Transport of Gases

What is the Transport of Gases and how does it happen in humans? Oxygen is delivered within the bloodstream both […]

Digestive Glands

TYPES OF DIGESTIVE GLANDS SALIVARY GLANDS Food is tasted and mixed with a secretion that’s secreted by many sets of […]

Urine Formation

The formation of urine in different organism In living organisms such as humans, urine formation begins in the kidney nephrons. […]


what is tissue? Tissue refers to a group or collection of similar cells that work together to perform a specific […]


Introduction to Soil Soil Profile Types of Soil Properties of Soil – Part 1

Respiration in Organisms

Cellular respiration – Part 1 Cellular Respiration – Part 2 Anaerobic Respiration Respiration Breathing Cycle The Respiratory Tract Breathing Process […]

Reproduction in Plants

Pollination Fertilisation Reproduction in Plants Asexual Reproduction – Part 1 Asexual Reproduction – Part 2 Sexual Reproduction Seed Dispersal


Microorganisms – Introduction (Bacteria) Microorganisms – Introduction (Fungus) Microorganisms – Introduction (Protozoa) Microorganisms – Introduction (Algae) Microbial Habitat Microorganisms and […]


Introduction to Living Organisms and Surroundings Adaptation in Organisms Types of Habitats Mountain Habitat Grassland Habitat Aquatic Habitat Characteristics of […]

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