Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsMCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Federalism with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Federalism with Answers

Class 10 Social Science MCQs Chapter 2 Federalism

1. Which among the following are examples of ‘Coming together federations’?
(a) India, Spain and Belgium
(b) India, USA and Spain
(c) USA, Switzerland and Australia
(d) Belgium and Sri Lanka


Answer: c

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    2. The Union List includes subjects such as:
    (a) Education, forests, trade unions, marriages, adoption and succession.
    (b) Police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation.
    (c) Residuary subjects like computer software.
    (d) Defence, foreign affairs, banking, currency, communications.


    Answer: d

    3. The system of Panchayati Raj involves:
    (a) Village, State and Union levels
    (b) Village, District and State levels
    (c) Village and State levels
    (d) Village, Block and District levels


    Answer: d

    4. Which one of the following States in India has its own Constitution?
    (a) Uttarakhand
    (b) Madhya Pradesh
    (c) J & K
    (d) Nagaland


    Answer: c

    5. Which of the following countries is an example of “coming together federation”?
    (a) U.S.A
    (b) India
    (c) Spain
    (d) Belgium


    Answer: a

    6. Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Which of the following holds true in the case of India?
    (a) The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.
    (b) Language based states have divided us by making everyone conscious of their language.
    (c) The language policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over all other languages.


    Answer: a

    7. Consider the following statements on the practice of federalism in India. Identify those which hold true for decentralisation after 1992.
    A. Local governments did not have any power or resources of their own.
    B. It became constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies.
    C. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.
    D. No seats are reserved in the elected bodies for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
    (a) B and C
    (b) A and C
    (c) A and D
    (d) B and D


    Answer: a

    8. In a ‘Holding together federation’:
    A. A large country divides its power between constituent states and the national government.
    B. The Central government tends to be more powerful vis-a-vis the States.
    C. All the constituent states usually have equal powers.
    D. Constituent states have unequal powers.
    Which of the above statements are correct?
    (a) A, B, C and D
    (b) A and D
    (c) B and C
    (d) A, B and D


    Answer: d

    Fill in the Blanks

    1. The ………… Government alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List
    2. The Union Government has the power to legislate on ………… subjects which do not fall in any of the three lists.
    3. The ………… plays an important role in overseeing the implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures.
    4. If there is a conflict in the laws made in the concurrent list, the law made by the ………… Government will prevail.
    5. A third tier of government is called ………… government.
    6. When power is taken away from Central and State governments and given to local government, it is called …………
    7. ………… are the local governing bodies in the villages and ………… in urban areas.
    8. The political head of a Municipal Corporation is called the ………… .


    1. Union
    2. Residuary
    3. Judiciary
    4. Union
    5. Local
    6. Decentralisation
    7. (i) Panchayats, (ii) Municipalities 8. Mayor

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