Study MaterialsDiversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 2

Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 2

Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 2

NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination

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    Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Enumerate the reasons responsible for discrimination.
    Reasons responsible for discrimination:

    • Different religions.
    • Different languages.
    • Living in different regions.
    • Different customs and practices.
    • Different economic backgrounds.

    Question 2.
    What is a stereotype about Muslims? What are its reasons?
    A common stereotype about Muslims is

    • They are not interested in education of girls.


    • Poverty
    • Mental set up.

    Question 3.
    What damage is caused by discrimination to Dalits?

    • Discrimination prevents Dalits from taking certain economic activities.
    • It also denies them the respect and dignity given to others.

    Question 4.
    Who fought against the inequalities they experienced in their lives?

    • Dalits
    • Women
    • Tribals and
    • Peasants

    Question 5.
    What did the above mentioned people (Sections of the society) do to end inequality?

    • Many Dalits fought for gaining entry into temples.
    • Women demanded right to education as men did.
    • Peasants and tribals fought for freedom from moneylenders, and from high rates of interests.

    Question 6.
    Why do we feel angry, helpless or sad?
    We feel angry, helpless or sad because of the following:
    Different people from among us:

    • tease us
    • laugh at us
    • do not include us in certain activities or group.

    Question 7.
    Enlist many things that make us what we are?
    The many things that make us what we are; are:
    Our way of life, languages, food, clothes and our games.

    Question 8.
    What influences these things?
    Geography and history influence these things.

    Question 9.
    What makes India diverse?
    Eight major religions more than 1600 languages (people’s mother tongues), and more than one hundred dance forms.

    Question 10.
    Why do we feel safe and secure?
    We feel safe and secure because of the following:

    • Diversity is not always celebrated.
    • In the company of people who look like us, who talk like us, who dress like us and who think like us.

    Question 11.
    Enlist things which we can be prejudiced about?

    • People’s religious beliefs.
    • Colour of people’s skin.
    • Region they come from.
    • Accent they speak.
    • Clothes they wear.

    Question 12.
    How do we create stereotypes? When do we create stereotypes?
    Creation of Stereotypes. Fixing people into an image is called stereotypes. We create stereotypes when we call people on the basis of their country, religion, sex, race or economic background, stingy, lazy, criminal or dumb.

    Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    What problems are created by the stereotypes?
    Stereotypes create the following problems:

    • They stop us from looking at each person as a unique person.
    • They prefer their special qualities and not of others.
    • They fit large number of people in one pattern or type.
    • They prevent us from doing certain things.

    Question 2.
    How do we discriminate some persons from others?
    We discriminate some persons from others by doing the following activities:

    • We do something to put others down.
    • We stop them from taking part in certain activities.
    • We prevent them from taking up jobs.
    • We stop them from living in certain localities or neighbourhoods.
    • We prevent them from taking water from the same well or pump.
    • We do not allow persons taking tea in the same cup or glass as others.

    Question 3.
    What are the major problems of the poor?
    Problems of the poor people:

    • They cannot meet their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.
    • They are discriminated in offices, in hospitals, in schools etc.
    • They are treated badly everywhere they go.

    Question 4.
    What are the facilities available in Kerala for Muslim girls which have made girl education more than any other part of the country?

    • Schools are nearer to residences.
    • Good government bus facilities to reach schools.
    • 60% of the teachers are women.
    • Teachers do not face difficulties in reaching rural schools from far off places due to traveling facilities.

    Question 5.
    What are the occupations {work.s) which are treated good?

    • Teaching
    • Pottery
    • Weaving
    • Fishing
    • Farming.

    These works are rated high.

    Question 6.
    Which activities are considered low?
    Activities considered low are:

    • Cleaning
    • Washing
    • Haircutting
    • Garbage picking.

    These activities are valued less.
    These works are seen as dirty.

    Question 7.
    What are the plights of the ‘Untouchables’?
    Untouchables are those people who are engaged in mean works like scavenging. They remove dead animals from the villages.
    These untouchables faced several plights:

    • They were not allowed to enter the homes of upper castes.
    • They could not take water from village well or water pump.
    • They could not sit with others.
    • Their children could not sit with other children in school.
    • They were not given the same rights as others.

    Question 8.
    Why do we have to strive for equality even today?

    • Every effort has been made to remove inequality and discrimination from the society of free India.
    • Still, inequalities and discrimination exist there.
    • We have to strive for removal of inequalities and discrimination.

    For this

    • people have to make efforts.
    • Positive actions are to be done.
    • Govts, also have to make efforts and make rules and implement them.

    Question 9.
    Describe the preamble of the Constitution of India.
    Please see the following:
    Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 2 - 1

    Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

    Question 1.
    What safeguards have been provided in the Constitution of India against
    inequality and discrimination?

    • Everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
    • Untouchability is seen as a crime. It has been legally abolished.
    • People are free to choose any kind of work.
    • Govt. jobs are open to all people.
    • Specific steps to realise this right to equality for poor and other marginal communities.

    Respect to diversity ensures equality.

    • Freedom to follow any religion
    • Freedom to speak their own language
    • Freedom to celebrate their festivals
    • Freedom to express oneself.

    Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions

    Choose the correct answer:

    Question 1.
    How many languages are spoken in India?
    (a) More than 600
    (b) More than 1600
    (c) More than 2600
    (d) More than 3600
    More than 1600

    Question 2.
    What does this mean, Judge other people negatively or see them as inferior?
    (a) Prejudice
    (b) Judice
    (c) Post judice
    (d) None of these

    Question 3.
    How can we be prejudiced about many things?
    (a) People’s religious beliefs
    (b) The colour of people’s skin
    (c) The region they come from
    (d) All of these
    All of these

    Question 4.
    What does crying mean?
    (a) A sign of weakness
    (b) A sign of healthiness
    (c) A sign of bravery
    (d) None of these
    A sign of weakness

    Question 5.
    When do boys and girls cry?
    (a) When they are angry
    (b) When they feel pain
    (c) When someone teases them
    (d) All of these
    All of these

    Question 6.
    What term do we use for disabled person?
    (a) Challenged person
    (b) Ordinary
    (c) Geneous
    (d) None of these
    Challenged person

    Question 7.
    What happens when people act on their prejudice or stereotypes?
    (a) Crimination
    (b) Discrimination
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these

    Question 8.
    What is a common stereotype about Muslims?
    (a) That they are not interested in educating girls
    (b) That they are interested in educating girls
    (c) That some of them are poorer
    (d) None of these
    That they are not interested in educating girls

    Question 9.
    In which state of India is there less distance between home and school?
    (a) Kerala
    (b) Rajasthan
    (c) Mumbai
    (d) All of these

    Question 10.
    What does Government do to help the women teachers to reach the school?
    (a) Good bus service
    (b) Good trains service
    (c) Good roads but less bus service
    (d) None of these
    Good bus service

    Question 11.
    What does Government do to help the women teachers to reach the school?
    (a) Fanning
    (b) Pottery
    (c) Carpentry
    (d) Teaching

    Question 12.
    The people of lower caste were not allowed to
    (a) enter the temples
    (b) sit with upper caste’s child in schools
    (c) take water from village well
    (d) all of these
    all of these

    Question 13.
    Name the first leader of India, who shared his first experience of caste-based discrimination?
    (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
    (b) Rabindranath Tagore
    (c) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
    (d) None of these
    Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar

    Question 14.
    Where is Koregaon located these days?
    (a) Bihar
    (b) Haryana
    (c) U.P.
    (d) Maharashtra

    Question 15.
    Who drafted the Indian constitution?
    (a) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
    (b) Mayawati
    (c) Kanshi Ram
    (d) Lal krishan adwani
    Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar

    Question 16.
    For what purpose did Dr. Ambedkar go to England?
    (a) To become a lawyer
    (b) To travel
    (c ) To become a leader
    (d) None of these
    To become a lawyer

    Question 17.
    Which was the caste Dr. Ambedkar belonged to?
    (a) Mahars
    (b) Dalits
    (c) Brahmins
    (d) Sikhs

    Question 18.
    When did India become a free nation?
    (a) in 1947
    (b) in 1948
    (c) in 1950
    (d) in 1960
    in 1947

    Question 19.
    What happened to discrimination after coming of constitution into force?
    (a) The discrimination had gone away
    (b) The discrimination intensified
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these
    The discrimination had gone away

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