BiologyDifference between voluntary and involuntary muscles

Difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles

What is Muscle?

Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles: A muscle is an organ that contracts to produce movement. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Muscles produce force by contracting and pulling on bones.

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    Difference between Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles

    What are Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles?

    They are those muscles that we can consciously control, whereas involuntary muscles are those muscles that we cannot consciously control. The muscles in our heart are involuntary, for example, whereas the muscles in our biceps are voluntary.

    Differences between Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles

    There are several key differences between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are those that we can consciously control, while involuntary muscles are those that we cannot consciously control. They usually attached to bones, while involuntary muscles are not. It usually used for movement, while involuntary muscles are responsible for things like digestion and breathing. It innervated by the somatic nervous system, while involuntary muscles innervated by the autonomic nervous system.

    The most obvious is that voluntary muscles are under our conscious control, while involuntary muscles are not. Voluntary muscles are also much stronger and can generate more force. This is because they are thicker and have more muscle fibers. Finally, it can fatigue more quickly than involuntary muscles.

    Skeletal Muscle

    Skeletal muscle is a type of muscle in the body that is responsible for voluntary movement. It attached to bones by tendons and controlled by the brain. Skeletal muscle is responsible for activities such as walking, running, and lifting weights.

    Smooth Muscles

    Smooth muscle is a type of muscle that is not under voluntary control. It found in the walls of the hollow organs of the body such as the stomach, intestines, and bladder, and in the walls of blood vessels. Smooth muscle contracts slowly and rhythmically, and can stretch to a certain degree.

    Cardiac Muscles

    They are a type of muscle tissue found in the heart. The cardiac muscles are responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. The cardiac muscles are unique in that they can contract both rhythmically and in a coordinated manner.

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