WorksheetPreposition of Time Worksheet

Preposition of Time Worksheet

Prepositions of time are essential elements in English that help us describe when something happens. These prepositions—”in,” “on,” and “at”—indicate specific points or periods of time, such as dates, days of the week, months, years, and parts of the day. By mastering the use of these prepositions, you can communicate more clearly and accurately about events and activities.

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    This Preposition of Time Worksheet will guide you through various exercises to practice and reinforce your understanding of prepositions of time, ensuring you use them correctly in your writing and speech

    Also Check: Prepositions of Place Worksheet

    Preposition of Time Worksheet with Answers

    Exercise 1 – Fill in the Blanks

    Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of time: “in,” “on,” or “at.”

    1. The parent-teacher meeting is ___ 10 A.M.
    2. I do not have any classes ___ Sunday.
    3. This year it started to snow ___ November.
    4. Yasmin’s birthday is ___ 31st December.
    5. The stars twinkle brightly ___ night.
    6. I’ll meet you ___ Thursday.
    7. The principal is not present ___ the moment.
    8. My mother will come back ___ minutes.
    9. Dimple will visit her grandmother ___ March.
    10. ___ 1857, the Sepoy Mutiny took place.
    11. Yash’s uncle passed away ___ Monday.
    12. ___ the winter, we prefer staying indoors.
    13. ___ Sunday, they’ll talk about the Pyramids on the National Geographic channel.
    14. My uncle will arrive ___ dinner time.
    15. Tina had learnt to speak French ___ 6 weeks.

    Also Check: Preposition Worksheet for Class 7

    Answers for Exercise 1:

    1. at
    2. on
    3. in
    4. on
    5. at
    6. on
    7. at
    8. in
    9. in
    10. In
    11. on
    12. In
    13. On
    14. at
    15. in

    Exercise 2 – Identify the Prepositions

    Underline the prepositions of time in the following sentences.

    1. My grandparents got married on 31st December 1957.
    2. I will meet you at 6 o’clock on Sunday.
    3. On a Christmas evening, we met in Amsterdam.
    4. The train will leave at 5 A.M. on Sunday morning.
    5. My vacation ends on Tuesday.
    6. On 25th January, at 6:30 P.M., my niece was born.
    7. Migratory birds fly to warmer places in the winter.
    8. On my birthday, my mom bakes my favourite cookies.
    9. “At 12 o’clock, the magic will start to fade,” said the fairy godmother.
    10. In the summer, you should keep water bowls for birds.

    Answers for Exercise 2:

    1. on
    2. at, on
    3. On, in
    4. at, on
    5. on
    6. On, at
    7. in
    8. On
    9. At
    10. In

    Also Check: Preposition Worksheet for Class 8

    Exercise 3 – Circle the Correct Preposition

    Circle the correct preposition in each sentence.

    1. Farmers pick cherries ___ summer.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    2. Mollie’s birthday is ___ Tuesday so we have only two days to prepare a surprise party.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    3. ___ Father’s Day, I will give a nice present to my father.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    4. The football match is ___ 8 o’clock. Shall we watch it together?
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    5. I get up early ___ the morning and have a big breakfast.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    6. The bell rings ___ noon, and the students have their lunch.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    7. Sarah would like to get a nice pink dress ___ her birthday.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    8. My father sometimes comes home late ___ night.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    9. I will graduate from secondary school ___ 2015.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at
    10. Turkish people celebrate Children’s Day ___ April 23.
      a) in
      b) on
      c) at

    Also Check: Preposition Worksheet Class 6

    Answers for Exercise 3:

    1. a
    2. b
    3. b
    4. c
    5. a
    6. c
    7. b
    8. c
    9. a
    10. b

    Exercise 4 – Fill in the Blanks

    Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of time: “in,” “on,” or “at.”

    1. The meeting is going to start ___ ten o’clock ___ the morning.
    2. World Environment Day is ___ June 5.
    3. Look! Phoebe is having toast and coke ___ the moment.
    4. I want to see the lions ___ lunchtime.
    5. Benjamin feels very tired ___ Fridays. He has a French course after school.
    6. Theo and Liam will be in Hawaii ___ July. They will spend their holiday there.
    7. What does Hannah like doing ___ her free time?
    8. People play practical jokes on each other ___ April Fools’ Day.
    9. It is dangerous to go out here ___ night because there are wild animals.
    10. ___ 20 August 2009, Ellie and Finley got married.
    11. People in this village pick mushrooms ___ spring after a lot of rain.
    12. I will finish university and get a good job ___ 2018.
    13. Jayden and Lexi met ___ a cold and snowy day in Paris.
    14. Some people wake up ___ sunrise and go jogging.
    15. I think people will travel by flying cars ___ the 22nd century.

    Answers for Exercise 4:

    1. at, in
    2. on
    3. at
    4. at
    5. on
    6. in
    7. in
    8. on
    9. at
    10. On
    11. in
    12. in
    13. on
    14. at
    15. in

    Also Check: Preposition Worksheet for Class 10

    Exercise 5 – Sentence Rearrangement

    Rearrange the sentences and add more prepositions of time.

    1. She goes to dance class ___ Wednesdays.
    2. The children start school ___ 8 o’clock.
    3. They practice soccer ___ Saturday.
    4. Sir Isaac Newton was born ___ the 17th century.
    5. The boys start eating their lunch ___ 12:00.
    6. At breakfast, she drinks coffee with only sugar.
    7. It snows all the time ___ December.
    8. In the middle ages, armies used swords.
    9. She had the job interview ___ the 2nd of June.
    10. The boys always have fun ___ festivals.
    11. They got married ___ August.
    12. They had a baby ___ 2016.
    13. The surgery occurred ___ January 3, 2018.
    14. On Saturday, we usually go to the park.
    15. The birds fly south ___ winter.

    Answers for Exercise 5:

    1. on
    2. at
    3. on
    4. in
    5. at
    6. at
    7. in
    8. in
    9. on
    10. at
    11. in
    12. in
    13. on
    14. on
    15. in
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