WorksheetTenses Worksheet for Class 7 English

Tenses Worksheet for Class 7 English

Introduction to Tenses

Tenses are forms of verbs that indicate the time of an action or event. Understanding tenses is crucial for constructing grammatically correct sentences and conveying the intended meaning. There are three main tenses in English:

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    • The Present Tense
    • The Past Tense
    • The Future Tense

    Each of these tenses has its own subtypes, which further specify the timing and nature of the action.

    Also Check: Tenses Chart

    Types and Subtypes of Tenses

    Present Tense

    Simple Present Tense

    • Used to express habitual actions, general truths, and actions happening at the moment of speaking.
    • Example: “He reads books every day.”

    Present Continuous Tense

    • Indicates an action that is currently ongoing.
    • Example: “She is reading a book now.”

    Present Perfect Tense

    • Describes an action that has just been completed or an action that started in the past and continues to the present.
    • Example: “They have finished their homework.”

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    • Used for actions that began in the past and are still continuing.
    • Example: “I have been studying for two hours.”

    Past Tense

    Simple Past Tense

    • Denotes actions completed in the past.
    • Example: “She visited Paris last year.”

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    Past Continuous Tense

    • Describes actions that were ongoing at a specific moment in the past.
    • Example: “They were watching TV when I called.”

    Past Perfect Tense

    • Indicates an action that was completed before another action in the past.
    • Example: “He had left by the time I arrived.”

    Past Perfect Continuous Tense

    • Used for actions that were ongoing up to a certain point in the past.
    • Example: “She had been working there for five years before she moved.”

    Future Tense

    Simple Future Tense

    • Expresses actions that will happen in the future.
    • Example: “I will go to the store tomorrow.”

    Future Continuous Tense

    • Indicates actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future.
    • Example: “They will be traveling next week.”

    Future Perfect Tense

    • Describes actions that will be completed before a certain future time.
    • Example: “She will have finished her work by 5 PM.”

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    • Used for actions that will continue up to a specific point in the future.
    • Example: “By next year, I will have been living here for ten years.”

    Also Check: CBSE Class 9 English Tenses Worksheet

    Tenses Worksheet for Class 7 with Answers

    Exercise 1: Simple Present Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verbs given in the brackets.

    Ques. I ________ his address. (know)

    Answer: I know his address.

    Ques. She ________ her work sincerely. (do)

    Answer: She does her work sincerely.

    Ques. We ________ things a bit too seriously. (take)

    Answer: We take things a bit too seriously.

    Ques. They ________ to God in the morning. (pray)

    Answer: They pray to God in the morning.

    Ques. You ________ much of your time in idle gossip. (waste)

    Answer: You waste much of your time in idle gossip.

    Ques. Rita ________ very interesting stories. (write)

    Answer: Rita writes very interesting stories.

    Ques. These children ________ us very often. (disturb)

    Answer: These children disturb us very often.

    Ques. My watch ________ thirty seconds a day. (lose)

    Answer: My watch loses thirty seconds a day.

    Ques. These girls ________ music every day. (learn)

    Answer: These girls learn music every day.

    Ques. Raman and Chaman ________ to the market together. (go)

    Answer: Raman and Chaman go to the market together.

    Exercise 2: Present Continuous Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form (Present Continuous) of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. I am ________ the table. (turn)

    Answer: I am turning the table.

    Ques. Hari is ________ the juice. (suck)

    Answer: Hari is sucking the juice.

    Ques. Rani and Rajan are ________ under the cot. (crawl)

    Answer: Rani and Rajan are crawling under the cot.

    Ques. The dog is ________ its tail. (wag)

    Answer: The dog is wagging its tail.

    Ques. You are ________ on your paper. (write)

    Answer: You are writing on your paper.

    Ques. She is ________ her right hand. (wave)

    Answer: She is waving her right hand.

    Ques. He is ________ over the fence. (jump)

    Answer: He is jumping over the fence.

    Ques. You are ________ your books. (take)

    Answer: You are taking your books.

    Ques. You are ________ the sweets in your mouth. (put)

    Answer: You are putting the sweets in your mouth.

    Ques. Sita is ________ on her dress. (put)

    Answer: Sita is putting on her dress.

    Online Foundation Courses for Class 7

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    Exercise 3: Present Perfect Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense form of the verbs given in the brackets.

    Ques. The train ________ just now. (arrive)

    Answer: The train has arrived just now.

    Ques. I ________ not ________ the cinema all these years. (visit)

    Answer: I have not visited the cinema all these years.

    Ques. Someone ________ some crockery. (break)

    Answer: Someone has broken some crockery.

    Ques. I ________ never ________ the Taj. (see)

    Answer: I have never seen the Taj.

    Ques. I ________ not ________ him so far. (meet)

    Answer: I have not met him so far.

    Ques. I ________ not ________ the work even now. (finish)

    Answer: I have not finished the work even now.

    Ques. My friend ________ his purse. (lose)

    Answer: My friend has lost his purse.

    Ques. They ________ my pen. (take)

    Answer: They have taken my pen.

    Ques. Birds ________ from here. (fly)

    Answer: Birds have flown from here.

    Ques. Rachana ________ food. (cook)

    Answer: Rachana has cooked food.

    Also Check: Tenses Worksheet Class 6

    Exercise 4: Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. We ________ English for two years. (study)

    Answer: We have been studying English for two years.

    Ques. He ________ in this school for several years. (teach)

    Answer: He has been teaching in this school for several years.

    Ques. I ________ in this flat since 2000. (live)

    Answer: I have been living in this flat since 2000.

    Ques. It ________ for three hours. (rain)

    Answer: It has been raining for three hours.

    Ques. They ________ for seven hours. (work)

    Answer: They have been working for seven hours.

    Exercise 5: Past Tense

    Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple:

    Ques. It was hot in the room, so I ________ the window. (open)

    Answer: It was hot in the room, so I opened the window.

    Ques. I ________ my teeth twice yesterday. (clean)

    Answer: I cleaned my teeth twice yesterday.

    Ques. The shop ________ at 9 a.m. yesterday. (start)

    Answer: The shop started at 9 a.m. yesterday.

    Ques. The match ________ at 6 in the evening. (finish)

    Answer: The match finished at 6 in the evening.

    Ques. I always ________ to be a doctor. (want)

    Answer: I always wanted to be a doctor.

    Ques. It is a nice day but yesterday it ________ all day. (rain)

    Answer: It is a nice day but yesterday it rained all day.

    Ques. The accident ________ last Sunday afternoon. (happen)

    Answer: The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.

    Ques. Shiela’s grandmother ________ when she was 90 years old. (die)

    Answer: Shiela’s grandmother died when she was 90 years old.

    Ques. We ________ our holiday last year. (enjoy)

    Answer: We enjoyed our holiday last year.

    Ques. We ________ at Grand Hotel when we went to Kolkata. (stay)

    Answer: We stayed at Grand Hotel when we went to Kolkata.

    Exercise 6: Past Continuous Tense

    Use the correct form of the verb:

    Ques. We ________ the shop windows when we met Vimal. (watch)

    Answer: We were watching the shop windows when we met Vimal.

    Ques. I ________ outside the theatre when I saw Om. (wait)

    Answer: I was waiting outside the theatre when I saw Om.

    Ques. When Vijay arrived, Soma ________. (study)

    Answer: When Vijay arrived, Soma was studying.

    Ques. When he saw Ramesh in the library, he ________ his books. (return)

    Answer: When he saw Ramesh in the library, he was returning his books.

    Ques. When I saw them at midnight, they ________ to find a taxi. (try)

    Answer: When I saw them at midnight, they were trying to find a taxi.

    Exercise 7: Past Perfect Tense

    Choose the correct verb from those given in brackets:

    Ques. He thanked me for what I ________. (have done, had done, have been doing)

    Answer: He thanked me for what I had done.

    Ques. When we went to the cinema, the film ________. (already started, had already started, would already start)

    Answer: When we went to the cinema, the film had already started.

    Ques. Did you think you ________ me somewhere before? (have seen, had seen, were seeing)

    Answer: Did you think you had seen me somewhere before?

    Ques. I ________ to Mumbai once before. (have gone, had gone, have been going)

    Answer: I had gone to Mumbai once before.

    Ques. They ________ anything till night. (have not read, were not reading, had not read)

    Answer: They had not read anything till night.

    Also Check: Tenses Worksheet for Class 10

    Exercise 8: Past Perfect Continuous Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the past perfect continuous tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. They ________ (work) on the project for two months before they finished it.

    Answer: They had been working on the project for two months before they finished it.

    Ques. She ________ (study) for three hours before she took a break.

    Answer: She had been studying for three hours before she took a break.

    Ques. I ________ (live) in that town for five years before I moved to the city.

    Answer: I had been living in that town for five years before I moved to the city.

    Ques. He ________ (wait) for the bus for twenty minutes before it arrived.

    Answer: He had been waiting for the bus for twenty minutes before it arrived.

    Ques. We ________ (discuss) the issue for hours before we reached an agreement.

    Answer: We had been discussing the issue for hours before we reached an agreement.

    Exercise 9: Simple Future Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the simple future tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. She ________ (visit) her grandparents next weekend.

    Answer: She will visit her grandparents next weekend.

    Ques. They ________ (play) football tomorrow evening.

    Answer: They will play football tomorrow evening.

    Ques. I ________ (help) you with your homework.

    Answer: I will help you with your homework.

    Ques. We ________ (go) to the beach next summer.

    Answer: We will go to the beach next summer.

    Ques. The teacher ________ (check) the homework tomorrow.

    Answer: The teacher will check the homework tomorrow.

    Exercise 10: Future Continuous Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the future continuous tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. This time next week, we ________ (travel) to Paris.

    Answer: This time next week, we will be traveling to Paris.

    Ques. At 8 PM tonight, she ________ (watch) her favorite TV show.

    Answer: At 8 PM tonight, she will be watching her favorite TV show.

    Ques. They ________ (have) a meeting at this time tomorrow.

    Answer: They will be having a meeting at this time tomorrow.

    Ques. He ________ (work) on his project all night.

    Answer: He will be working on his project all night.

    Ques. We ________ (study) for our exams this weekend.

    Answer: We will be studying for our exams this weekend.

    Exercise 11: Future Perfect Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the future perfect tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. By next month, she ________ (complete) her course.

    Answer: By next month, she will have completed her course.

    Ques. They ________ (finish) the project by the end of the week.

    Answer: They will have finished the project by the end of the week.

    Ques. I ________ (read) this book by tomorrow evening.

    Answer: I will have read this book by tomorrow evening.

    Ques. By the time you arrive, we ________ (cook) dinner.

    Answer: By the time you arrive, we will have cooked dinner.

    Ques. He ________ (leave) by the time you get there.

    Answer: He will have left by the time you get there.
    Also Check: CBSE Class 11 English Core Writing and Grammar – Tenses Worksheet

    Exercise 12: Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    Fill in the blanks with the future perfect continuous tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

    Ques. By next year, I ________ (work) at this company for five years.

    Answer: By next year, I will have been working at this company for five years.

    Ques. She ________ (study) for three hours by the time you get home.

    Answer: She will have been studying for three hours by the time you get home.

    Ques. They ________ (live) in this city for ten years by the end of this month.

    Answer: They will have been living in this city for ten years by the end of this month.

    Ques. By 2025, we ________ (develop) this software for two years.

    Answer: By 2025, we will have been developing this software for two years.

    Ques. He ________ (train) for the marathon for six months by next week.

    Answer: He will have been training for the marathon for six months by next week.

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