EnglishSpeechSpeech on Importance of Adult Education in simple and easy words

Speech on Importance of Adult Education in simple and easy words

The importance of adult education should not be undermined in the present times, especially when the world has become so modernized. The adult education should be imparted in each and every institution so that the youth of today doesn’t hesitate from discussing their innermost thoughts. We should favor adult education and encourage our government to spread its knowledge everywhere. Therefore, even here the speeches on the importance of adult education have been covered to give a detailed understanding about the subject and enlighten the people. You can in fact refer to both short speeches on the importance of adult education and long speeches on the importance of adult education while writing an assignment or framing a speech for any particular occasion.

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    Long and Short Speech on Importance of Adult Education

    Importance of Adult Education Speech 1

    Good Morning My Dear Friends – I hope you all are doing well in your lives! Since today is a speech ceremony day the topic that I have chosen for myself is the Importance of Adult Education.

    As we all know how much important the adult education is. Not everyone, especially girls, get an opportunity to learn or go for higher studies, but if they do they can realize their dreams and are able to discover the unlimited possibilities associated with their lives. Adult education helps people in becoming more self-sufficient and up-to-date. Many adults who unfortunately remain illiterate consider themselves incapable of learning once they cross their tender age. But we should encourage them and tell them that education has no age limitations. Adult education will not only make them independent, but will also enable them to differentiate between good and bad.

    In the previous times, girls were not allowed to attend school as they were only made to do the household work and were married off quite early – as a result of which they were never able to realize their true potential. Sending girls to attend school was considered a taboo because the people believed that it will make them aware of their rights and they will then start retaliating against the oppressive system prevalent in our society. However, it is when various reforms took place during the colonial period for “female education”; the uneducated women realized the importance of education and began sending their daughters to school. Unfortunately, those very illiterate women continued to remain uneducated. It is through adult education that such women get a chance to realize their dream of acquiring knowledge.

    During the colonial times, children of several poor peasant families couldn’t get any opportunity to learn because they had to contribute towards their family work. At the time when India gained independence, i.e. in the year 1947, the literacy rate in India was 12.2 percent only and today it has reached somewhere around 74 percent. The statistics clearly indicate that the literacy rate in India is successfully growing, but we cannot afford to overlook the yet another big percentage of adult population which remains illiterate. In today’s complex world and modern democracy like ours, Indian citizens ought to be given the gift of education. They should remain aware about what is happening around, such as corruption and terrorist activities. Therefore, in order to given education to the adults, I believe we must encourage adult education in our society.

    Some of the salient features of adult education are given below:

    • Some adults lose the ability to exercise their brain due to continual rest, but if they are involved in the learning process, they will not only gain education, but will also use their time constructively.
    • Research has shown that older people who are actively engaged in learning do not suffer much from poor memory conditions as education keep their mind active.
    • If adults remain busy in some constructive activity, like adult education they will remain happy and positive.

    Thus, adult education should be given due prominence and more and more people should come to the forefront in educating the adults.

    Thank You!

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    Importance of Adult Education Speech 2

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to one and all!

    I am a student of Class – IX and wish to speak on the Importance of Adult Education. You must be wondering why I have chosen to talk on this subject. When I closely observe my surroundings, I find that children are fortunate that they go to school and gain education. But what about those adults who are illiterate and living a miserable life due to poor working conditions and meager family income. The majority of such people tend to get overlooked and pass their whole lives under the burden of illiteracy. They feel ashamed of going to school (specials schools that are meant for them) and remain unaware of the endless opportunities that wait for them if they acquire education. If not anything big, they will at least be able to become self-reliant and will be able to fight against their exploitation that takes place in our society.

    There is no reason to doubt that education plays a very important role in our lives. It is an important foundation for building strong lives, society and then nation as a whole. Thus, education should be imparted to each and every citizen irrespective of what background he/she comes from, irrespective of their gender or what his/her age is. There should not be any set age for gaining knowledge because learning should be a lifelong process. Therefore, if our adults are uneducated we should introduce adult education and teach them necessary skills whereby they can gain better employment opportunities and strengthen themselves as well as their families.

    India is the world’s second largest nation when it comes to the population size; however that big part of the population is afflicted with illiteracy and lack even basic education or knowledge. In order to bring down the illiteracy rate or create a boost in the literacy rate; adult education becomes of paramount importance.

    Adult education is defined as that system of education which is aimed at giving opportunity to the adults who couldn’t study in their childhood due to any reason possible. Therefore, adult education opens another door of opportunity for them to get educated and acquire some skills and become able to read, write and gain knowledge of new things. In order to realize the importance of education, it becomes important to become educated first as an uneducated person will not be able to give value to education and this thought cannot contribute towards the growth and development of our society and nation as a whole.

    Moreover, in order to give right direction to the upcoming generation, our present generation needs to be sufficiently educated so that they can guide their next generation in the way that it leads to the progress of families, societies and nation as a whole and where the youth can feel responsible towards his/her family and motherland. It is not about giving adults the bookish knowledge, but social education so that they can lead their lives healthily and acquire a sensible understanding of things. Please remember that ignoring education is even a more grave sin than remaining illiterate because such people are a burden to the humanity and cannot lead it.

    So let’s take a pledge of educating our adults and giving them the light of knowledge so that they can also shine in their own ways.

    Thanks You!

    Importance of Adult Education Speech 3

    Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Colleagues and Lovely Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!! Hope this day finds you in a good spirit!

    Children, as you all know that our school is going to be a part of one education program, run by an NGO, meant for the adults. It is considered important to educate our children on the sensitivity of Adult Education and why it is so important in our present-day society. I hope you understand that democracy in the absence of education is meaningless. It is knowledge or education that helps a nation progress and takes it to the great heights of achievement. But sadly speaking, the current situation in India is so distressing that the majority of our population lives under deplorable conditions and cannot afford even basic education. Currently, more than half of the people in India are illiterate who cannot even understand what is good for them or not. They work at meager wages and let themselves be exploited by the capitalist system.

    Adult education is the desperate need of the hour because it is being a powerful auxiliary, including a pertinent incentive to basic education. If our adult will remain uneducated, the government effort to achieve complete literacy rate in our country will not come to fruition.

    Social education is required so that our adult can utilize their time in recreational activities and towards building a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, ignorance and illiteracy are a sin and illiterate adults are no less than a burden in our society. They are like stagnant water that cannot breed new life. Therefore, we should try and promote adult education in our living surroundings. The aim of all good teaching boils down to produce positive changes in human behavior and develop compassion, empathy and sensitivity towards their fellow beings. Adult education can prove to be a great emancipator for the adults in our society, if done rightfully and with a good heart.

    Here are a few important points in relation with adult education, let’s try and understand these:

    • We should understand that not every adult has had the opportunity to become educated. But when they are turned old and getting an opportunity to learn and discover a new side to themselves they should not get discouraged and go ahead.
    • Learning is a lifelong process and if adult people are getting to gain knowledge even at this juncture, it should be much appreciated.
    • Adult education will make the adults confident about themselves and empower them to take sensible decisions about their lives.
    • The aptitude and confidence gained through adult education will prove to be valuable not only for them, but also for their families and communities.
    • It will give adults the opportunity to better their skills and place themselves well in the employment sector.
    • Last but not the least, it will also bring down the illiteracy rate in our country and contribute in the overall growth of our nation.

    Thus, the potential of adult education should be unleashed so that more and more people can benefit out of it and make our place a better place to live in.

    Thank You!

    Importance of Adult Education Speech 4

    Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Heartiest Greetings to all!

    I, Mrs. Shalini Avasthi, your Civics Teacher would want to take this opportunity on our Annual Function Day for delivering a speech on the importance of Adult Education. Children, as you all know, that the root cause of evil in this world is illiteracy. It hinders in the way of progress and development of a nation. The darkness of illiteracy engulfs everything and leaves people’s lives dissipated. They fail to realize the significance of their existence and live an animal-like existence. They are not able to understand what exactly they want from their lives and remain contended in living a mechanical life.

    I know it is not possible to carry the torch of education everywhere, but in whatever small ways we can help in educating the adults, we should do and try to free them from their lifelong suffering. By educating the adults we can give them a purpose of life and improve their standard of living.

    Our Indian Constitution has made universal compulsory education an indispensable part of the state’s directive principle; however very little has been done towards this direction. There are still plenty of opportunities for the children to get educated, but our adults seldom get any platform to polish their skills or gain knowledge so that they can also embark on the path of wisdom.

    The problems related with adult education are many. Firstly, the illiterate people are leading a dreadful existence. They are not able to attend the schools. Even attending evening classes is not possible for them because they work day and night to fill their empty stomachs. Therefore, offering adult education in the absence of proper food, clothing and shelter is almost like causing a mockery of their situation. We should try to understand the gravity of the situation. It is Kerala that has been able to uproot the evil of illiteracy from its region. In fact, every other state should try to follow its footsteps and promote adult education proactively everywhere.

    But the question that now arises is how adult education can be promoted so that more and more people can benefit out of it? It can be promoted in a number of ways. If every literate person can take out some time to teach the uneducated masses, it will serve a great purpose. Mass campaigns should be run to encourage adult education if not at a global level, then at least at a national level. Its importance can be taught through the medium of radio, television and other medium of instruction. It also becomes the responsibility of the government to create favorable conditions for the adults where they can become a part of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs.

    The establishment of modern libraries should be facilitated, especially in villages. Village libraries must own a collection of informative or educational books. Latest journals and leaflets should be there in order to spread more awareness amongst the masses. Attaining a 100 percent literacy of the masses is a huge task and everyone must work towards achieving it.

    Thank You!

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