

      b) Secondary sexual characters

      c) Sex determination in the unborn baby


      a) Adam’s apple.

      The Adam’s apple is a noticeable bump on the throat, more prominent in males than in females. It’s actually a part of the larynx (or voice box) that grows significantly during puberty, especially in boys. This growth is influenced by the release of testosterone and leads to the deepening of the voice during the adolescent years.

      b) Secondary sexual characters

      Secondary sexual characteristics are features that appear during puberty under the influence of sex hormones, distinguishing mature males and females but not directly involved in reproduction. For males, these include deepening of the voice, growth of facial and body hair, and muscle development. For females, such characteristics include the development of breasts, widening of hips, and the start of menstruation. These traits are called “secondary” because they develop later than the primary characteristics, which are present from birth and involve the reproductive organs themselves.

      c) Sex determination in the unborn baby

      Sex determination in the unborn baby is a biological process that occurs at the moment of conception. It’s decided by the type of sex chromosomes in the sperm that fertilizes the female’s egg. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, including one pair of sex chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes (XX), and males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). When a sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby is genetically female (XX). If the sperm carries a Y chromosome, the baby will be genetically male (XY). This natural selection process determines the sex of the baby.

      Reaching the Age of Adolescence

      9. Word game :

      Use the clues to work out the words.


      3. Protruding voice box in boys

      4. Glands without ducts

      7. Endocrine gland attached to brain

      8. Secretion of endocrine glands

      9. Pancreatic hormone

      10. Female hormone


      1. Male hormone

      2. Secretes thyroxine

      3. Another term for teenage

      5. Hormone reaches here through blood stream

      6. Voice box

      7. Term for changes at adolescence

      class 8 science chapter 10 word game



      1. Adam’s apple
      2. Endocrine
      3. Pituitary
      4. Hormone
      5. Insulin
      6. Estrogen


      1. Testosterone
      2. Thyroid
      3. Adolescence
      4. Target site
      5. Larynx
      6. Puberty

      class 8 science chapter 10 word game answer

      10.The table below shows the data on likely heights of boys and girls as they grow in age. Draw graphs showing height and age for both boys and girls on the same graph paper. What conclusions can be drawn from these graphs ?

      Class 8 Science Chapter 10 question 10
      Class 8 Science Chapter 10 question 10

      Conclusion :

      i) Boys grow faster than girls from 0 to 8 years.

      ii) Girls grow faster than boys from 8 to 12 years.

      iii) But at the age of 16 years both reach their maximum height.

      iv) After the 20 years of age boys shows more height than girls.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

      Class 8 Science Chapter 10 NCERT Solutions – Free PDF Download

      Adolescence is the main emphasis of NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 10. Adolescence is the most essential period of a person’s life when it comes to physical and mental development. Teenagers go through a lot of physical changes throughout this time. Teenagers improve their fundamental reproductive traits and capacities during this period.

      The NCERT solution for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 is available in PDF format and is free to download. Explanatory questions, answers, diagrammatic representations, MCQs, graphical representations, and notes on various themes are all included in the PDF of NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science Ch 10 created by an esteemed team of teachers.

      The appropriate way to teaching such a significant chapter on adolescents is critical in helping kids in class 8 develop the right mindset.

      Infinity learn website is the best spot to go if you’re looking for Reaching the Age of Adolescence Class 8 PDF.

      Adolescence is a period of considerable physical and mental development. This is the stage at which an individual’s biological maturation occurs. In teenagers, biological maturation leads to specific psychological and social changes. For a teenager’s development to be properly shaped, sufficient direction is essential.

      NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 10 is divided into several sub-topics, including as

      • Adolescent years
      • Puberty
      • Qualities of sexuality
      • Hormones play a role in reproductive functioning.
      • Determining sex
      • Reproductive health’s significance

      The period of adolescence has been labelled as the “era of adrenaline rushes.” Teenagers are at a stage in their lives where they require extra attention from their parents or guardians. A teenage boy or girl’s mental and physical characteristics change dramatically as they approach puberty. This is mostly due to puberty’s control on both psychological and physical development. Adolescence is a period when a teenager’s physical characteristics undergo substantial changes.

      Students can use the NCERT answers for Reaching the Age of Adolescence Class 8 to learn about healthy and safe reproductive health. INFINITY LEARN’s team of teachers has paid close attention to these details.

      Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 All Subjects

      Advantages of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

      NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 from Infinity learn are created by an expert team of teachers using the most up-to-date NCERT standards and syllabus.

      The following are some of the advantages of using NCERT Science Class 8 Chapter 10 solutions:

      1. Infinity learn has made NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence free, easy to download or read on its website in order to make education more accessible and available.
      2. The NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Solutions PDF contains instructions for drawing diagrammatic representations from the Adolescence, Reproductive Parts chapter.
      3. It also includes questions and answers, as well as multiple-choice questions and matching the following.
      4. The accompanying PDF will provide brief explanations on subtopics such as puberty and adolescence, male and female sexual characteristics, hormone roles in early reproductive activities, and reproductive health.
      5. Infinity learn online NCERT solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 are a terrific option if you’re still looking for approaching the Age of Adolescence Class 8 solutions PDF.

      FAQs on Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

      Why is adolescence difficult?

      Adolescence is difficult due to significant changes in the body and brain. Teenagers experience emotional shifts, identity questions, and social pressures, making this period challenging but crucial for personal growth.

      What does puberty mean for a girl?

      For a girl, puberty is the life stage when her body matures into an adult, ready for reproductive functions. It involves physical changes like breast development, growth of pubic hair, and the start of menstruation periods.

      What is menstruation in short answer?

      Menstruation is a monthly cycle where a woman's body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb), leading to bleeding from the vagina. It's a natural part of the reproductive system and typically begins during puberty.

      What is called adolescence?

      Adolescence is the transitional phase of growth between childhood and adulthood. It's marked by physical, psychological, and social changes, including development towards individual identity and increased independence.

      Why is adolescence important?

      Adolescence is important because it's a central development stage where individuals gain essential skills, establish personal values, and explore independence. It's a foundation that shapes future adult experiences and decisions.

      What is puberty class 8?

      In class 8, puberty is taught as the stage of adolescence when the body undergoes changes leading to sexual maturity. Students learn about hormones, physical developments, and the emotional transitions linked with puberty.

      What are the 5 stages of adolescence?

      • Early Adolescence (10-14 years): Onset of puberty and heightened emotions.
      • Mid-Adolescence (15-17 years): Continued physical development and increased peer influence.
      • Late Adolescence (18-21 years): Identity exploration and more stable relationships.
      • Young Adulthood (22-25 years): Increased responsibility and independence.
      • Late Young Adulthood (26-29 years): Solidifying personal and professional paths.

      What is the age of adolescence?

      The age of adolescence typically spans from 10 to 19 years. It's the period following childhood, marked by gradual physical, psychological, and social transitions toward adulthood.

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