Study MaterialsCBSE NotesAP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 1

AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 1

AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 1



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    1. The Himalayan rivers are perennial, which meahs these rivers are filled with water throughout the year.What are the two reasons that they are called perennial rivers?
    2.’Though there has been an increase in urbanization, the necessity of providing basic infrastructure that can support this growth is missing.’
    What is your opinion on the conditions of urban poor people?
    3.Read the following paragraph and answer the following question.
    When males leave their families, this is also a major challenge for women who have to take care of all the responsibilities of the family and elderly people who need care. Young girls in such – families are required to take care of siblings and many of them become dropouts.
    What is the effect on girls if the head of the family migrates?
    4. What do you suggest to overcome the problems of foreign migrants?
    GROUP -B
    5. What are the aims and objectives that are directed by the landless rural workers or labourers?
    6. State why the organized sector is better than the unorganized sector.
    7. The Indian government came out with a new law in 2013 called the National Food Security Act to legalize people’s right to food. What do you suggest to implement this Act?
    8. Why did the people of Jalsindhi village refuse to move out of the village?


    9. According to the given table below, which area is the eastern side?
    10. Taking into consideration the past history and the present timings, state the causes for the escalation of population in Visakhapatnam according to your observation.
    11. In which decade had the population of Delhi increased unusually? According to your opinion, what might be the main reason for the population increase?
    12. What is the main factor of production in the agricultural sector?
    13. What are the two ways which you would suggest for the eradication of malnutrition among the children?
    14. What is the active role of the judiciary in implementing food security in India? How is this role useful to children?


    GROUP -A
    15. What is the geographical impact of the Himalayas in influencing the Indian climate?
    16. “The Indian agriculture depends completely on the monsoon.” Describe the cycle of the monsoon patterns.
    17. Answer the following of questions based on the graph given below
    (A) From which year did the population increase continuously ?
    (B) What is the present population of India ?
    (C) In which decade is the population growth less?
    (D) For how many years is the census being taken in India?
    18. In which place has the water level gone down in your area? What are the reasons for the reduction of water levels according to your opinion?

    GROUP -B
    19. What is the influence of globalization on the Indian economic system? What are the advantages of extending globalization to India? Express your opinion.
    20.How does the lifestyle of people influence the environment? What are your suggestions to protect the environment?
    21. “Central and State Governments purchase one-third of food grains from farmers. Through different programmes, these food grains are distributed to people.”
    Do you think that the public distribution system managed by the government is providing proper food security? Express your opinion in an elaborate manner.
    22. Based on the pie chart and the particulars given below, answer the questions.
    (A) Which kind of houses are more in Rampur village?
    (B) In which category does 60% of Rampur village belong?
    (C) State approximately, the number of middle class people in Rampur village.
    (D) Which category of people live in the terraced houses built with cement and bricks?


    23. 1) The course of river Sindhu
    2) The mountain peak of Dodabetta
    3) Kolkata
    4) Sahyadri mountains
    5) Thar desert
    1. Deccan plateau
    2) Coastline of Konkan
    3) Chilka lake
    4) Tropic of Cancer
    5) Visakhapatnam





    GROUP -A

    1. What are the two reasons that they are called perennial rivers?
    A. 1. The Himalayan rivers are perennial rivers as a result of melting of ice and glaciers.
    2. During rainy season they depend on rainfall.
    So they are filled with water throughout the year.

    2. What is your opinion on the conditions of urban poor people?
    A. Due to urbanisation, the people of surrounding villages are reaching the towns and cities. Many of them are working in unorganised sector. As they are economically backward, they are settling in slum areas.
    Usually they are occupying government unorganised (porambok) areas for their residences. Govt, also building colonies for them.
    Ex: Vambey Colony
    But the slum areas in which they are living are lack of water, sanitation and toilet facilities. Mostly they are living in ill-healthy conditions.

    3. What is the effect on girls if the head of the family migrates?
    A.When the head of the family migrates, the burden of the family falls on the woman. She has to work, earn and lead the family. As she works outside of the house, the girl children should take care of the younger children and elder people in the home, So they are becoming dropouts.

    4. What do you suggest to overcome the problems of foreign migrants?
    A. The foreign migrants should take many necessary steps. They should opt proper in­termediaries for selecting jobs. Agreements should be written properly with legal aid.

    GROUP -B
    5. What are the aims and objectives that are directed by the landless rural workers or labourers?
    A. The aims and objectives that are directed by the landless rural workers or labourers :
    1. Some more days work.
    2. Still better wages.
    3. Better education to their children in the local govt, school.
    4. No social discrimination.
    5. Chances of leadership activities etc.,

    6. State why the organized sector is better than the unorganized sector.
    A. Organised sector is better than unorganised sector. The reasons are :
    Organised sector covers those enterprises or places of work where the terms of employment are regular and therefore, people have assured work. They are registered by the government and have to follow its rules and regulations which are given in various laws such as the Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Shops and Establish­ments Act etc. It is called organised because it has some formal processes and procedures. Workers in the organised sector enjoy security of employment. They are expected to work only for a fixed number of hours. If they work more, they have to be paid overtime by the employer. They also get several other benefits from the employers. They get paid leave, payment during holidays, provident fund, etc. They are supposed to get medical benefits and, under the laws, the employer has to ensure facilities like drinking water and a safe working environment. When they retire, many of these workers get pensions as well. People who work in the government or with companies or large establishments are all in the organised sector.

    7. The Indian government came out with a new law in 2013 called the National Food Security Act to legalize people’s right to food. What do you suggest to implement this Act?
    A. My suggestions :
    1. Subsidy rice should be given to the people of low income group .
    2. More rice should be given to very poor people.
    3. Dal, oil, tamarind and jaggery etc. also should be supplied to these people through PDS.
    4. MDM scheme should be implemented with more efforts.

    8. Why did the people of Jalsindhi village refuse to move out of the village?
    A. Jalsindhi is a village on the banks of Narmada river near forests. The people of Jalsindhi are leading their lives with nature. They grow crops for their food only. They rear animals also. They didn’t like urban areas, few crops, small houses etc. So they refused to move out of the village.


    9. According to the given table below, which area is the eastern side?
    A. According to the given table Imphal is located on the east side.

    10. Taking into consideration the past history and the present timings, state the causes for the escalation of population in Visakhapatnam according to your observation.
    A. Visakhapatnam is a port city. It developed industrially. Many people come for work and settled in Visakhapatnam. So the population increased in Visakhapatnam.

    11. In which decade had the population of Delhi increased unusually? According to your opinion, what might be the main reason for the population increase?
    A. The population Of increased mostly in the decades of 1981 and 1991.
    1. I think the reasons are
    2. It is our national capital.
    3. It’s development.

    12. What is the main factor of production in the agricultural sector?
    A. The main factor of production in the agriculture sector is land.

    13. What are the two ways which you would suggest for the eradication of malnutrition among the children?
    A. My suggestions :
    1. Sufficient food should be given to the children.
    2. Children should be given nutritious food with low cost.

    14. What is the active role of the judiciary in implementing food security in India? How is this role useful to children?
    A. In recent time, the Indian Judiciary also has become pro-active in ensuring food security. Through judicial verdict on court cases filed by non-governmental organisation. The Supreme Court directed all the state government and central government to provide Mid-day-meals to all the young children studying in schools. The court also setup monitonius mechanism and provided suggestions for better implementations.


    15. What is the geographical impact of the Himalayas in influencing the Indian climate?
    A. The geographical impact of the Himalayas in influencing the Indian climate:
    The formation of the Himalayas influences the climate in various ways. These act as barriers protecting the great plains of India from the cold winds of central Asia during severe winter. The Himalayas are reason for summer rains and monsoon type of climate in regions that are beyond the western ghats of India. In its absence this region would have remained drier. The Himalayan Rivers have a perennial flow since these are fed by the glaciers and bring a lot of silt, making these plains very fertile.

    16. “The Indian agriculture depends completely on the monsoon.” Describe the cycle of the monsoon patterns.
    A. The climate of India is strongly influenced by the monsoon winds. The sailors who came to India during olden days noticed the regular periodic reversal of winds. They used these winds to sail towards the Indian coast. Arab traders named this seasonal reversal of wind system ‘monsoon’.
    1) The monsoon forms in the tropical area approximately between 20°N and 20°S latitudes.
    2) The heating of land creates low pressure on the Iandmass of Indian subcontinent.
    3) Southwest monsoon ‘on set’ reaches Kerala and gives rain to western ghats and northeast India except in coramandal coast.
    4) It is operated in two branches, Arabian sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch.
    5) Retreat of the monsoon is marked by clear skies and rise in temperature.
    6) Lower pressure conditions move to Bay of Bengal by early November.
    7) Bulk of the rainfall of the coramandal coast is derived from depressions and cyclones.

    17. (A) From Which year did the population increase continuously?
    A. From the year 1921 the population increased continuously.
    (B) What is the present population of India?\
    A. The present population of India is 121 crores.
    (C) In which decade is the population growth less?
    A. The population growth is less in the decade 1911-21.
    (D) For how many years is the census being taken in India?
    A. The census is being taken in India for ten years once.

    18. In which place has the water level gone down in your area? What are the reasons for the reduction of water levels according to your opinion?
    A. The water level gone down in many of our areas. The groundwater is useful for both domestic purpose and for agriculture. If groundwater is not available there will be many problems. .
    My opinion is that because of modernization of agriculture motor pumps of high horsepower are being used. Very deep bore wells cause for drawing out water from the ground. Water has become a source of business many Multinational companies draw water and sell in the form of bottles. Water conservation is also a major issue and it is taken as a serious one.

    GROUP -B
    19. What is the influence of globalization on the Indian economic system? What are the advantages of extending globalization to India? Express your opinion.
    A. Globalisation has been of advantage to consumers, particularly the well-off sections in the urban areas. There is greater choice before these consumers who now enjoy improved quality and lower prices for several products. As a result, these people today enjoy much higher standards of living than was possible earlier. Among producers and workers, the impact of globalisation has not been uniform
    Firstly, MNCs have increased their investments in India, which means investing in India has been beneficial for them. MNCs have been interested in industries such as cell phones, automobiles, electronics, soft drinks, fast food or services such as banking in urban areas. These products have a large number of well-off buyers. In these industries and services, new jobs have been created. Also, local companies supplying raw materials, etc., to these industries have prospered.
    Secondly, several of the top Indian companies have been able to benefit from the increased competition. They have invested in newer technology and production methods and raised their production standards. Some have gained from successful collaborations with foreign companies.
    Moreover, globalisation has enabled some large Indian companies to emerge as multinationals themselves!
    Globalisation has also created new opportunities for companies providing services, particularly those involving IT. The Indian company producing a magazine for the London based company and call centres are some examples. Besides, a host of ser­vices such as data entry, accounting, administrative tasks, engineering are now being done cheaply in countries such as India and are exported to the developed countries.

    20. How does the lifestyle of people influence the environment? What are your suggestions to protect the environment?
    A. There is a strong bondage between the life style of human kingdom and environment’. Environment fulfills many of our needs. The people of a region lives according to their environment. Their traditions, cultures, festivals etc., are based on their environment.
    My Suggestions :
    1. Natural resources should be used limitedly.
    2. Forest should not be cut down. We should take care of them.
    3. Industrial wastes should be recycled.
    4. The establishment of industries which release more pollution should be restricted.
    5. People should be enriched with the knowledge of environment.

    21. Do you think that the public distribution system managed by the government is providing proper food security? Express your opinion in an elaborate manner.
    A. Fair price shops are most important means of foodgrains in India. Government is supplying foodgrains at low prices to the needy people.
    The Indian government came out with a new law in 2013 called the National Food Security Act to legalise peoples’ Right to Food. It applies to approximately 2/ 3rd of the population of India. As per this law, every person of low income families is entitled to 5 kilograms of foodgrains per month at subsidised rates. Among poor families, the poorest ones are entitled to 35 kilograms of foodgrains. For a few years, the central government will supply rice, wheat and millets for Rs.3, Rs.2 and Rs.l respectively Under this law, if required, a maximum of 75 per cent of people living in rural areas and 50 per cent of urban population have the right to buy foodgrains from public distribution system. If the government is not able to arrange foodgrains, it will give cash for the people to buy foodgrains. This law also envisages providing free cooked meals for pregnant women, lactating mothers, children aged 1- 6 coming to anganwadis and mid-day meals for children aged 6-14 in schools.
    Thus governments are distributing foodgrains to people through different programmes.

    22. (A) Which kind of houses are more in Rampur Village?
    A. Huts and thatched houses are more in Rampur village.
    (B) In which category does 60% of Rampur village belong?
    A. 60% of Rampur village belong to the poor class.
    (C) State approximately, the number of middle class People in Rampur village.
    A. 25% people of Rampur belong to middle class.
    (D) Which category of people live in the terraced houses built with cement and bricks?
    A. Rich people live in the terraced houses built with cement and bricks.


    23. 1) The course of river Sindhu
    2) The mountain peak of Dodabetta
    3) Kolkata
    4) Sahyadri mountains
    5) Thar desert
    1)Deccan plateau
    2) Coastline of Konkan
    3) Chilka lake
    Tropic of Cancer
    5) Visakhapatnam


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