WorksheetTenses Worksheet for Class 10

Tenses Worksheet for Class 10

Access and obtain a complimentary PDF of the CBSE Class 10 English Tenses And Modals Worksheet. You can download printable English Class 10 Worksheets in PDF format. The worksheet is aligned with the current syllabus and exam pattern set by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Additionally, you can access free PDF English Class 10 Assignments to practice regularly, improving your performance in tests and exams. These chapter-wise worksheets with answers have been crafted by Class 10 teachers to match the latest examination format.

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    CBSE Class 10 English Tenses Worksheet: Tenses are super important in English grammar, but they can be tough to grasp. To help you get better at using them, we’ve put together some exercises. Get our free CBSE Class 10 English Tense Worksheet PDFs to nail English grammar, especially how to use tenses right. Knowing tenses well is key for good English communication.

    Our class 10 tenses worksheet covers present, past, and future tenses, explaining their forms and uses clearly. Whether you’re prepping for a test or just want to boost your English skills, these worksheets give you a solid way to learn tenses. By doing these exercises, you’ll feel more sure about using English tenses correctly. Get started on improving your English today with our easy-to-use worksheets.

    Worksheet 1 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 10




    Read each sentence carefully.
    Identify the tense of the underlined verb.
    Write the tense of each verb in the space provided.
    Review your answers with a teacher or parent.
    1. I am going to the market tomorrow.
    Tense: ____________________

    2. She was watching TV when the phone rang.
    Tense: ____________________

    3. We will visit the zoo next weekend.
    Tense: ____________________

    4. They have been waiting for the bus since morning.
    Tense: ____________________

    5. He has finished his homework already.
    Tense: ____________________

    6. The sun shines brightly in the morning.
    Tense: ____________________

    7. They were playing cricket when it started raining.
    Tense: ____________________

    8. She will be studying for her exam at this time tomorrow.
    Tense: ____________________

    9. We had dinner before the movie started.
    Tense: ____________________

    10. They are building a new house in our neighborhood.
    Tense: ____________________

    Answer Key:

    1. Present Continuous
    2. Past Continuous
    3. Future Simple
    4. Present Perfect Continuous
    5. Present Perfect
    6. Present Simple
    7. Past Continuous
    8. Future Continuous
    9. Past Perfect
    10. Present Continuous
    Welcome to Worksheet 2 on tenses for Class 10 students! Tenses are an essential part of English grammar that help us express the time of an action or event. In this worksheet, we’ll practice identifying and using different tenses to improve our understanding of English grammar.

    Below are a series of sentences. Identify the tense of each sentence and write it in the space provided. Then, rewrite the sentence in a different tense as instructed.


    Sentence: She sings beautifully.
    Tense: Present Simple
    Rewrite the sentence in Past Simple tense: She sang beautifully.

    Sentence: They will go to the park tomorrow.
    Tense: Future Simple
    Rewrite the sentence in Present Continuous tense: They are going to the park tomorrow.

    Sentence: I have finished my homework.
    Tense: Present Perfect
    Rewrite the sentence in Past Perfect tense: I had finished my homework.

    Sentence: He is playing football right now.
    Tense: Present Continuous
    Rewrite the sentence in Future Continuous tense: He will be playing football at this time tomorrow.

    Sentence: We had visited the museum before it closed.
    Tense: Past Perfect
    Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect tense: We have visited the museum before it closed.

    Sentence: She will have completed her project by next week.
    Tense: Future Perfect
    Rewrite the sentence in Present Simple tense: She completes her project by next week.

    Sentence: They are going to the party tonight.
    Tense: Present Continuous
    Rewrite the sentence in Past Continuous tense: They were going to the party last night.

    Sentence: He had been studying for hours before the exam.
    Tense: Past Perfect Continuous
    Rewrite the sentence in Present Perfect Continuous tense: He has been studying for hours before the exam.

    Worksheet 3 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 10

    Passage 1:

    Read the following passage and identify the tenses used in each underlined verb:

    Once upon a time, there (1) __________ (be) a beautiful garden in the heart of the city. Every morning, the birds (2) __________ (sing) sweet melodies, and the flowers (3) __________ (bloom) in vibrant colors. People (4) __________ (visit) the garden to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty. Suddenly, a storm (5) __________ (approach), and dark clouds (6) __________ (cover) the sky. The wind (7) __________ (blow) fiercely, and the rain (8) __________ (pour) down heavily. Despite the storm, the garden (9) __________ (remain) a peaceful haven for those seeking solace.


    1. was
    2. sing
    3. bloom
    4. visit
    5. approached
    6. covered
    7. blew
    8. poured
    9. remained

    Passage 2:

    Read the passage below and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs provided in the brackets:

    Last summer, my family and I (1) __________ (go) on a vacation to the beach. As soon as we (2) __________ (reach) the seaside, the children (3) __________ (run) towards the water with excitement. While they (4) __________ (build) sandcastles, I (5) __________ (sit) under an umbrella and (6) __________ (read) a book. Suddenly, dark clouds (7) __________ (appear) in the sky, and thunder (8) __________ (rumble) in the distance. We (9) __________ (pack) our belongings quickly as the rain (10) __________ (start) pouring down.


    1. went
    2. reached
    3. ran
    4. were building
    5. sat
    6. read
    7. appeared
    8. rumbled
    9. packed
    10. started

    Passage 3:

    Read the passage and choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses:

    Every morning, Sarah (1) __________ (wake) up early and (2) __________ (prepare) breakfast for her family. Yesterday, while she (3) __________ (cook) pancakes, the phone (4) __________ (ring). It (5) __________ (be) her friend inviting her to a party. Sarah politely declined as she (6) __________ (have) to finish her chores. After breakfast, she (7) __________ (clean) the house and (8) __________ (water) the plants in the garden. By the time she (9) __________ (finish), it (10) __________ (be) already noon.


    1. wakes
    2. prepares
    3. was cooking
    4. rang
    5. was
    6. had
    7. cleaned
    8. watered
    9. finished
    10. was

    Worksheet on Tenses for Class 10 English CBSE

    You can find Class 10 English worksheets and tasks, like the Tenses Worksheet, easily online, especially on platforms like Infinity Learn (IL). These materials are available in PDF format, so students can download, print, or view them hassle-free. Whether you’re using a computer, phone, or any other device, you can access these resources to get better at tenses. Once you finish the worksheets, it’s a good idea to try out more resources like the Class 10 English MCQ Test to practice more. Practicing regularly is key to really understanding and getting good at English tenses.


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