Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsInformatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 9 HTML and XML

Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 9 HTML and XML


Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 9 HTML and XML

1 Mark Questions

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    Question 1.
    Which tags of HTML are used to
    (i) Change the font in a page
    (ii) Add a row in a table? (Delhi 2014)
    (i) < FONT > tag is used to change font in a page.
    (ii) <TR> tag is used to add a row in a table.

    Question 2.
    Which tags/attributes of HTML are used to
    (i) Insert the picture in the web page.
    (ii) Insert an empty line on the web page. (All India 2014)
    (i) <IMG> tag is used to insert a picture in a web page.
    (ii) <BR> tag is used to insert an empty line in the web page.

    Question 3.
    Name two tags that are present in every HTML code. (All India 2014C)
    Two tags that are present in every HTML code:
    (i) <HTML>
    (ii) <BODY>

    Question 4.
    Write the name of HTML tag used to include an image in an HTML web page. (Delhi 2012)
    To include an image in HTML web page the < I MG src = “pathname”> tag is used. Here, in place of a pathname, we have to specify the location on the computer, where the image is stored.

    Question 5.
    Write HTML code for the following:
    To provide a hyperlink to a website (HOTS; Delhi 2012)

    To provide a hyperlink to a website, we have to write following statement:

    <A href=“”>
    Click Here </A>

    Question 6.
    Write the name of HTML tag used to include numbered list in a HTML web page. (All India 2012)
    To include a numbered list in a HTML web page, we have to use the <OL> tag.

    Question 7.
    Write HTML code for the following:
    To provide hyperlink to a website (HOTS; All India 2012)

    To provide hyperlink to a website, we have to use the following tag:

    <A href=“”>
    Click Here</A>

    Question 8.
    Which HTML tags are used for making a table and adding rows in an HTML document? (Delhi 2011; All India 2011)
    To make a table, the <TABLE > tag is used. We can use <TR> tag to define and insert a row into the table and to specify the data to be entered in the table we use the < TD > tag.

    Question 9.
    How is <OL> tag different from <UL> tag of HTML? (Delhi 2011; All India 2011)
    The <UL> tag in HTML is used to define an unordered or bulleted list, where the list items are displayed using bullets without numbering. Whereas, <OL> tag is used to define the ordered list, where the list items are displayed by using the numbers in different number formats.

    Question 10.
    Java is writing an HTML code. How can she see, how the code would look as a web page? (Delhi 2011C)
    She have to save the HTML code file created in a text editor with .htm or .html extension. Thereafter she needs to open the file in a web browser like Internet Explorer.

    Question 11.
    What is wrong in the following HTML code: (HOTS; Delhi 2011C)

    <UL type = “a” start = 3>

    The corrected code is as follows:

    <OL type = “a” start = “3”>

    Question 12.
    What is the full form of HTML?
    HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

    Question 13.
    What is an HTML tag?
    Tags have a simple structure. They begin with a ” < ” and end with a ” > “. Between the’ < >” angular bracket the tag name and may be some attributes are written, depending upon the tag.

    Question 14.
    How can you use a picture as a link?
    We can put an <IMG> between <A> and </A>, so the user can click on the picture to follow the link.

    Question 15.
    What is the use of comment in an HTML web page?
    We can put comments in your HTML file that won’t display on the web page. This lets you explain why your HTML code is in a certain way, to anyone viewing your HTML source code.

    Question 16.
    How can you set a column or a row spanning over more than one rows or columns? (HOTS)
    Sometimes, we need one cell to span more than one column across or more than one row deep. In these cases, we can use the colspan and rowspan attributes of the <TD> tag.

    Question 17.
    What is a hypertext link?
    A hypertext link is a special tag that links one page to another page or resource. If you click the link, the browser jumps to the given link’s destination.

    Question 18.
    How do you align a table to the right (or left)?
    You can use <TABLE align = “right” > to align a table to the right. (Use align = “left” to align it to the left.) Any content that follows the closing </TABLE> tagwillflow around the table.

    Question 19.
    How do you create a link that sends me an e-mail?
    Use a mailto link.

    Question 20.
    How can you show HTML examples without them being interpreted as a part of my document?
    Within the HTML example, first, replace the ‘&’ character with ‘&amp;’ everywhere it occurs. Then, replace the ‘&lt;’ character with ‘ < ‘ and the ‘&gt;’ character with ‘ >’ in the same way.
    Note: It may be appropriate to use the CODE and/or pre-elements when displaying HTML examples.

    2 Marks Questions

    Question 21.
    Explain with the help of example(s) the difference between container and empty elements of HTML. (Delhi 2014)
    The differences between container and empty element are as follows:

    Container Element Empty Element
    This type of elements requires starting as well as matching closing tag. This type of elements require only starting tag.
    These tags affect everything that comes between their starting and ending tag. Empty elements are just carried out their specific job.
    <HTML>-------- </HTML>

    <Body>——- </Body>

    e.g. <HR>, <BR>

    Question 22.
    Give two attributes of table element of HTML. (All India 2014)
    Two attributes of table element are:

    • BORDER

    Question 23.
    Write two features of XML. (All India 2014C)
    Features of XML

    • XML is the text files which can be managed by any text editor.
    • XML is widely used as a format for document storage and processing, both online and offline.

    Question 24.
    Differentiate between the <TR> and <TD> tags of HTML with the help of an appropriate example. (Delhi 2013)
    The ” <TR>” tag is used to define a table row. A row is made up of either table headers or table cells. Table rows are not allowed to directly contain data. Instead, table rows act as a container for the cells “<TD>” or the headers “<TH >” which contain data that is displayed in the table.

    Question 25.
    Why does not cTABLE width=100%> use the full browser width? (HOTS)
    Graphical browsers leave a narrow margin between the edge of the display area and the content. Also, note that navigator always leaves room for a scrollbar on the right, but draws the scrollbar only when the document is long enough to require scrolling. If the document does not require scrolling, then this leaves a right ‘margin’ that cannot be removed.

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